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Ideas Needed

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I'm going on a reaaaallly long road trip and need to know what to pack for my little side (Big me is taken care of). I will be in cold and hot weather and below are a few destinations:

* Museums

* Disney World **and** Disney Land

* Truck Celebration with Carnival Games

* The Beach

* and so much more


I need ideas for activities on the road and off, cutesie outfit ideas, snackies ideas, etc. Any ideas at all!!


I am doing something similar!

1. I went to the dollar store and got some really cute activity packs and coloring books.

2. Get some children’s books. I find physical books bulky so I use an app called overdrive that lets me rent ebooks and audiobooks from my library. Children’s audiobooks are really great for roadtrips, just make sure to download a few and bring headphones. Overdrive automatically returns the books you rent so that is also really stress free.

3. I like snack bags. Fill a few ziplocks with some yummy cereal pieces, graham crackers/animal crackers, gushers/fruit roll up and also some celery or carrot sticks. Bring a sippee cup or juice boxes of your choice.

4. If you have netflix, download some little-friendly movies or shows before the trip.

5. If I am packing light, I bring only one stuffed animal that should be small enough to fit in my purse. I usually buy stuffies when I travel, so leave room in luggage for future friends and stowaways.

6. My littlespace is super private so I only bring little outfits that I will sleep in as pajamas to help me decompress. But you do you!!

7. WIPES! Makeup wipes, pacifier wipes, baby wipes, etc. They are amazing during trips for any and every reason.


I hope you have a fun trip!!

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Sorry if this is a bit rambly but I LOVE packing for holidays so I'm just going to list a whole bunch of stuff- Lots of apps for your phone/ipad, colouring books and pencils, tiny stuffies you can take everywhere, a fluffy blanket and pillow for the long drives, a cute diary to write everything down in, some cheesy old pocket games, little lunch box to pack snacks, a drink bottle with a sippie spout so it doesn't spill in the car, a sunshade for your window (I HATE the hot sun when streaming in through the window), maybe a cute animal seatbelt cover (it stops the seatbelt from digging into you), also this is big me talking but vacuum seal bags are a life saver when i travel (you can pack a wholeee bunch of clothes and stuffies in the smallest space ever, it's great!) :p
Guest Babykitkat 23

Oooo that sounds so cool. Hmm I would say ask your DD/MD/CG for help.


But I would say bring a sippy or water bottle for water....LOTSA WATER.

Bring a bunch of crayons and coloring stuff....LOTSA pictures to be mad especially at Disney world and Disney Land.

Games to play...like DS/GAME BOY/PHONE/TABLET. bringer a charger for it to.

I can't think of anything else...

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