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What are your stuffies names?

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ah. I have so many. I have a whole closet full. 


My favorites though are:

Foxshy the fox (seems a little familiar)
Flopsie the fox

Tiny Tatsu the snow leopard 

Beary the fox


I might like foxes a little bit. 

Mr bearington (bear). Penni pasta(penguin). Mr berry fluffman (bear). Mrs berry fluffman (bear). Honey buns (rabbit). Baby boo bear (bear)
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Guest LittleS0uls

My unicorn : Daisy♡

after many names like : Cookie, New York;Miss Hippo ; Cacao ; Titus♡


I have my main three : a bunny called Bunbun, a bear called Sillybear, and a Disney Cheshire Cat I just call Cat.


I've also got a wolf stuffie I call Wolfie, a big Chococat, an Eevee, a Yoshi, and some other ones with names that change.


Yay! I had a wolf stuffie (Wolfie) and a teeny tiny baby bunny that could fit in my hand (Bunny)... but I lost them in a move :'(


Now, I just have a zombie stuffie named Dave (he looks like this - https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00VLLWCM6/ref=mp_s_a_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1504459023&sr=8-20&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=zombie+stuffed+animals&dpPl=1&dpID=41Q0PQwinPL&ref=plSrch)


He's so ugly, it's adorable. But I needs more... ALL THE STUFFIES!!!

A big wolf that sleeps in bed with me called Wolfie, and a tiny purple bunny that Daddy got for me called Ralph ❤️

Ginger Ramen - A large bunny

Jingle - Another bunny

Lydia - Another bunny

Pinkie Pie - Another bunny

Ohana - A fox

Margaret - Another fox

Howard & Tony - A set of 2 foxes

Canda - An arctic fox

Iris - A long puppy ("Floyd" is her alternate name -- I couldn't decide)

Delilah - A longer puppy

Sammy - An elephant

Paws - A raccoon

Amanda - A panda

Cinna - Another panda

Pickles - A koala

Snowy - A snow leopard

Daphne - A tiger

Cuddles - A pink bear with a heart pattern

Kelley - A brown bear

Scottie - A scottish terrier

Spotzie - A dalmation

Alaska - A husky

Snowball - A polar bear

Rocky - A portuguese water dog


That's the ones I can think of now, a lot of my other stuffies are Disney (like Beast, Duchess, Marie, Baymax, Eeyore) or they're related to a specific character like my Captain America build-a-bear is Captain Ameribear and my Star Trek Bears are Keptin and Spock Bear

Guest ShyLittleLee

my main one is a wolf his name is Kodi

a small husky- mishka


a pillow pet cow- besty

a bunny- cotten tail ( his name changes alot)

a cream bear- Rory 

a grey bear- Smokie

Guest Sillylittlemouse

It is a long list


Winnie the witch

Beer the bear

Clarice the raindeer

Mr moo the cow

Bluie the penguin

Tooty the owl

Minnie tsum tsum

Mickey tsum tsum

Sassy the Bunny

Bunny the lamb


Brownie the dog

Spot the French bulldog

Spooky the ghost

Dumbo the tsum tsum

Squeaks the mouse

Piggles the pig




Oh, I have over 40 plushies and I've named them all, but I can tell you some of the names.


Panda- He's a giant panda that's bigger than me

Puff- He's a big and puffy fox

Bacon- A pig

Lizz- A lizard


And my favorite, my very first teddy bear, named Teddy c:


Elephant the Elephant

Lillyana the Organgutan

Geoff the Capybara 

Growl Bear who growls when you turn him upside down!

Foxy Loxy the Fox


I don't think my others have names yet.


I have 2 cats called Eddie and Sammy, a lion called Ephraim, a huge light brown teddy bear called Charlie, and a little darker brown teddy called Freddie  ^_^

I just got a wee Pikachu stuffie whom I named Wodos. It's just a stupid inside joke between Daddy and Me :)

My two main ones are my giraffe and my Flaréon, but I have others.

Giraffe: BPL (Big Pupura Lingua [means big purple tongue in Latin), but I mostly call him Giraffe.

Flaréon: Flaréfloof/Flaréfluff.

Puppy: Sabin

Wolf: Wolfie (after a friend who goes by the same name)

Gorilla: ...Gorilla.

Giant Giraffe: Geoff (pronounced Gee-off)

Bear: Brownie


I know I have others, but idr them.

Guest BabySuzie

I have:

Beary the teddy

Demetri the rainbow sock monkey

Chuu the pikachu

Spots the panda

Beetlejuice the doll

And many others!

I have a giant sock monkey in a flannel shit named Daeil, a sock monkey head named Malcom and a bunny sock monkey named travis. I really like sock monkey if you cant tell
I have a purple teddy named Miss Grape. And Daddy just got me a princess build a bear that we named Rose :)
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fluffy bear called Whidey (It's a weird name I know haha) 


My fave stuffie is a black panther named kitkit, whom I love a lots. 


But I also have lots of other stuffies that i dont cuddle with regularly so they dont all have official names?


I have loads of stuffies, but my cuddle one is a Bat from build a bear called Elizabat...

Guest ☽ ᴍᴏɴᴏᴄᴇʀᴏs ☾

I don't put names to my stuffies. Dishonor for me and my cow.


i has 17 stuffies  :D  (ones wif  :heart:  are ones daddy gave me)

1)tiny (big bear) :heart:

2)stacey (pink bear) :heart:
3)teddy (teddy bear)
4)Michael (small rainbow monkey)  :heart:
5)sam (red dino) :heart:
6)princess snowflake (christmas bear)
7)fantasia (tiny unicorn) :heart:
8 )leopora (small snow leopard)
9)Shaun (sheep)
10)foxtato (foxy)
11)gracie (big monkey)
12)tigress (white tiger)
13piblo (penguin that vibrates)
14)anastasia (big unicorn)
15)flynn (rainbow bear) :heart:

16)toothless (dragon)

17)Barbara (manatee) 

Guest Sheepleat

I dont name all my stuffies actually, mostly cause Im really bad with names :p

But I have a few with names. My fav would be Shiba, my jaguar, Ive had him for about... 16 years now :o And then I have

a bunch of sheep that are mostly just called Cloudy, Sheepy, Floofy and Fluffy (I have more but they share the same names :p )

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