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Snapped into little space in public?! Halllpp

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It's definitely happened to me, not necessarily with a Daddy either. Someone that's occasionally my Dom is in our group of friends, so a look brings me back to those times and makes me all wiggly! It's been harder and harder to hide, so my choice was to be open with some aspects and keep myself in the in-between zone if I can't snap back to my Big self. My workplace is a relaxed environment, so I can get away with it there as well, to a lesser degree. So, all that to say that you're not alone! 

I stay in middle space. People just look at me funny and if they have no idea what DDlg is they dismiss it for being goofy or silly if they do know they never say anything but sometimes when they play along i suspect they might know the lifestyle which is becoming quite popular ive noticed LOL so don't worry i think its normal to slip into little space from time to time its just how you handle yourself as well as how your Daddy handles you that will raise the eyebrow of others. Be playful and positive if it happens again and you'll probably just be deemed goofy or silly

I think it sounds like you handled it very well (with your daddies help) so take a moment to congratulate yourself that you did well and then take a moment to breathe and relax.


Obviously I can't really help you in finding out what was different than all the other times. Could've been that you were alone with your daddy at first - are the others usually there before you arrive?

Could've been a discussion you had earlier that day that you vaguely remembered while his eyes were on you.

Could've been a song that was played nearby, you might not even have noticed on a conscious level. Could just be that you haven't slept well lately, were stressed or just the opposite more relaxed than usual.

You can try to nail it down and avoid whatever triggered it but that doesn't mean a similar thing can't happen some time in the future for other reasons. It's not easy to understand how our own brains work.

On the other hand that means, you might never know why it happened but never run into that particular problem again.


What you want to do is up to you. I guess I would try to come up with a plan how to ground yourself if you ever need to. But try not to stress about it.


Unfortunately, I don't have many suggestions for ways to pull yourself out of "little space" because for me there's not really a clear distinction between big and little me.

Sorry if this isn't helpful but I mean you mainly wanted to know if others had similar experiences, right? I think quite a few people have. For me it's a gradual thing so I can't remember having a lot of trouble with it. Though there have been situations that I regret.


Trust that you'll find your way. Take care.

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