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A fun "Corrupt A Wish" game...bring out your playful, dark side

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted, but it will only go 25 mph and only goes 7 feet off the ground.


I wish I had a pet owl.

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Guest Vintage Daddy

Granted, but it eats all your stuffies then flys away.


I wish I had a pet alligator that had no teeth and acted like a loving puppy.

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted, but it is not potty trained and steals all of your foods.


I wish tattoo's were free.

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Granted, but because of their low cost, they can't afford new, clean needles for everyone. Here's to not getting an infection :\


I wish I owned a panda

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Granted, sadly he suffers from male pattern baldness and looks like a huge naked mole rat.



I wish I could sing/carry a tune, and I dont mean a radio or instrument in a bucket

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Guest Vintage Daddy

Granted, but the pitch of your now perfect singing is so high that only dogs can hear you, and it makes all dogs mad.


I wish I had a private river bank right about now

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Guest bbAmalthea

Granted, but it's covered in gross stinky garbage. 


I wish I had the power of teleportation

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted, but every time you teleport, you lose a part of your body.


I wish I could get a full eight hours of sleep.

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Granted, but you only sleep 8 hours once every 3 days.



I wish I had some tea cakes right now

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Guest Swadloon

Granted, but whoever made them used salt instead of sugar! Whoops.


I wish they would turn off the air conditioning in the building I work in, now that it’s October...

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted, but the heater is broken so it is continuously running and is always hot now.


I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart!

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Granted, but I read that as lands apart, so you fly where you are and they fly where they are and you can only video chat while doing it, still pretty cool though.



I wish I had a helicopter and could fly any place I wanted whenever I wanted

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Posted (edited)

Granted!!! ......oh.....but it will only fly upside down and has a slightly dodgy ejector seat!


I wish I had big springs on my shoes so I could bounce from one place to another....BOING!

Edited by #1°*BeDaddy'sGoodGirl
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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted! Buuuutttt the shoes are hard to control so you end up bouncing around forever.


I wish I knew how to solve a rubik's cube.

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Granted, you possess the ability to align every color in record time, too bad you are now color blind so they all look the same.


I wish I could be a contestant on Wipeout


granted, but you get eliminated first  :p 

i wish i had a pomeranian puppy  :heart:

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Granted. However, you would be the only one to see and interact with it and others would think it's just your imagination. 


I wish there was someone to cuddle me asleep tonight.

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Granted, but you are blindfolded so you have no idea who the mystery cuddler is.




I wish they would invent a machine to take the calories out of food

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Granted, but it also takes away all the flavor!


I wish I had a house of my own to live in.

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Guest Swadloon

Granted, buuuuuut it’s haunted by a disgruntled ghost who likes to cause accidents and make noises at night.


I wish I was taller!

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Granted but everyone and everything else would be also taller in a same relation/rate.


I wish I had more ice cream.

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Granted but it's all mint. 


I wish I had an unlimited supply of video games.

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Granted......you have all the video games in the world ever......but unfortunately you don't have any console to play them on


I wish I had an everlasting cookie jar

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Granted, your cookie jar will last forever, too bad it is always empty



I wish I had some fresh peach ice cream right now

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