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A fun "Corrupt A Wish" game...bring out your playful, dark side

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted. You have roller skates for feet, however the laces never stay tied so you are always tripping on them.


I wish I could turn invisible.

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Guest Longlegs

Granted, but you can only do it when you're alone.

I wish I could stop time.

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Guest daisycrown

granted, but it only happens when you sleep.


I wish I could live in a library! 

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted, but all of the books in the library are missing the last three chapters.


I wish I could communicate with animals.

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Granted, but you quickly realize that all animals have the attention span of Dora and you can never have a decent conversation with them.




I wish I had some popcorn right now

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Granted, but the popcorn is completely burnt up!


I wish I could fly.

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Guest Bunnyblossom


You can fly, but only on planes ;D bah dom tsst


I wish for this migraine to go away.

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Guest Vintage Daddy

Granted, your migraine is gone... but now you have a severe tooth ache.


I wish I didn't have to make a wish

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Guest Bunnyblossom

Hohshit, how accurate. I have a wisdom tooth coming through. O_o



Granted, you don’t gotta make a wish.

But you have the freedom of choice as to whether you do. ;D


I wish that like Liam Neeson in Taken, I had a very special set of skills.

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Granted, yours skills are creativity in art and DIY things. But people learn of your skills and always want you to make them things so it becomes a job.



I wish I had a vending machine that dispensed tacos

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted, but the vending machine dispenses one ingredient at a time.


I wish I could get a full eight hours of sleep.

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Guest Vintage Daddy
Posted (edited)

Hohshit, how accurate. I have a wisdom tooth coming through. O_o


I probably should mention that I am a Warlock




Granted, but the vending machine dispenses one ingredient at a time.


I wish I could get a full eight hours of sleep.

Granted. And while you were hoping to dream a sweet little Halloween dream, your 8 full uninterrupted hours of restful sleep shall be dream free.


I wish I had a few pickles on a grilled cheeseburger

Edited by Vintage Daddy
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Guest Bunnyblossom

Granted. You have a few alternative-use-of-the-word-pickles DILEMMAS with your cheeseburger.

One of which being- no pickles in your burger.


I wish to turn my cat into an immortal Cat God.

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Granted, but to do that the cat must be mummified and locked away in a tomb in Egypt for the next century

I wish I was a little bit taller

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Guest Bunnyblossom

Well that blows. Lol


Granted, but you’re only taller by extension of the length of your forehead. The rest of your body remains the same.


I wish I didn’t eat so much for dinner T-T cuz now I feel sick. FIX ME \(^-^)/

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Granted! - The vegetables have mutated into flesh eating vegetables, with a hunger for ......YOU!!!  Run! You won't be eating them, but they might eat you!!


I wish I lived in the film "Despicable Me"....

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GRANTED! But you're non-verbal and locked in your Predator body.


I wish I had a clone that I could assign away all the crappy stuff on my to do list so all I had to do was the fun stuff!

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted, but your clone half-asses the work so you're always having to go back and fix everything.


I wish there was a time machine.

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Guest Vintage Daddy

Granted, but in your new time machine you can only go back to when the time machine was created (now) and you can only go forward to... now.


I wish it was raining outside right now.

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Granted but the rain comes down in torrents, flooding for days so you’re trapped inside your house where all you have to eat are sardines and crackers ..... and your stomach starts to growl.


I wish I could add an extra day to the week to use however I want.

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Guest CollateralBeauty

Granted but it's always raining on that day and everything is more expensive on that day.


I wish I had a billion dollars.

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Granted, but it's in Monopoly money, so you can't spend it.



I wish I had faery wings.

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Guest Swadloon

You've got 'em, but you're allergic to the faerie dust they give off, so you sneeze constantly wherever you go!


I wish I had a cup of tea that magically refilled itself whenever I wanted one.

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Granted, but the tea causes you to have to pee the instant you take a sip, every sip, enjoy.



I wish I had some beignets right now

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Granted! - but the person who got you them didn't know what they were. When you explained that beignets are made from deep-fried choux pastry, they miss heard you, so now you have a pile of deep fried shoes wrapped in pastry!


I wish I had a flying car.......

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