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whats the difference between a bratty little and a normal one

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Guest Bunnyfeet

Is being a bratty little differant  then a normal one i dont really understand the difference  

Guest Sinderella
Both are normal littles- However someone who is labeled a "brat" enjoys misbehaving purposely, most of the time to receive punishment. I don't identify as a brat, but I can be a brat sometimes because I think misbehaving on a small scale can be fun. Who needs a perfect little angel all the time haha ^-^

To be honest i love being bratty

it's just fun to give him a boner in public and hearing stuff like 'just wait till we get home' and just play a little more

I love seeing that look that he makes when i give him the paddle out of nothing


idk, bratty is more like 'moments' you have/behave when in little space in my opinion

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In my experience, there is no diffence. A little is a little, bratty or not. Being bratty is just a fun extra, like when I get Daddy riled up in public for the fun of what I know will happen when I get home or when I have a little attitude so Daddy will come after me.


The only real difference to me is when someone is disrespectful and never behaves and excuses it with being a brat. Even brats should love and respect their CGs and behave when appropriate/necessary.

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