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Breaking up and falling apart

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Guest ~lele~

I just needed to write this down.


I've been in 2 serious DDLG relationships. After the first ended, I was heartbroken, yes, but I think I was more broken as a person then anyways. The pain faded in time though I always wished we could have stayed friends.


But, my Daddy I've been with for almost a year....this breakup is breaking me down from my core. It's different. I know that things weren't working well. We argued a lot, after my spine surgery, I changed a lot, and couldn't be the same little anymore. It wore on us as a couple. At one point I was ready to break up, but then when It happened....I was ok for a couple weeks. Now....it's like I can't breathe at times.


I don't know what the point of me writing this is. But, I will say a Ddlg break up is one of the hardest things ever....the bond doesn't just snap loose. I know I can't be alone in how badly it hurts. We're exes now and friends I guess too, but all I keep thinking is I want my Daddy....

.anyways I guess I just had to say it.

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I understand. And that's what we're all here for. I lost my daddy about a month ago and although it needed to end and we both knew it was coming it was about two weeks later that I realized the daddy aspect was what I was having the hardest time without. He was my safety net and my security blanket and not having that is really painful. Hopefully you can find friends here to help keep you afloat, I signed up here a couple weeks ago and have been on here a lot since then.
Sorry to hear that lele.. but give it time.. time does magical thinngs

Sometimes we need to get our feelings out there Lele instead of letting them run round and around in our head. Thank you for sharing. Your future is still bright, we might not see the blue skies for the storm clouds but they are still there we will see them eventually.

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