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Would you rather

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Guest bunnydragon

This is a game of would you rather basically some one will say somthing like 


would you rather be a duck or a squirel


some one says squirl 


then post the next one 


and then repeate 



so here it goes



would you rather have the power to weild fire or the power to controll water





Control water. There's so much water around us! Our bodies, the atmosphere, not to mention oceans and other water sources.


Would you rather....

Have an ability where you always know what other people are thinking(can't turn it off), or have telekinesis(but you can't move stuff over 30 lbs)

Guest bunnydragon



Would you rather have to go to the bathoom every 30 minits or only be alowed to go to the bathroom outside


go to the bathroom every 30 minutes!


control time or be ivisable


Control time


Would you rather be a shapeshifter and turn into anything for every 30min or turn into something Or someone forever

Guest _LittleKat_



Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind OR never be able to speak again


Always have to say everything on my mind...but they both sound like curses. yikes!





Would you rather .... be able to hold your breath indefinitely or be able to swing through trees like monkeys?


Be able to hold my breath indefinitely caused you could swim all the time and just sit there scaring people




Would you rather have to be stuck in the worlds biggest hole or your exes house


The biggest hole, because the other would probably drive me to suicide.


Would you rather fight a hundred duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?


One horse sized duck cause it's gonna make lots of great pillows...


Um.. Be able to fly or swim super fast and breathe underwater

Guest ~*~Sachita~*~

Fly!  I wanna be a bird.


Would you rather live in a world with aliens or fairies?

Guest TinyBabyPrincess

Fairies, duh!  :wub: 


WYR: Live in a world where you only see one color, or live in a world where you are completely colorblind? 

Guest Daddy_with_Pride

Colorblind! Especially with some of the technological advances over the past 10 years: http://enchroma.com/


Would you rather be illiterate permanently, but be able to read minds or be able to read, but not read minds?

Guest ~Luna Rawrs~

Be able to read minds cx


Would you rather eat only one type of food for the rest of your life or eat all types, but not your favorite food?

Guest devilsangel

one type of food (as long as it is pizza)!! there are some very yucky foods out there!


would you rather know when you are going to die or how you are going to die?


When not how


Would you rather go back and live your life up to now again, or carry on and see what's next?

  • 1 month later...

Definitely carry on and see what's next.


Would you rather live in a home on the beach or in the Mountains?

Guest DaddyInDaHouse12



Would you rather go to an adventure or enjoy the comforts of the home?


Go to an adventure :p


Only be able to whisper everything or only be able to shout everything?

  • 2 weeks later...



Would you rather: Jump from a plane or go down with the plane?

Guest LittleQueenNikki13

Jump from the plane! I always wanted to sky dive..although I'm not keen on the sudden stop. Lol


Would you rather talk out of your butt or poo out of your nose?

  • 1 month later...
Guest ~*~Sachita~*~



Moving on.....


Would you rather have theme music playing wherever you go or dream the same dream every night?


Depends on the dream....enough said.


Would u rather eat spiders or.....be bitten by a spider with fangs.....< this is like fear factor..where joe rogan at


I would rather be bitten...


Would you rather live in a world with a complete peace or in a world with internet? If you choose peace, internet disappears. If you choose internet, peace disappears.

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