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Does anyone else lack a conscience and/or doesn't do basic things unless told?

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Guest Prima-Donna

It seems like like I forget (or don't want to do) the most basic things such as brushing my teethies, going potty, or taking my medication on a regular basis. It's like since I don't have anyone to tell me to do these things and not put them off, then I figure why should I? It's not like i'm going to get punished cause there's no one to punish me about it. I also don't have much of a conscience and I will do things just cause i'm curious or for the sake of having done it. Like, eating all the candy at once and giving myself a tummy ache, opening car doors on the highway(I seriously did this one,and it's really dangerous so don't do it!), splashing around in mud puddles, etc. And again, I have no one to tell me not to, so they're no repercussions in my mind. *sigh* 


No that seems really unhealthy actually.


You should be able to have basic control over yourself and your actions regardless of whether or not you have a caregiver. Being entirely dependent on another human being for basic things is extremely unhealthy. 

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Guest Prima-Donna

No that seems really unhealthy actually.


You should be able to have basic control over yourself and your actions regardless of whether or not you have a caregiver. Being entirely dependent on another human being for basic things is extremely unhealthy. 

That's not quite what I meant. I'm not looking for a CG to supply this level of structure to my life. I kind of just forget to do certain things. I think it has something to do with my depression. I'm trying to start a routine on my own.


That's not quite what I meant. I'm not looking for a CG to supply this level of structure to my life. I kind of just forget to do certain things. I think it has something to do with my depression. I'm trying to start a routine on my own.


That's just kind of how it seemed when I read it, due to the mention of punishments I suppose. And, yea, these are traits of someone who has depression. Good luck with your routine.


I completely understand what you mean. I have a depression, ADHD, autism and anxiety disorder and man its hard when Daddy is not around. Of course its not healthy but if you keep forgetting it because one of the mental disorders I've mentioned, it's really handy to have a Daddy next to you.



Maybe you should try to make a little list of 'Selfcare' like 'Brush your teeth twice a day' or put times on there. It will make your life a lot easier and healthier that way.


That's not quite what I meant. I'm not looking for a CG to supply this level of structure to my life. I kind of just forget to do certain things. I think it has something to do with my depression. I'm trying to start a routine on my own.


But that is kind of what your are saying - without someone providing structure, you forget these things. Its understandable that you do (considering mental illness) but it is not healthy. I have depression, among other things, and I "forget" to brush my teeth or shower or cook or eat or do chores sometimes as well.


But the fact that you associate what you can and cannot do in regards to if you get punished is not healthy, and, in my opinion, doesn't really have a lot to do with mental illness. You need to not look at these decisions from a little stand point, but rather as the adult that you are. Like opening car door on the highway.... You can't excuse this behavior when it is literally going against your health. You need to be an adult and own this responsibility - even as littles we have to deal with our adult side on a daily basis. For our health.


As for the mental health playing a part - there are ways to take steps in the right directions. Set alarms on your phone, make a daily To-Do list each night for the next day and follow it. And as for the punishments? Turn your perspective into "I dont brush my teeth? My punishment is rotting teeth." "I don't shower? My punishment is being unclean."


As I said, in regards to mental illness I totally get it. It is really hard, but these things are stuff you need to force through. Which, again is difficult.


But looking at it as "oh, will I get punished?" Is unhealthy, and if Im brutally honest, immature. 


I hope your routine helps because I'd hate for your health to decline. :heart:

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