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A fun "Corrupt A Wish" game...bring out your playful, dark side

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Guest plushbee

granted! but they don't know how to dance and keep stepping on your feet.

i wish i had a better attention span 

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Guest loociex

granted! but you never find anything interesting. 


i wish i could go outside 

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Granted ^^ off you go :D But in your haste to rush off to be in the great outdoors, you forget your keys and can't get back in >.< hope you live in a warm climate....


I wish i had more of my favourite perfume

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted but unfortunately your favorite perfume is now ode de skunk :)'

I wish I could get to sleep

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Granted, you sleep like a champ. You wake rested and refreshed and really happy and eager to get your day started.

You guessed it, just like in the infomercials.

But wait, theres more

You open your eyes to find you have been abducted by aliens and are strapped to a table unable to move. They are not hurting you but are just sitting there watching you. They are staring at you, watching you as you lie there motionless. Reading the machines they have hooked to you and watching as each one spikes every time you try to move. Seems they are very interested in you but are the dumbest alien species ever and now that they have you they have no idea what to do with you. Kind of like the kid with the Mogwai in Gremlins.

Enjoy the rest you get because each day will bring another 16 - 18 hours of being stared at by blank faced confused aliens that don't speak your language.

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Posted (edited)

Granted, you sleep like a champ. You wake rested and refreshed and really happy and eager to get your day started.

You guessed it, just like in the infomercials.

But wait, theres more

You open your eyes to find you have been abducted by aliens and are strapped to a table unable to move. They are not hurting you but are just sitting there watching you. They are staring at you, watching you as you lie there motionless. Reading the machines they have hooked to you and watching as each one spikes every time you try to move. Seems they are very interested in you but are the dumbest alien species ever and now that they have you they have no idea what to do with you. Kind of like the kid with the Mogwai in Gremlins.

Enjoy the rest you get because each day will bring another 16 - 18 hours of being stared at by blank faced confused aliens that don't speak your language.


Brilliant answer shadowrider.....can we have your wish please, so the game can continue.....and others can mischievousness corrupt it!

Edited by ##1°*BeDaddy'sGoodGirl
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Brilliant answer shadowrider.....can we have your wish please, so the game can continue.....and others can mischievousness corrupt it!

Foiled again, I almost beat the system lol.


I wish that I had an ice cream sandwich and could eat it before the next person messes me up.

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted you eat your ice cream sandwich before anyone can eat it. Sorry to tell you but now that's all you can eat. Hehehehe still spoiled your ice cream sandwich dreams :p


I wish I lived in England

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Granted!! Trouble is, all the planes are grounded co of this silly virus, so you have to swim.... don't forget your flotation devices ^^


I wish i had a new colouring book

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Granted! But all your crayons are covered in lube!

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While i'm cleaning the Lube off my crayons, maybe you could make your wish for the next person to corrupt? :p

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Granted! But all your crayons are covered in lube!

Great answer pupofnoodles, but no wish of you own to carry the game on......hopefully you will next time. Nicely prompted Miss Paatch, though it does look like you are going to busy for a while cleaning up that lube!!


So, to continue the game I will put a wish in that I think you would have put, having had a quick look at your profile.


pupofnoodles wishes he had some boots to polish and make all shiny


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Granted!! You have a lovely pair of boots to blacken and make super shiny, but you only have brown polish >.<


I wish i had more ginger cake

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First of all that's just evil...


Granted! But it's made with gluten free flour and sugar free icing.


I wish I could find motivation to write




(Sorry I didn't post a wish last time!)

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Posted (edited)

Granted!! you have all the motivation in the world, ideas running through your head at a mile a minute!! YAY!! you grab a pen and paper, and start writing feverishly. 45 minutes in how ever, you get crazy bad cramp in your writing hand and can no longer hold the darn pen ><  i hope you got all your ideas down in time....


I wish i didn't have a fear of needles


*edited for spelling*

Edited by MissPattch
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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted you no longer have a fear of needles. In fact you have your entire body is covered in tattoos.


I wish I had a bigger hard drive

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Granted!! But its the actual physical size that changed, not the internal storage, so now its too big to fit through your door, let alone in your PC >.<


I wish i was in a better mood :/

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted your in a wonderful mood now. Its so good its contagious like a cold. Unfortunately now all of you need quarantined for the next 14 days. :p


I wish I could have spam (don't ask me why it suddenly sounds good)

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Granted!! But living in the modern age, gets you the modern kind of spam >.< Every morning you wake up and your ail box is overflowing with junk mail, all day your work colleagues are emailing you with pointless questions and comments, and everybody in your phone contacts suddenly is very interested in whats going on in YOUR life, your phone alert is going off constantly, non stop, day and night... >.<


I wish i had the ability to astrally project myself to any where i wanted.

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Granted, but your ability is very limited. You can project yourself anywhere you want to but as soon as you are there you are whisked back before your eyes can even focus on where you went. Have fun going to all the places you want but not being able to enjoy them.


I wish I could cross breed pineapple and coconut so I had both flavors in one fruit that was as easy to peel as a pineapple.

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Granted......you devote 10 years of your life to cross breeding the pineapple and coconut, and eventually give up after only ever producing one solitary pine-nut (the pine from pineapple and nut from coconut) from your experiments. What a shame they already exist. 10 years of your life wasted??? But, hey....Enjoy your pine-nut and your mad professor hair as well from being too busy for the last 10 years to cut it!


As I am currently missing physical contact......I wish I had someone to cuddle

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Granted!! But the person who you choose to cuddle was also craving that physical contact. So much so, that now you can't go ANY WHERE without them...you two are locked in a constant embrace. Good luck navigating any stairs >.<


I wish i was better at making friends

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted your much better at making friends...both good friends and bad friends. Have fun figuring out which is which.

I wish I wasn't awake at 1am

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Granted!! But now you wake up at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 am >.<


I wish people weren't so judgemental

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Granted! Unfortunately it is only possible by transforming everyone into mindless robots!


I wish for the worlds greatest cookie!!

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