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A fun "Corrupt A Wish" game...bring out your playful, dark side

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Posted (edited)

Granted.....trouble is you continually shift shape every 10 seconds, and you have no control of it


I wish I was skiing

Edited by ##1°*BeDaddy'sGoodGirl
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Granted! You are skiing! BUUUUTTTT your skis are now stuck on your feet and you will have to wear them for forever!


I wish I knew how to make my own clothes.

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Granted!! But the only pattern you know is for a onesie >.< Every day is a little day :D


I wish i could draw better, or even at all...

Guest Daddy B

Granted..... you can now. But you can only draw stck figure people no matter what you do they all turn out as stick figures but they are awesome stick figures.. happy drawing..


I wish I had a shark

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Granted! But its a baby Shark Doo doo doo doo doo doo...Happy singing :D


I wish I could speak Welsh fluently

Guest Daddy B

Wish granted.....You can now speak Welsh fluently only problem is it is an older dialect from the founding years so no one but you understands it... happy translation assist ahead...


I wish I was a bear


Granted!! You are a Red Panda bear!! All that grrrr-ing and growling is just too cute!! Awww <3


I wish i could go in to space

Guest Daddy B

Wish granted.. you are now on the list to go into space. During your launch you have been informed that this flight is a one way ticket trip and in order to return you must be willing to conduct experiments for 7 years.... floating free now back to work.....lol


I wish I could fly a plane


Granted!! You can fly a plane, but only in a straight line cos nobody taught you to steer...


I wish i wasn't so excited and could go to sleep

Guest Daddy B

Wish Granted..... youhave found a magic potion that says drink for sleep. You are now asleep but bouncing around excited in your dreams to wakes even more tired in the morning.... happy dreams



I wish I had a really good pizza right now


Granted...you have the pizza of your dreams, but you know the saying, quality over quantity? Well, your perfect pizza is only 2 inches across...bon apetit ^^


I wish unicorns were real

Guest Daddy B
Posted (edited)

Wish granted..... Unicorns are now real. They were discovered by a expidition team. Unfortunately they have been sealed away from humans due to the fact they were listed as endangered and are susceptible to our current planet pollution. They are viewable but for 9.99 aminute for web cam access. You can look but not touch...


I wish giant robots were real.

Edited by Daddy B
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Wish granted. Giant robots are real and have taken control of the Earth, they have managed to reduce human population by 2/3 and the remaining humans left have gone into hiding. They have to find a way to destroy the robots without killing the little wild life left on the planet.



I wish it would snow all year long!


Granted!! Its snows all day every day, every where around the world, turning the earth into a giant snowball and initiating a snowball fight on a truly galactic scale! The gods hurling us through space with shouts and whoops of glee....


I wish i made the rules

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Guest Daddy B
Posted (edited)

Wish granted.... You now make the rules. The power of making the rules is to much and a month later you are overthrown by your subjects and the gumdrop fairy queen..... not easy being on top....


I wish I had the power to control lightnin

Edited by Daddy B
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Wish granted... but it always does the opposite of what you tell it and has a flair for the unexpected.


I wish I didn't have to work

Guest Daddy B

Wish Granted..... You don't have to work anymore but from the lack of funds you can afford the essentials of life but your house is a card board palace.... lazy days are here..


I wish I had awesome weather year round

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Granted!! THe weather is AWESOME every day.. awesomely erratic... Hurricanes on monday, heatwave on tuesday, gale force winds on wednesday.... you get the picture ^^ 


I wish everybody told the truth

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Guest Daddy B

Wish Granted... everyone now can only tell the truth. Because of this millions of people are now striking and boycotting causing the markets to crash and the world to stand still.... cateful what you wish.


I wish I was a superhero


Granted!! You're a superhero!! Your special power? you zap from parking meter to parking meter, giving people more time to get back to their cars and avoid a ticket!! Its an expensive job, but go you!!


I wish i had onion rings and bbq sauce...

Guest Daddy B

Your wish is granted... You now have amazing onion rings golden and delicious but only have enough bbq sauce for 4 onion rings....choose wisely on where to use it.


I wish I had a Panda

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Granted!! You are now the proud owner of a Classic, 1980's Fiat Panda!! You are not the envy of anybody, and there is barely enough room for you to gel your long legs inside and under the wheel. Congratulations on your new lawn ornament ^^


I wish i could stand on top of mount Everest

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Guest Daddy B

Wish granted... You have now scaled to the top of Everest to stand with all the other greats. Now just like the other great ones you do not have enough oxygen left for the high altitude cause of your excitement and you tossed your radio instead of the flag you brought to make it back down.. congratulations on being another great popsicle addition....lol


I wish I could talk to animals

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Granted!! You can talk to any animal you like, at the cost of adopting traits of that animal for the rest of the day.  You said good morning to your doggy before you left the house and are now to be found chasing cars up and down the freeway, drooling a little, and stopping every now and then to scratch behind your ear with your foot....


I wish the Chocolate factory was a real place

Guest Daddy B

Wish granted.... The chocolate factory is a real place now. They have taken ownership of making all the worlds candy and chocolate. Now due to the new management they have become health driven and only make vegan and sugar free candy and chocolate.... life was sweet now its just blah...


I wish the fountain of youth was real

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