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Little girl gone into hiding

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Posted (edited)

Ive tried looking for a thread about this but i cant find one so sorry if i just couldnt find it.


So I've not been able to get little lately because all my headspaces are yelling at each other in my head and none of them are really making much sense. the loudest is big girl who is mostly yelling at my little side and blaming her for everything so I think my little side got scared and went into hiding.


But I want to be little again it keeps me mostly stable, I guess I'm just kinda asking if anyone has advise to stop them all yelling and convince little girl to cone back?

Edited by Princesspoopybutt
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There are 2 sides your little side needs to stand up and say to the big girl who is shouting that the little girl inside needs time as well so work out a rota like the big girl can have 4 days one week and the little 4 days the week after or even just go into little space and blot out the big girl voices soon they will stop and you can be in little space hope this is off help to you.

Guest ParanoidAsylum
I'm unfortunately unsure of how to help that, but what I can say is I somewhat understand the situation, as that is pretty much my current daily life

I had a gf with the same problem, she just had a hard time accepting herself. The truth of herself. Most abused, raped and neglected fear who they are..deep down. I spent a life-time trying to understand/live in society/with myself. My exes family called her stupid because she acted like a little girl and much more, so I understood why she fought against herself. Truth was, she was more intelligent than most.

That is why most hide their truth from society and feel alone. I met one little girl, she was 29 and totally herself, she told me she lost a lot of friends in the beginning, however the friends she has now accept her little girl side and she is completely happy. I thought she was magical. Unfortunately for me, she had a daddy.

I have spoken with many, slaves, whores, little girls, bitches 40+ and they are alone/feel alone and some are married. That's the end results, along with being miserable/unhappy/not content.. if you do not accept yourself.

Please be stronger sweetie, because then it becomes an amazing life.


I hope some of this helps.

Guest dadBADDY

Little space is a place for littles to interact, not daddies unless otherwise specified.. im pretty sure none of us has a clue about what she's feeling because we've never been through it ourselves. Hope other littles give you the answers you need.

I can relate to how you feel. I've had this happen many times. What I feel might help, that has worked for me, is to find a quiet place, somewhere that no one will bother you, no interruption and try to talk to your sides. Find out why your big side is angry with your little side. For me, sometimes it's stress. My big side is under a lot of pressure. So find out if your big side is angry because your little side is getting all the attention, meaning you have things to do that are important but they're not getting done because you're always in little space. You have to take time for your big side too. Make sure that your big side's responsibility are getting done before you run into little space. No body wants to Adult (especially me) but sometimes you have to or it'll cause a great deal of stress and strain. I hope this helps. Or at least gets you started in the right direction. <3 -^_^-
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