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A fun "Corrupt A Wish" game...bring out your playful, dark side

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Guest BabyGlitterMilk

Granted but it’s teeeeeny tiny! you can only get your foot in


I wish it wasn’t so stinkin hot!! >:T

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Granted, the temperature has dropped 10 degrees but the humidity has risen to 99%. Now you can't step outside without sweating and feeling sticky.



I wish my kitchen would clean itself.

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Granted , but it is now a useless kitchen, anytime you attempt to cook or prepare food the kitchen puts it in composter and scrubs everything



I wish I had a good healthy snack.

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Guest BabyGlitterMilk

(well, I live in Florida so 99% humidity really isn’t that much of a difference.. laughsob)


The glitter fairy grants you a good healthy snack! A healthy snack Rebekah!! unfortunately the glitter fairy hovers around well after you asked for said snack, screaming vines at inopportune times. Good luck getting to sleep.


I wish packing wasn’t so hard DX

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Granted, packing will not be difficult as everything is vacuumed into the boxes but unpacking will be a nightmare as everything is being held tightly in the boxes, almost vacuumed and super glued.


I wish I had a pet fish.

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Guest BabyGlitterMilk

Granted! He poops too much and breaks the tank. (a true story that happened to me orz)


I wish I was faefolk!

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Posted (edited)

Granted........you are a teeny tiny faefolk with beautiful big wings, which sounds amazing........but every time the wind blows you get blown about without any control over where you go..........and it is windy all the time!!!!


I wish I could turn anything I wanted into chocolate, any time that I wanted to........YUM!!!

Edited by #1°*BeDaddy'sGoodGirl
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Granted but you are now allergic to chocolate. Sad face.


I wish my laundry would fold itself!

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Guest BabyGlitterMilk

Granted, but nobody ever taught your clothes how to fold and they’re not very good at it.. you’re better off folding them yourself if you don’t want weird creases!


I wish popcorn wasn’t so stinky :T

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Granted but they never full pop and you end up eating more kerbal than popcorn.


I wish I had a cool tree house!

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GRANTED!!!! ....you now have the coolest tree house in all of littleland, but unfortunately the tree just keeps growing and growing until you are soon stuck hundreds of feet up in the air.


I wish I had a big pot of glitter...

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Somebody get me down from this tree!!!


*giggles* granted but all the glitter spills on the floor, getting stuck to everything you own!


I wish I was on a tropical island

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Granted: You are now on a tropical island, but its unbearably hot and you forgot to bring your sun cream so now you are burnt :(


I wish I had a box of kittens 

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GRANTED! You now have a massive box of kittens, but unfortunately it is inside your home, and the box is so huge it fills your home and the kittens are escaping the box and running everywhere inside your home, and you can't get in your home, let alone live there, because there must be a kitzillion baby cats in your home!


I wish I lived in a cartoon world...

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Granted! However, the cartoon world is your least favourite show and you are reduced being inanimate objects.


I wish I was in the moutains

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Granted! However there is a mountain lion at the top of the mountain and he stalks you making your trip very stressful 


I wish I had the ability to read minds

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Guest Daddy707

Granted but the thoughts are all in brayl and you have no fingers




I wish I owned a thousand axres5

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Granted! You now have a thousand acres of tropical rainforest infest with only the most venomous and poisonous creatures.


I wish I had a boat!

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Guest Daddy707

Granted but your new boat is at the top of a pyramid in the desert


I wish I had a pair of cowboy boots

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Granted but your cowboy boots are enchanted and are constantly line dancing making you tired all time time


I wish I had a new stuffie

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Guest Daddy707

Granted: Your new stuffy multiplies a thousand times with every hug. Your room becomes like jiffy pop popcorn and crushes you


I wish for a magic seed

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Granted! You have one magical seed which doesn't grow but it magically changes colour!


I wish I had a cozy blanket to cuddle with

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Guest Daddy707

Granted!! Your new cozy blanket has legs and runs away every time you want to cuddle with it.


I wish I could be a scare monster in monsters inc!

Posted (edited)

Granted! Except since the scare floor is now the laugh floor and you are now in charge of bringing in doors with a monster who tells very cheesy jokes.


I wish I had a pet dragon!

Edited by GlitterMonster
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Guest Daddy707

Granted: However, your Dragon is invisible and no one can see how cool he is.


I wish I had a mansion and full staff

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