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Sad little girl

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Hello everyone,

  I'm a little who has depression and anxiety, normally i'm quite good at managing these things but currently i'm really struggling. Is there anyone here that can help a girl out? I just need someone to have a nice chat with. To talk about the good things in life.

  I'm also in little space and my mommy's super super busy, so even if you had some suggestions for activities i could do? everything will be appreciated. 


 Thank you

A Princess baby dragon.


Perhaps you could make your mommy a thank you card for all the things she does for which you are grateful. You could color it up nice in crayons and try to list as many specific things that you love about her or are grateful for as you can.

Thank you, that is a really nice idea ☺ I'll do it.
Oooh! How about we list 10 good things in our lives. I'll start a new thread!!!

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