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Little space items

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Hi everyone :D

So I'm in the middle of making a care package for my friend who has to be sneaky about his littleness. I'm trying to think of stuff that's subtle but still super cute that'll help him feel more comfortable going into little space. Does anyone have something that helps them with that?? I know stuffed animals help a lot but I wanna try and do more than stuffies since he's already got sooooo much!

Guest Blushangel

Idk how little he is, but if he wants to try paci's maybe you can sneak one into a stuffy, smuggler style  ;).

Or you can send him come colored pencils and an "adult" coloring book. Like cars or animals or something that wouldn't seem that weird to be caught with. Or maybe some yummy treats  :D

Guest LittlePuddin

You can try to give him some candies, or what ever sweet is his taste.You can also get him a discreet toy like Play-Doh.

My friends little age is like 2-4 :3 he's like super smol and gets really into his headspace sometimes so I wanna make sure some stuff is like safe?? I dunno if that makes sense. Coloring books and Play doh are really good tho!! Thank you!!

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