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Hi all, 


My name is George and I'm a fairly new daddy to an amazing little. This question is a bit embarrassing for me to ask but I'm hoping someone on here will be able to give me some advice. This is both of our first time in a DDLG relationship and it is a long distance relationship. We have met up before but only for short visits (we only live about 4 hours from each other). This Thursday, since my little is off college for the Summer, she is going to come visit for a full week and I'm extremely excited! The only thing I'm slightly worried about is punishment. 


Up until now, we have had rules, rewards, and punishments but those have all been long distance (timeouts, early bed time, writing assignment, etc). We never bothered doing punishments when we met up as we would usually meet in public in between the two of us so it was only a 2 hour drive for each of us (and of course we could not do punishments in public). We always did agree however that once we started visiting each other for longer stretches of time, that we would start implementing spanking as a form of punishment (neither of us ever liked the idea of self-spanking over skype). My little has been acting out a bit as usual (more so probably since she's been so excited to be done with school for the year) and in anticipation for the fact that we are going to be seeing each other so soon, I have been putting of punishing her long distance and promised her a spanking when we meet up instead. Like I said before, this is a form of punishment that we have both agreed to, and even though she seems a bit nervous about it, she accepts it. 


The issue is that I myself am a bit nervous about carrying out this promised punishment. It's not that I'm having second guesses or anything, she definitely deserves it and we've talked lots and agreed that spanking is a method of punishment we want to use, it's just that I have never spanked someone as punishment before and am not really sure how to go about it. I of course know things like having a safe word and SSC so it's not so much a matter of safety (she has no fears about that either) however I'm just not sure how to start it without being awkward or how to implement the spanking itself as a punishment (compared to a fun spanking which I have done in the past). 


Sorry for the long read and awkward question, I just don't know how to go about this and I'm worried that I'm going to mess up and let my little down (like I said it's not safety, I know I won't go too far. I'm just worried I'll be overly awkward about it or make her laugh or something). Any help or advice from Littles and Caregivers with more experience would be much appreciated! Thanks all!

Guest Arc

I think you're just overthinking it. Things always seem like they could go incredibly awkwardly in theory, but in practice you're in another mindset and you have a set goal and you just do it. My ex talked about this a lot. He would always say he felt uneasy trying something new, but when he did it it just felt natural. So... stop overthinking it. Lay out a basic plan if you think that well help. Things like... what position you want her in - over your lap or bent over something, if you want her to say anything (counting, thank you, etc), and how you want her dressed (panties up or down, for example). That way you can go into it and not have to think about what you want her to do - you can just do it. For example, you can have her put her panties down to her knees, pull her over your lap, and make her count each spank and say thank you after. If you know what you want before it happens it may seem less intimidating. 


Implementing it as a punishment rather than a fun spanking is easy. It's just about intention, so just be clear about what's happening. Tell her why she is being punished. You could also have her thank you for correcting her after every spank. I personally find having panties pulled down a clear indication that it's not just for fun because I find that humiliating. On or off is normal, but around your knees is different. And at the end you can ask her if she's sorry/ if she's learned her lesson. That just makes it really clear it was a correction thing. 

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