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A fun "Corrupt A Wish" game...bring out your playful, dark side

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Wish granted! You have a million bucks- but of the deer variety.


I wish I lived in Neverland.


Granted!! You live in Neverland!! But not the magical one with Tink, this one is a land full of Nevers. You can Never sleep, Never shower, Never own a Stuffie, Never eat pizza...  I never want to go there >.<


I wish time moved faster


Granted however you only are allowed to buy certain books that you aren’t interested in...

I wish I had a caregiver...



Sorry, I think I granted the wrong wish...



Granted however you can’t control when you wake up so you could sleep for a hundred years or just a few minutes...

Thanks for playing along Littlelilypotter123, and its ok to not quite know how to play the game I started. Little hiccups happen.... It's all peace and love here, you are welcome here always. If you go to the first page of the game and have a read of how to play and read through a few of the posts people have made you should get the idea. Please, please, please have another go,  you are more than welcome to ply along again (and again and again). Stay positive....I started these games to get everyone playing along, so please do and get others friends playing along, and make friends with other players....because the people that play along rock!!!

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Granted!! You live in Neverland!! But not the magical one with Tink, this one is a land full of Nevers. You can Never sleep, Never shower, Never own a Stuffie, Never eat pizza...  I never want to go there >.<


I wish time moved faster


Back to where we were. I am a bit busy at the moment, so I have asked Miss Pattch to assist me and keep the game running for me when there are little hiccups.. Please be nice to her, because she is helping keep the game going for all of you. Stay calm, stay positive and stay playing along. Big round of applause for Miss Pattch. :D


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Granted!! You live in Neverland!! But not the magical one with Tink, this one is a land full of Nevers. You can Never sleep, Never shower, Never own a Stuffie, Never eat pizza...  I never want to go there >.<


I wish time moved faster


Wish granted! Time moves faster! But it only moves faster when you don't want it to.


I wish I had a pet dragon!

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Guest Daddy B

Wish granted!! You now have a pet dragon. He is cute and colorful but has no training and has frozen your stove to make his new bed area. ..well there is always take out or microwave...


I wish I had a castle in the sky

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Granted!!! You have a castle in the sky!! Big turrets, and towers, Flags and banners, and huge propellors to keep it aloft, if only you weren't mortally afraid of heights...O.o


I wish I could walk more than i already do


Granted! You now have a crippling fear of all types of vehicles, automatic walkways, and elevators. The only way you're getting around is with your own legs, not even bikes, skateboards, or even heelys are possible, those wheels are absolutely terrifying!!


I wish there actually was separation of church and state, where religion didn't have any influence on laws and politics.

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Wish granted! There is actually separation of church and state in Iowa. Only Iowa.


I wish I was better at drawing.

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Granted, you will be the best at drawing stick figures, nothing more. Oh, and the clotheless ones. The ones that’re just one line and two lines for legs and arms and a head. You will become very good at drawing those.


I wish that I had someone who actually was comfortable with being a mommy to me.

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Guest Acenya

Granted, but your mommy is always sleeping when you're awake and vice versa.. I'm sorry ;___;


I wish my hair was longer! 

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Granted!! Your hair is sooooo long, it trails along behind you in your wake, and grows constantly, and fast...  but not just on your head, on your face too... and your arms, your legs, the tops of your toes  O.o  you coud always braid it, i guess....


I wish the sun would come back out

Guest Mr. J

Granted, the sun is out and shining warm and bright.... forever! No night, no rain, no clouds; only the bright, burning sun  :D  *glitter*


I wish I had a little (boring wish, I know, I just don't know what else to wish for xD)

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Reminds me of my mommy wish..... Your wish is granted! However, you two will have completely incompatible personalities and will clash on a daily basis as you struggle to find a middle ground.


I wish my lg wasn’t uncomfortable with me being a little at time, hahaha........

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Guest Fleur-Angelique

Granted, but whenever you're in littlespace she turns into a toad. She thinks it's awesome though.


I wish I had a cuter accent!

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Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted you have a cuter accent the only problem is no one can understand what your saying :)

I wish I had a little (sorry only thing I could think of)

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Granted! you now have a little!! Yay!! Complete with the BIGGEST attitude problem you ever saw >.< 


I wish i was better at doing as i'm told

Guest BigDaddyDominant

Wish granted you now are much better at doing what your told so much so now you do everything your told without question.


I wish I had pizza (yes I'm hungry lol)

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granted!! But its Fish pizza, with sardines, and anchovies, and roe... eugh >.<


I wish i was a contortionist

Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted your a contortionist but you can't undo what you have done.

I wish I wasn't single

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Granted!! You are no longer by yourself, there are 8 more of you, all for yourself :D Puts a whole new spin on enjoying your own company >.<


I wish the shops were open...

Guest BigDaddyDominant

Granted except now everyone is mass buying trying to make up for what they missed during quarantine. Have fun finding anything in the foreseeable future


I wish I didn't have to shop every 2 weeks

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Granted! You no longer have to shop every other week, instead your mamma comes and does it for you, but she buys you only the healthy stuff, no chocolate, or chips, or beer, or nachos.... Happy healthy eating!!


I wish i had a new phone


Wish granted! You have a new phone! But it's not a new, new phone. It's just a new phone to you. It's actually one of those really old Nokia phones that will basically never break. Congrats on your new phone!


I wish I had all the ingredients to make a yummy apple pie!

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Guest Mr. J

Granted, but just as you've gotten everything set up your kitchen burns down due to an electrical issue with your oven. No apple pie today  :wacko: 

I wish she'd be in my arms right now, "helping" me play some games

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