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Sad little

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I got broken up with by my Daddy Dom/boyfriend recently. I’m so sad. He broke up with me because of complex stuffs that I won’t go into...but there’s a chance he’ll want me back once he has time to deal with some personal stuff....but I don’t know how to be in limbo for a few months. My head hurts all the time. My tummy gets sick all the time. My chest hurts. I feel broken. I just need someone to get what I lost and care.
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Hi, um I'm sorry you're sad. I wish I could hug you. I'm a little too. Being sad is okay sometimes I think. If you want a friend to talk to I'm here. Maybe we can be bestlittles.

The answer is simple and blunt, and please don't take this the wrong way. You don't wait. You move on with your life. You can't put your life on hold for something that might not happen in the future. Go and find new hobbies, things to get you out and doing stuff. Things to get you chatting and making friends with new people! Just don't let yourself stagnate and wither away. You're better than that and worth so much more. It's been said before and it's true; time heals all wounds. Baby steps, okay? The best thing to do is to not talk to him, block him on everything. You need to move on and remaining in contact is going to seriously hinder that. You're strong, I know you can do it :)

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A chance he'll come back isn't what you should be thinking about. You're holding onto hope, and if it doesn't work out you're only going to be more upset, hurt, and broken. You can't hold on to something that may not happen. 


I don't agree with above that blocking him on everything is the answer. I believe in keeping friendships even when relationships fail. If you were friends then you should keep that much - but ONLY if he is willing and able. Again, don't hold on if it's not going to happen. 


Do things that make you happy. You need to move on and find a way to be happy with yourself. 

Thanks all. It’s overwhelming but today feels better.

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