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Daddy left today and now we are a LDR

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I need some little advice and help.I know Daddy loves me but im so scared. What if he finds a woman thats strong and independent or another little?What if he gets bored of me? He promised nothing would change but im so scared it will. I said goodbye today and i wont see him til November. I dont thibk he has wifi or service rn. Because of this idk when we will speak again.
If it works, it works. If it doesn't...well, it wasn't legit.
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Guest Lightofmylife

All I can say is, trust him when he says that nothing will change. Have faith that things will work out between you both. Try not think that he will leave you or be with someone else, because then you will worry even more. Have you two ever been far away from each other before? 

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Not to compare our situations or anything as I understand mine was only temporary but when my Daddy went away on holidays with his family for a month I went through the exact same thoughts- what if he found somebody better, was he REALLY missing me or just SAYING he missed me etc; obviously I knew these thoughts were irrational but I still had a tiny grain of negativity in my mind right uo until he got home, even then I wondered was he happy to see me, did he miss me.....until he pulled out the photos he'd taken while he was away- every second photo was of something that had made him think of me, one had even been taken of a painting in a pub while he was on a boys night out with his siblings and cousins because he just knew I'd love the cute animal in it. I know it seems so small and stupid but it nearly made me cry because even hundreds of thousands of miles away, in the middle of a night out, (presumably somewhat intoxicated :p) he had thought of me. My point is its always the little things that matter but that is true most of all during long distance periods. There are sooooo many helps discussion threads on this websites about sweet things LDRs can do for each other and how to maintain connected, perhaps you and your Daddy could read some of them, you might find some helpful tips :) Sorry if i wasn't very helpful :p
If he wanted another woman, he could find one on the next street. He wouldn't have to go far away. Distance doesn't make cheating more likely. Character does, or rather lack of it.
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Posted (edited)

I was in an LDR for 15 months where he was 9134 miles away.


The BIGGEST thing you need to remember is this: do NOT let your doubt and your insecurity ruin the relationship.


LIFE happens - as you said he may not be able to be reached right now. Which means in the future he may not as well, so prepare for that. Prepare for missed nights, prepare for unexpected plan changes and most importantly... remember that all of his time should not be spent pining after you. THAT would be unhealthy. Don't get me wrong, he should and he will miss you. But don't be upset if he has a guys' night, or has a late luncheon for work, etc.


Real Life is harder to ignore than LDR. THAT is what no one tells you. You can easily text "hey, I cant chat right now, love you :heart: " .... yet if a person was to just show up, it is a lot harder to put them aside because they are literally right there. That was the hardest thing I had to get accustom to, being second to RL. 


Daddy never put me second, not at all. But RL takes priority. And it did for me too! When I was at home and my baby brother came into the room, I instantly slammed the Skype window shut and saw what was up with my brother, because... who knows what is going on?! So Daddy and I had to come up with a shorthand system and then we had to understand that we would not be as reachable as we like because we are officially LDR.


Its okay to be afraid, and you know what? Its EVEN BETTER if you let your Daddy know. That way he can make more of an effort to reassure you and validate your concerns and liberate you from your fears. You need to keep communicating with him until now to November and DO NOT EVER STOP the communication. In an LDR, once the communication stops, the relationship is dead. So never be afraid to communicate these things, they mean you still care.


I really wish you both the very best and I hope the time flies and you two enjoy the holidays together! :heart:

Edited by Little Illy
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Thank you guys you all helped very much. Youre right i just need to have faith and breathe.
Posted (edited)
No we haven't been far away before.We broke up a long time ago because he was unfaithful and going through a hard time and it impacted our relationship. We were in highschool and minors then. He later came back and apologized and said he realized what he gad dine and wished he never had.Weve been together for a year and 3 months now and his loyalty has been to the extreme without me having to say anything. Like he will block girls that text him that he doesnt know, when girls go up to him in public places he sends them away. His friends tell me this all the time. My mom tells me awful things about this situation because she wants us to break up. She says things like "if youre not having sex with him someone else will and is" and things like "how are yall going to stay together when there will be so much distance and so many more [other girls] options." she plays on my insecurities and it makes it worse.I have told her many times that love and sex are not the same thing and love is more important that physical things but she just laughs and says I wouldnt understand because Im a child. Im 18. She thinks idk what love is because of my age. She says she is surprised we are still together. Edited by LittleQueen2000
Guest Lightofmylife

I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I can also see why you would worry about the distance, but try to trust him. I think if someone loves you then they would wait until you're ready for intimacy (not sure if you two have been intimate before but if so then he will wait til he see you again), so I don't know why your mom keeps telling you that and making you feel worse regarding your situation. Try not to listen to her when she says that cause then you may start to worry again. If he is loyal as you said he is, then no woman will make him leave you or cheat on you. Like I said before, just have faith and trust him.  :D  I wish you two best of luck.

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