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Questions about Caregivers

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A little background info, my Daddy and I are poly, I'm a switch, he is not. He has three littles (myself included) and for now I do not want one. We discussed me having another Daddy seeing as he is busy and can't give me the attention I *need* let alone the attention I *want*. So my questions are asscociated sort of with that. I apolagize if any of the questions seem rude or ignorant as I am still learning.


1. Are there Male Daddys who are gay, as in interested in men only, who care for female littles in a platonic way?


2. Do all Daddys like to be called Daddy? I know there are a few variations on the word Daddy, i.e Dada, Papa, etc.


3. Is it okay to have 2 Daddys?


4. Are there Daddys who wouldn't mind sharing littles?


If there's any advice anyone would like to share I'd greatly appreciate it.


There's no shame in asking, and you shouldn't feel hesitant. You don't know if you don't ask. :)


1) Yes, there are male daddies who have male littles, sexual and platonic (the same apples to many of the lesbian mommies I see). And I'm sure that there are those of that orientation who have female littles, presumably platonic. Certainly, there's infinite variation in "sitters". 


2) Most do, but that depends on the variation in their lifestyle, and what other kinks might interplay. Obviously, those with more a traditional bdsm dom/slave dynamic might be drastically different. Cultural preference can also come into it. I know some Spanish speakers use "Papi", and a few other from different ethnicities prefer their own affected for of 'father'.

In fact, there's actually an active thread, I believe in the DDLG/General category of the forum, that is discussing this very thing. I've yet to read it, but I'm sure you'll find it enlightening.


3) Of course it is. Polyamory can take any form those partners consent to, and have a variety of inner-dynamics. It's rare though. The CG/L relationship tends to have a more monolithic focus on one Daddy. But it's not unheard of. And personally, it sounds sorta fascinating.


4) See above. Yes. But rare. Those who are polyamorous, and especially pansexual and/or bisexual, might be better suited though.


Anything else I can personally help you with, if I know it that is, I'd be happy to assist and share. I'm not as fluent in all this as some; regardless, the site itself is a wealth of information. Don't be afraid to use the search bar. Or just ask me and/or the community. The chat is a good place for something like that.


The main thing is that this community is all inclusive, and everyone varies both in their dynamic, motivation, regression, and expectations. Likewise, this applies to the relationships.

There's really no set limits, aside from respect and aftercare. The community is defined in that way, but people are free to be people.

Infinite diversity in infinite combination. ;)

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Posted (edited)

Honestly, if you can think of it, it is happening. I'm not kidding. There are so many different people with so many different preferences that you can find just about anyone out there. Anyways, as for your questions:


1. Are there Male Daddys who are gay, as in interested in men only, who care for female littles in a platonic way? 


Yes, there are these type of men out there. And some aren't even gay. There are agreements where Daddies make arrangements where one is looking after the little in general even though they are not in a "relationship." A lot of people use it as the "Uncle" aspect. As in you have your Daddy and then you have Uncle John Doe who then takes care of you platonically. 


2. Do all Daddys like to be called Daddy? I know there are a few variations on the word Daddy, i.e Dada, Papa, etc. 


This question can only be answered by any man you have a potential connection with. Everyone has their preferences and they use those. Daddy, Dada, Father, Papa, Papi, Sir, Master, Owner, Mister, etc. There is no right or wrong name and the list is extensive. You just have to discuss what that particular person (the Daddy) likes and what the little is comfortable with as well.


3. Is it okay to have 2 Daddys? 


It is absolutely okay! However, I personally believe that if a little has two Daddies and they don't know about each other, then that is an issue. As long as you discuss having a second Daddy with your Daddy and he is okay with it, then go for it! I'd also like to throw in a bit of unsolicited piece of advice - If he isn't okay with you having a second Daddy yet he has three littles... that is kinda a red flag. If yall are truly poly than he should understand that your needs aren't being met as he is busy with you and two other littles AS WELL AS his life. So he should have an open mind for you to have a second Daddy. Otherwise, I would recommend discussing why it is okay he can have multiple partners but you cant. Just something to think about.


4. Are there Daddys who wouldn't mind sharing littles? 


As I have stated above, if you can think of it, it probably exists. As in, yes there are more than likely Daddies out there who don't mind sharing littles. I'm most sure of it. Again they should both know they are sharing a little. But finding a Daddy to share may be more difficult than just a 1v1 Daddy. But don't fret. They are are out there. 


All in all - I think you should discuss this with your Daddy first, about having a second Daddy to meet your needs as well. And if all goes well, look for that platonic Daddy. You must never forget your needs just because your partner's needs are met. I wish you the best of luck! :heart:

Edited by Little Illy
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