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A fun "Corrupt A Wish" game...bring out your playful, dark side

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Guest Acenya

Granted, but it's smaller than a sugar cube and it'll only leave you craving for more... oof. 


I wish my eyes were a different colour!

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Granted!! You eyes are so pretty and are made up of all the colours in the rainbow!! Trouble is, now its like looking through a kaleidoscope.... everything is all multi coloured too >.< Hope you don't get migraines easily ...


I wish my parcel was delivered already so i could go out to play

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Guest Daddy B

Wish granted. Your parcel has been delivered but was delivered to the wrong address. Please submit rhe proper paperwork in triplicate to have parcel redelivered to your address. Thank you from the local parcel service....lol..


I wish my paperwork would do itself.

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Guest SoftxFlower

Wish granted! Paperwork complete! :) . . .  i's dotted, t's crossed. BUT it soon slipped into the shredder.


I wish I had a slightly bigger sticker collection

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted your sticker collection is a bit bigger. 5%  to be exact. Now you have to redo your entire sticker collection to get it to fit.


I wish I had a little of my own.

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I'm pretty sure you already wished this before, but i will absolutely corrupt it again ^^


Granted!! You have your very own little!! They're so little, in both personality and stature, only millimetres tall, that you set them down and now can't find them again >.< Oh noes!!


I wish i had both more rope and more hands to tie it with...

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Granted!!!!! I'm so nice to you, granting your wishes and everything. or I would be, except for..... Mwah hah ha!....you now have so much more rope, a full one milli metre more (so generous), and not only that but you now have a hand where each finger and toe used to be, your hands have hands....how handy! Better get tying with all that extra rope....


I wish I had a house near the sea

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Guest clumsy_little

Granted! But....


The day you go to live in the house, ottoman kicks you out of the house and lives there


I wish I have magical hair like Rapunzel

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted and it comes with Rapunzels problems too. Your hair constantly grows and never stops!

I wish I had more spagetti

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Guest sanwiooaf

granted, all you can eat is spaghetti for the rest of your life for every meal


i wish i could own the pastel clothes of my dreams

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Granted!! You have all the pretty pastels, filling your closet to overflowing, but there seems to have been some confusion regarding size... they sent clothes to fit age six, not size 6  O.o


I wish Daddy didn't have to work so hard...

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted he doesn't have to work so hard. In fact he never has to work again *cue Donald Trump your fired meme here*. Now that your daddy is without work what to do what to do. Looks like now he can spoil you rotten 24-7 instead.


I wish I could find a little of my own.

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Dear BigDaddyDominant: It's all peace, love and inclusion here. So just a little friendly note to ask for some variety in your answers. We need to keep the wishes unique, once only is fine for any and all wishes. If all players repeat their same wishes over and over again then the game will grind to a halt. This game is about creativity, so let your imagination soar. Make it full of colour and turn the creativity up to "11" please, so others can have fun corrupting it. That is the fun of the game and it helps give everyone a lift and boost, I hope you included. We are all here for each other, and I don't want anyone feeling bad about my comments.  Absolutely love your participation in the game BigDaddyDominant, and look forward to more of your absolutely ace corruptions of others wishes, including mine, and some absolutely one off, unique brand new wishes to go with them. Sorry if you feel alone and put that down because of it. We are all here for you and support anyone who is having a tough time. We have to make the best of it, and I put up the games on here for that reason. I know it is tough, I am single too and have been for a few years. Peace, love and light..... and continued participation.



Granted you have a cuter accent the only problem is no one can understand what your saying :)

I wish I had a little (sorry only thing I could think of)



Granted your a contortionist but you can't undo what you have done.

I wish I wasn't single



Congrats granted you can now dye your hair pink I hope you like it a lot because now that's permanently the color of your hair


I wish I wasn't so alone...



Granted now all the chocolate eggs are yours. Only one problem you have developed  sudden and severe allergy to chocolate....uh oh!


I wish my little was with me



Granted your sticker collection is a bit bigger. 5%  to be exact. Now you have to redo your entire sticker collection to get it to fit.


I wish I had a little of my own.



Granted he doesn't have to work so hard. In fact he never has to work again *cue Donald Trump your fired meme here*. Now that your daddy is without work what to do what to do. Looks like now he can spoil you rotten 24-7 instead.


I wish I could find a little of my own.


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Granted, you find the little of your own, she is 3 cm tall. Handle her carefully!


I wish I had a house trained robot butler

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Granted!! You have the best behaved robot butler any one could ever wish for!! If only you could stop him from using the dish washer to wash his "parts".... :blush:  :o  :lol:


I wish i was the Doctors Companion ^^

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Granted......though you should have been more specific.....you are now Doctor What's companion. It's more of a nickname that his actual name, as he's a bit (a lot) deaf, and so he tends to say "WHAT?" a lot, and rather loudly to every single word you say.....WHAT? :D


I wish I could breathe underwater like a fish

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Totally GRANTED!!! But to go with those AMAZING gills on your neck, there's also this kinda fishy smell following you around, no matter how much Lynx body spray you use  O.o  :D


i wish i could get fit and toned and healthy with out doing any of the exercise involved

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Granted, you are now fit and toned and healthy, all without doing any exercise. There you are all fit and toned and healthy, your head on Arnold Schwarzenegger's body. Ooops!........ I guess "You'll be back!"


I wish I could fly like an Eagle

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Granted... you can soar through the skies! The sun on your back, the whole world laid out before you. Catching the breeze and drifting on gentle winds for miles and miles. Only problem is, while you were closing your eyes and floating in the ocean of clouds, you've gone and gotten a little lost and can't remember which direction home is...Oh no!! 


I wish i had more than 4 hours sleep...

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Granted, you have 1 year and 4 hours sleep. You wake refreshed and ready to go with endless energy. Its so sad that while you slept your muscles suffered atrophy and now you are too weak to get up and will need months of therapy and proper diet before you can move around on your own.


I wish I had some chicken and dumplings right now.

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Granted, you have 1 year and 4 hours sleep. You wake refreshed and ready to go with endless energy. Its so sad that while you slept your muscles suffered atrophy and now you are too weak to get up and will need months of therapy and proper diet before you can move around on your own.


I wish I had some chicken and dumplings right now.

alright! but you'll get a whole truck's load of chicken and dumplings delivered right at your doorstep. means that your chicken and dumplings will either be cold, dirty or mold by the time you get to eat them


i wish i had very much money so i can buy myself everything i'd want

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Granted!! You have the power to have infinite money and buy whatever you want ..as long as they accept monopoly money.


I wish I was not sunburned

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granted!! You are no longer burned to a cinder.... in fact, you are entirely UV repellant!! The lack of Vitamin D in your body leaves you weak and unable to enjoy your entire sunburn-less summer....


I wish my baby boy could stay 3 years old forever...

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Guest XoX_SweetPea_XoX

granted, he stays 3 years old forever but throws a 15 minute tantrums every hour, and wakes every hour when sleeping to throw one. 


I wish Classic Harley Quinn was real, and my friend. 

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Guest Mr. J

Wish granted! However, she's out with me all the time doing whatever it is we do. No time to hang out, sorry not sorry  *glitter* 

I wish for more wishes, O Great Granter of Wishes

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