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DDlgForum Success Stories

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Posted (edited)

*Waves* Hello everyone. After seeing so many members here claiming they want to give up on looking, on that they will be lonely forever, or that no one will ever love them… I have decided to start this thread in hopes to let some people know that, there is always hope.

 This thread is for Success Stories of those in CG/l who have met and are now living their dream with their partner. This is a place to share the stress of looking, the impatience of waiting, but the reality that it paid off and they now have their happily ever after.

 I am going to start with my own story to get the ball rolling. I am going to bare all about myself only to hope that I can show that to achieve your Forever CG or Forever Little, this isn’t something that just magically happens. This is a long and arduous path that takes monumental effort. But it does, in fact, pay off at the end.

And Daddy, MisterJ, this goes out to you  :heart:




 I have always known I was a sub and that I desperately wanted a D/s relationship, so much so I knew that nothing else would ever fulfill me other than a D/s relationship. Even at eighteen I knew, without a doubt, I needed a Dom clearly enough that I just wasn’t interested in anyone else.. And when I finally started dating, I knew they wouldn’t last and I really only looked at them as friends because I knew they weren’t what I needed. Fair to them? No. But I honestly blame myself for being young and naive for being so… cold.


 My last vanilla relationship ended at the end of me being twenty years old. That relationship was when I drew the line. I had dated before but never once did I feel a spark or connection with them. Because they weren’t Dom and I was not allowing myself to be who I truly was. I tried to get him interested in very basic kinky stuff but it was a no go. So finally we broke up and I made a vow I would never be in a vanilla relationship. It was too hard to suppress myself and I would never hurt myself like that again. Simply put, life is too short.


 Then I got involved with a man who introduced me to the thought of calling him Daddy. Ultimately he wasn’t a Daddy or even a real Dom (and you know how I hate to call people fake Doms). He literally just wanted a slave (not a D/s slave) and someone so he never had to be an adult. That ended quickly. But by the time I was twenty-one I was now interested in why the thought of calling my partner ‘Daddy’ was so appealing. I never did call him it, he had just suggested it and said he felt like it would be natural for me. So after we broke up I started my research.


 My research on ‘Daddy’ started in 2012. I was obsessed with it. Finally something that sounded like what I had been feeling for years. I had been researching BDSM since forever and was very familiar with all things kink. Don’t get me wrong, I was no expert, but I knew that I wanted a Dominant and I knew what I needed from that Dominant. Or so I thought. The more I learned about DDlg the more my need to find a Daddy grew. And grew more intense than  any other desire to have a partner before. Then I stumbled upon the forum and -ta daaaaa-  I found my community. Being around so many people… I couldn’t handle my need for a partner anymore. And for the first time, I started actively putting myself out there.


 I immersed myself in chat, I made a detailed profile, I made a lengthy personal... and… nothing. Don’t get me wrong, I was flooded with friend requests.. But it was all the same - the instant gratification types. And though some are okay with that, I was looking for my Forever Daddy. And… I was growing weary. I had two opportunities (actually outside of the forum), one of them ghosted me and it took the help of a good friend from the forum for me to understand I didn’t do anything wrong. This guy had started letting me open up and then… I was no longer important. It crushed me. Because even though I barely opened up to him, it was the first time opening up my little for anyone in any way. I almost wanted to stop looking altogether after that. I have profound trust issues, as most do, and just that small set back upset me enough to be like “I never want to endure this again.”


 I had begun to realize just how significant my little side was.


 The second guy was actually, okay. He was in my area and didn’t throw any red flags, was an intellect and honest. I appreciated that. So we were casually chatting. But then… I had to quickly let him go (and informed him as such). Because Daddy waltzed into my life and I met MisterJ in October 2016.


 I was in chat (like always) and he popped in and started chatting everyone up. There was something about his energy that caught my attention so I spat fire right back at him. It was casual and fun and like everything else you see in chat. But then, the next day, I realized he had messaged me - because of course I accepted his friend request the night before. And I felt a liiiiittle flutter in my stomach. And wouldn’t you know it… he got me right away because he commented on my igloo and on my title (Sapiophile). And thus our exchange began.


 That day we met in chat again. This was back when we had direct private messaging (think of FB messenger) and we started our own private chat. That was the longest, but quickest, most fun, yet most intense, chat I have ever had. In 4 hours we hit every major topic you can think of; we talked about philosophy, political views, views on marriage, childbearing, body type, travelling, schooling, psychology, kinks (in general), technology, music, movies, commitments, and everything else. I can honestly say, when we finally stopped chatting - because at that point, I wasn’t in main chat, it was just Daddy and me - I was so exhausted, my brain hurt because our conversation was so rapid and deep. It was amazing. And it was then that the initial hook sincerely sank in.


 I can’t honestly tell you how much we communicated back then. Why? It was too much. We quickly exchanged skype information, but didn’t video or audio until weeks later. Then when that wasn’t enough we did video. When that wasn’t enough, we downloaded Whattsapp and texted throughout the day. We had skype dates while watching documentaries, while listening to Alan Watts lectures, while discussing whatever we could think of. We revealed so much of ourselves that I thought… surely this wasn’t even happening. I am NEVER this open with something. But I was with MisterJ, because since day one, there was this Spark that drew me to him.


 I was graduating that semester and we decided that we had to meet. We clicked every single box for one another, we needed to be in the same place with one another to see if it was real, or all just internet magic. At some point, we aren’t even sure, we knew that this was it and we were going to be together. I had broken my cardinal rule committed myself to him by the end of that October and just knew he was my Daddy. So we made plans and it was decided I would fly over and stay with him for two months.


 But let me be honest. We weren’t vocally sure of anything. It was too good to be true. The distance was too heavy of a reality. We still didn’t know if we were compatible physically and mentally yet when in person. We didn’t know if we could live together - and we knew we couldn’t have an online relationship permanently - we both DO NOT believe in LDRs, at all. There was doubt. There was hurt feelings. There was crying and torture. But it was because we felt so deeply for one another that, well, how could there not be a rollercoaster?


 So. We bought a ticket, made arrangements, and I flew out. And those next two months? Were literally the happiest months of my life. And (as he has told me) they were for him too. We finally realized we clicked on every level. We stayed up all night talking and opening up more and more until finally, there was nothing left that the other didn’t know. Now… we both are stubborn and strong-willed so this was not the honeymoon phase - this was reality. We fought over stupid stuff sometimes because, well… we are human. But every fight brought up closer together because we made it paramount to ALWAYS trust and practice our belief of 100% communication. So though we fought, we grew stronger every day.


 But then… I had to come back to the states. But it didn’t matter. Because while I was there, Daddy had asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. And when Home is asking you to stay, you say yes.


 The moment I got in the car and went to the airport, we knew that I would be back. The states wasn’t home. He was. Daddy was my home. And I was his. So we knew it was only a matter of time.


 I have been in the states for seven months now. It it has been the most torturous experience of my life. I have cried more, my health has declined and my stress has been up… I literally have silver hair now (dusted in). And its not because I am so dependent on Daddy. It is because I have finally found a place that made me happy - a geographic location that made me feel safe and energetic. A town that made me feel proud to be there. And of course, my Daddy who is my very best friend. It made me realize that I had been living a hollow life all these years because I knew I was missing something. And it was my ability to take control of my life. My life has always been dictated by others, even when I have been making the decisions. But Daddy help liberate that in me. I was now taking control of my life. I was now going to do things that made me happy. I was now going to do things I have always wanted to do (outside of finding my partner). I was now going to be ME.


 So now… seven months later. I have my visa. I have my plane ticket. And I have boxes around me. I leave the states in six weeks. And I get to be with Daddy once more. We get to find a house together. We get to build a life together. And I know, trust me I know, it is going to be so hard. I am literally moving across the world. It will be the hardest phase of my life. But I know it will be the happiest.


 I have waited for so long. Dreamt of finally being able to reveal and be my true self. To not have to hide who I was, to fear my partner running away or fear my partner simply not being able to measure up. I have been waiting to let me embrace my identity on my own and be proud of who I am. Finally, finally, finally.


 So remember. It can and will happen for you. You just need to be patient and realize, it will not happen overnight. It will NOT always be pretty and perfect. But it IS a reality you can have, with time.


 I love my Daddy with all my heart and he is perfect for me, even when we don’t see eye to eye. I love this man and I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to have him stumble upon me.


 And I can honestly say… thanks to the DDlg Forum, I am able to finally, finally have my Daddy..




*Waves* Hey guys! Just an update!! I have officially been in Australia for 32 days and Daddy and I already have our own place, I have a bunch of stuff set up and we haven't killed each other in our sleep! I think we are doing well! ^_^


But for real, it is amazing to be able to cuddle and hold hands and eat dinner together. That long and arduous path I mentioned? So worth it! :heart:


Edited by Little Illy
Had member edit content due to mention of researching the lifestyle before age of 18
  • Like 9
Posted (edited)

Your story is really amazing LittleIlly! I wish you all the happiness for this new phase, and you and your Daddy all the happiness for your lives together!


I got into the kink scene at the beginning of this year, a guy I met on Kik had asked me to call him Daddy, I did and it just instantly felt right to me. He wasn't into DDlg, he was just a Dom. I started looking at Daddy kink Facebook pages, and came across a post about DDlg, I didn't know what it was but I decided to look it up. I did my research and found that the definition of a little is me, and I read up on the dynamic and found that it was something I want. I remembered a man on Kik had messaged me asking if I was a little, so I messaged him and we got to speaking and he immediately gave me rules and said he was my Daddy. The rules he gave were not to my liking. I asked to take some away, but we settled on changing them. His physical punishments for me breaking rules scared me. They were really physically dangerous and I didn't like that. I realised that this wasn't the type of DDlg relationship I wanted so I told him that I didn't think it would work out, and we ended whatever that was (can't classify it as a relationship, it lasted a weekend XD). Then I stumbled upon this forum! And my oh my, am I ever so glad I did! I just timidly looked around and observed in the beginning. I responded to personals made by Daddies, but none of them worked out. About a month after joining the forum, I found a Daddy in South Africa, and I was sooo happy. I responded to his personal, and we hit it off right away. As it turned out, he had just gotten back with his little, and they decided they wanted to try a poly relationship, so I joined them. The other little didn't like that he was seeing me, even though she was seeing other men, so they ended things. From there our relationship just blossomed, and a few weeks later he asked me to be his. We messaged all day, then called, then videoed, and I decided I had to tell my mom about him. Sidenote, I'm the only daughter still living at home, and I was still in high school, my school has an extra year, so we go up to grade 13, and I am 19 years old. It took so much courage to tell my mom cause this is my first boyfriend ever. I told her that I wanted to visit him, but I knew she wouldn't let me until he visited us. We arranged for him to come visit, and our moms spoke over the phone, and everything was all planned for him to visit. He stayed with us for two weeks and it was just completely magical. Our spark was instantaneous. We just clicked and being together physically was so easy, it was like we had been together for years. This was after three months of an online relationship. The day he went back home I cried so much, we both did, it was heartbreaking. After nearly seven months of being together everything is still amazing. I love him so much, and I have no idea what I'd do without him. In nine days, I'll be flying to visit him, and this time we get to be together for a month, and I can't wait!


Keep your chins up little ones! Your CG is out there, just have a little faith :)

Edited by Princess Bunni
  • Like 1

aw both stories are so darn cute! My success story didn't happen because of this site but I wanted to share any way


I've been part of the ddlg community for about 4 years now. In those four years I've had several online relationships that ended because I got bored and ghosted on them. I was a bad person in the past but it definitely taught me that I cannot do long distance in any way.


Jump to the Spring of 2015 I join this BDSM based kik group. Everyone is super friendly! I mention I live in x city in Canada and this guy pops up saying he lives near x city as well. Cool! Awesome! Dont meet too many people from my area.


A couple hours later I leave the group because I get awkward around new people. Guy messages me and we start talking about how cool it is that we live in the same area. A couple days later we decide to meet up for a milkshake and whatever else we feel like doing.


We hang out and hit it off immediately, it was great! We continue to hang out for that whole entire week and it was amazing. We never ran out of things to do or talk about.


It's been 2 1/2 years since then. Things are great! We're living together and have the best daddy/little relationship I've ever had. I've never been happier

  • Like 2

Honestly, I never expect or follow my posts to see if theyre popular or whatever... But I truly had wished more people had CG/l success stories. :(

  • Like 1

Met my Daddy (who is now my Master) on fetlife. Hopefully this question isn't just related to this forum.

Almost five months ago. Such a short time in the grand scheme of things, but that's when my true life began.

He had never even heard of ddlg. It was me that introduced Him to the concept. He identified as a Dom.

But as we started talking, and by His profile, i sensed a very natural DaddyDom side to Him.

We met face to face after only two days. And wow. Talk about chemistry. It was palpable. So strong, we both felt it.

It was like coming home.

Our relationship has progressed very quickly. He is my Daddy, my Master, my soulmate, and the love of my life.

He says He has never loved like this before, and like me, He has been married twice.

When i met one of His daughters (who is around my age), she later told Him that He had never acted that way around a woman before. Holding hands, the way He was around me, etc. He told her that's because He had never felt this way about a woman before.

We were meant for one another. We fit perfectly.

  • Like 1
Guest Naturalselectionissexy
I'd post one but apparently I'm too picky, or they are under the legal age of consent. There is always next year! Lol
  • 2 months later...

I remembered seeing this a while back, and frankly it is sad no one else has posted anything else in months, and there being very few posted. So while mine isn't a complete success story (because we aren't living together or anything), I'll still post it.


I joined this site around September, because I had just found out about this side of me (a label for it anyways). After a couple weeks on here and talking to lots of random people, I started talking to TinyTwaddle on here in the chat room. We talked so much, we decided to kick it over into Discord (because as most people know, it's really hard to hold a long conversation in chat with tons of people). We talked for over a month about everything under the sun, and our conversations lasted for hours on end, running way through midnight.


Durung the entire time of talking, our original intent was to just help each other find a partner, because we knew from the first day we'd be great friends (and for me one of the best friends I ever had). But also during that time i started getting feelings for her, when it started from just wanting to protect her to legitimately liking her. So on October 13th, I decided to ask her to try being my little. I was so scared that day, I actually decided to go to the ice rink to send her my question and then work to clear my head to not be entirely terrified (though that didn't work). Thankfully, she said yes.


Soon after came the decision to meet in New York. We had been together for a month when we met, and just as I had thought that asking her out was the hardest thing to do, knocking on the hotel door proved to be far more daunting. As I told her though, when she opened the door, every fear and worry I had fell away, as if it never existed. We only had a day and a half of the semi-impromptu trip, but that had been the best weekend of my life, because it was the day I truly met her.


It's only been 4 and a half months together, but we've already seen each other twice (just getting back from the second trip as I write this). We have adventures somewhat planned out for the next three decades, but I know the biggest and best adventure would be a life with her. As most people have felt leaving their long distance S/O, it feels like my heart is in my throat and both are being crushed. But its simply more of a reason to find a way together.


So there is our ongoing success story. And if you're reading this Tiny, I love you so much.

  • Like 3
Guest McLeodLot65
What a great topic! When I joined this site back in October, it was almost an accident - I'd been reading about ddlg and the forum came up in a Google search - and it was just to make friends. So I did, and it was great. It was wonderful to just relax and read the postings and sometimes put in my two cents. Then a little (who lived in the same part of the country as me) messaged me one day. We messaged back and forth for a while, then moved to kik, and soon we were chatting every day, for hours. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world, especially when we found out that we both came from the same part of Canada and liked a lot of the same things. But even so, neither of us were looking for anything except friends until all of a sudden we were Daddy and little! That's been since early January, and so far it's all online, but I'm looking forward to when we can visit. She's supported me through some of the most difficult time of my life, and I don't know what I'd do without her.
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

My Daddy made a post so I guess I will too:p I joined this site at the end of August of last year after finally deciding to accept being a little and that it was what I really wanted. I'll be honest, it crossed my mind at some point that "hey, maybe I can get a boyfriend easily enough with this!"...oh how I've grown since then. Like many littles on this site, I was targeted quickly by so-called Daddies that would only abandon me in a short time. My very first daddy disappeared after only a few days but I (stupidly) hurried into another relationship with someone I had barely gotten to know beforehand. While he lasted much longer than my first, he too eventually disappeared...as did my following two daddies. I always felt there was something missing in all the relationships; either it didn't feel real or they were not as much of a daddy as a daddy should be(or at all like a daddy). In the beginning I made the stupid choice of having multiple daddies at once simply because I either felt bad for saying no to them or I thought they could fill in what my other daddy was lacking. I hurt people who had been very kind to me and I was acting in a way that didn't reflect who I really am, so I made sure to put a stop to that.


Fast forward to October: I was in a horrible relationship with a so-called daddy, I spent most days wondering if he would answer me that day or not. Then there's the fact that he in no way acted like a daddy and I spent the entire relationship not able to go into little space because of it. Near the end of October I decided to message a fellow who I had seen posting around the forum. I had looked at his profile before but I passed over it that time. Probably a week later something told me to look at his profile again and this time it said he lived in the same province as me. Eager, yet nervous, to make a friend from the community who lived close enough to me, I sent him a message with the weirdest introduction ever. Soon enough he became one of my bestest friends, someone who would tolerate me complaining about my horrible daddies that I was too stupid to kick to the curb, and someone who would stay up with me when I was sad and thinking about hurting myself. Finally in January I decided that I couldn't be with the daddy I was with anymore, realizing that I loved the thought of my friend becoming my Daddy more than waiting on my current one to answer my messages, which was every few days if I was lucky. I hadn't stopped thinking about my friend becoming my Daddy since he first suggested it in December, with the possibility existing I wanted it more and more. I knew he genuinely cared about me, just as much as I did about him (and definitely still do!) and that was what I needed. I asked him to be my Daddy and now I wouldn't want anyone else standing in his place. I'm a lucky little who found the perfect Daddy for her and I'll proudly tell anyone that. I can't wait for the day I get to meet him in person and give him the biggest bear hug ever. Messaging him that first day in october was the best thing I ever did. <3

Edited by Angel24
  • Like 1

I am seeing a semi-common theme of October! Woot! Gooooo October!


And congratulations to all of you! I am so happy and wish so much success in your CG/l lives!

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A bit difficult for me to explain my life in English but I will try using Google translation. I know that I am submissive since my teenager but I never thought of living with bdsm before meeting my Daddy Dom. He was my best friend and neighbor for 8 years but we did not know we had the same attraction. He took me home with my children as I left a husband who was becoming more and more violent and at the same time we understood what we were and we loved each other. Since we live as Dom and submissive. We discovered the ddlg not long ago and understood that we lived already like that since always. We have been living together for 12 years and are married and happy.  :wub:

  • Like 4
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bunnybear11
Posted (edited)

So, I've told this story a few times on here already but here we go.


Me and my daddy met though a common friend, we started seeing each other and a month later oficially started dating. He didn't really know about ddlg, I'd known I was into it for years, but wasn't active in the community or anything due to being underage and just not feeling like I was at that time in my life yet. Until we started dating (at this time I was 18).


My personality is v bubbly, and besides actually looking like a little kid, I act a lot like it, which my boyfriend really liked and thought was the cutest thing. He's always been v protective of me, and often times would act like a daddy would to his little, and I would notice small things like these and comments he'd make and just really wish I could tell him about ddlg, but I was always super scared of his reaction, and afraid he would think it's weird and leave me. 


We're v open to each other so eventually I decided to tell him, I did a lottt of research and spent a month deciding this was actually what I wanted before telling him, I searched on the forum and many other places and came up with what I was gonna tell him, and so I did it, and he was a little confused a first, but after explaining to him he felt like this dynamic totally fit us and was very excited about it. 


We've been together for a year now and I couldn't have asked for a better daddy. We're completely in love and hope to spend the rest of our lives together. 

Edited by carobear
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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I love hearing all of these stories, even if it wasn't strictly from the forum, hearing the positive side of this dynamic is so reassuring! We see so many negatives about the dynamic; ghosting, catfishing, "fakes", LDRs (that are painful) and more. So to hear Happily Ever Afters really make me love this lifestyle even more! ^_^

Edited by Little Illy

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