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What are your rules?

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My daddy does have many rules but mine are

1 never ever talk bad about princess

2 always be honest

3 no other daddies

4 let daddy know what you're wearing and make sure it's approved

5 no touching princess parts without asking

6 always use sir or daddy ex yes sir no sir mhm daddy no daddy

7 if I'm not comfortable with my rules always talk to daddy

He said we'll get more once we get into -sexual- things because I'm not ready yet.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm going to ask Daddy for some rules. I like the structure he provides.

When I had a daddy the rules for me were:


*No swearing

*wear the clothes daddy picked out for me

*No arguing

*Always welcome daddy home

*Help daddy with anything he needs (Dirty things too)

*Don't boss daddy around

*Do my chores

*Don't make the bed wet when daddy's not home or not able to see

*Always ask permission

*Keep myself shaved and clean

*No sweets unless daddy says so

*Don't let dirty clothes lay on the floor


These were some of the rules I had, there were more rules and some were unwritten ones, but I feel like this is a good list

Guest LittleS0uls

1. No cussing. You can use safewords without any worries, but cussing will not be permitted.


2. I want you to eat, ideally, 3 meals a day.

I will remind you and ask you what you've eaten because your well-being is important to daddy.


3. Take care of your body. This includes but it not limited to: no drinking or smoking of any kind! and causing no self harm. Exercise is optional and i will not enforce that.


4. You will tell daddy when you go out and with whom. If you make plans for the day or are making plans then tell me. This is a LDR and i need to know where you are and what you're doing.

- you will ask for [permission] before making any plans that might intervene with our time together.


5. No secrets. Do not keep anything hidden. You have to tell me when something bothers you because that is the only way i can help. You are always free to offer suggestions and speak your mind freely without fear of punishment.


6. You will trust daddy completely. I will never willingly or knowingly give you bad advice or poor judgment. Everything i do i do with your well being at heart. I am here to support you and guide you so that you can be a better person.


7. Baby will be rewarded and spoiled for being a good girl . However,  breaking any rule will result in being punished. I.e early sleepies, no talking on skype for a long period of time, written assignments etc etc.


8. No talking to any other daddies or doms. This is one is really important because depending on the context I would immediately leave you. I do not speak to any other littles so i see no reason for you to speak to any other daddies.


-In the later stages I will ask for you social media and will periodically check it from time to time.

-No other men, in general, will ever see you in an inappropriate manner (posting revealing photos online or wearing clothing that shows too much). You must ask for permission when you feel as if something you post/wear would bother me.

 9. You will text daddy and be with daddy as much as possible. If you take long to reply (+12 min) you will explain where and why you replied late. If i am able to do as this rule states then i expect no different from my princess. I need to know what you're doing so i can build trust. If baby does not tell daddy then i will start to lose trust and eventually the relationship might end.


10. We will go to sleep at the same time every night and you will NEVER stay up longer than daddy. We will say i love you to each other before sleepy every night♡


11. We will try to send a photo at least once a week and if i want to see a photo of my princess you will send one.

-Inappropriate photos come after the princess is comfortable with it and I will not force or demand such things.


12. When baby starts school you will tell daddy of all your assignments. I want to know due dates as well. Daddy will help baby keep track of her school work because your studies are important to me. You will always try your best!


- both baby and daddy will practice English and French, respectively. We will better ourselves to make the relationship better♡


13.  Give daddy everything you want to give - As much as you give you will receive. I will protect, love, cherish, and spoil you forever and I want you to be as affectionate, cheeky, naughty, and loving as possible so that i can give you the same in return.



Here are my rules from daddy  :wub: :


- Kitty is Daddy's property. Daddy owns you.

- Always respect Daddy and be on your best behaviour.
- Always listen and obey Daddy's orders.
- Kitty is submissive to only Daddy. You will never allow anyone else to control you or bully you.
- No posting or sending pictures of yourself to others without permission.
- No disrespecting yourself or your body. (No self harm or belittleing yourself)
- Hygiene is important and should not be ignored.
- Stay safe and don't do anything Daddy wouldn't. Ask permission if unsure.
- Always take your medicine when needed and tell Daddy when you have.
- No touching princess parts or cumming without Daddy's permission.
- You will always thank Daddy after playtime or finishing punishments.
- Always remember and prepared to use your safe word if needed. "Cupcake"
- Kitty must address me as either Daddy, Dada, Sir or Master. Use my real name if needed.
- Eat at least three meals a day.
- No bad words, back talking or arguing with Daddy.
- Always tell Daddy about your feelings so Daddy can make you feel better.
- Honesty is very important to Daddy.
- Immediately tell Daddy if you have broken any rules and why you broke them.
- Daddy will give you appropriate punishments, but will never abuse you.
- Kitty will always be a good girl and accept your punishments.
- Rules can be discussed and changed if needed.
- Always check with Daddy before making unnecessary purchases.
- Kitty must sleep at normal bed time (12:30am) on work days. You need your rest.


- Sweets
- Movie nights/games
- Video with Daddy
- Playtime


- Spanking
- Writing Lines
- No privileges (Toys, cumming, electronics, etc.)
- Early bed time

Guest LeftyGuitar
Posted (edited)

Rules my mommy set


-Bed time is 10 on weekdays,midnight on weekends

-Ask before eating candy, no candy after 8 or before dinner

-Text good morning and good night everyday

-No cussing

-No talking back

-Mommy owns you

-Eat 2 full meals

-Ask mommy permission before touching prince parts

-only one soda per day, no soda after 8



-Corner time

-Time out chair


-Forced nap time

-Soap in the mouth

-Privilage of touching prince parts taken away for extended period of time

Edited by LeftyGuitar
  • 3 weeks later...

Daddy has many rules set for me but those rules are to keep me safe.


#1. Always know that Daddy loves me.

#2. Other than at my real job or other times that Daddy says I must be diapered and use them for both pee pee and poo poo.

#3. I must only watch certain TV Channels like Disney Jr., Sprout, PBS Kids, and other Little Kid related channels.. * This rule I actual have no choice to follow because Daddy has a code on all the other channels that he is the only one that knows.

#4. If Daddy wants to stop Little/Daddy time and go into Adult relationship time at anytime at the apartment I need to be ready.

#5. My bed time as a 2 year old little is strictly to be in my big girl bed at 7:30 for the night. This gives Daddy several hours on his own to unwind if he wants.

#6. Daddy forbids me to drink anything other than Regular Milk or Chocy Milk, Orange Juice or Apple Juice from a bottle or Sippy Cup.

#7. When out of the apartment Daddy always wants me to hold his hand.

#8. I am always to refer to him as Daddy and in a little voice when I am a little. * This is no problem since my regular voice is pretty high pitched anyway. :)

#9. Daddy also likes me sucking on my Binky as much as possible when I am playing with my toys.

#10. This one started 5 months ago when I became collared by my Daddy with a Nylon collar with a small little bow tie in the from that dangles a ringlet off it and that has attached to it a heart with my Daddies name engraved on it. I am to wear that at all time even out and at work unless my Daddy says otherwise.


Those are some of my rules from my wonderful Daddy.

Posted (edited)

Some i won't post, cos they are too intimate


No bad language

Eat healthily even when not with Daddy (the occasional treat is at His discretion)

Exercise regularly

When entering His home, i must strip, and wait in my submissive posture until He tells me to relax, and remain naked til He decides what, if anything, i am to wear

Follow His house rules (just little things He does Himself that i need to do too, such as close doors, turn plug sockets off, etc)

Always refer to Him as Daddy/Sir or Master in private

Keep my hair long, just have it trimmed when needed

No underwear unless necessary and at His discretion, when with Him

Use upper case when referring to Him, lower case when referring to me

i must count the strokes out loud when receiving discipline or punishment, and not flinch away

Stay smooth on legs, underarms and between my legs, but don't shave too often as it causes soreness and redness sometimes

Edited by SUeB

•no swearing

•do what Daddy says

•no touching princess parts without permission

•follow Daddy’s rules, even when with people

•yes sir

•if you turn Daddy on, always finish

•wear only what Daddy feels is appropriate

•always say I love you back

•tell Daddy if something wrong

•always welcome him at home.


My daddy has a few rules for me as well. Our rules are as followed:

1) best behavior at all times.

2) always trust and respect daddy.

3) must eat at least three meals a day.

4) princess belongs to daddy and no one else.

5) give kisses at least 20 times a day.

6) no bad words.

7) no back talking daddy or giving attitude.

8) listen to daddy because daddy knows best.

9) if I'm upset I have to tell daddy

10) bedtime is at 11 on weekdays 12 on weekends.

11) always address daddy as baby or given name in public unless alone.

12) always check with daddy before making unnecessary purchases.

13) I will not be mean to myself or daddy.

14) bathes every night unless daddy is busy. Then shower.

15) always tell daddy where I'm going so he doesn't worry.

16) if daddy says now it means now if he says no it means no.

17) use a safe word if daddy is scaring you or hurting you.

18) safe word is pineapple.

19) always accept punishments like a big girl.

20) if I break a rule when daddy isn't around, I will be honest about it and tell him. punishment as daddy sees fit.

  • 2 weeks later...

my rules daddy says i need to follow are 

1.be a big girl at school

2.no means no

3. dont pitch a fit



I don't have many rules. Daddy knows I'll behave myself and do whatever makes him happy even without rules. 


1. No sexual or intimate interaction with anyone but Daddy

2. No play with anyone but Daddy 

3. Must communicate honestly with Daddy and never lie or hide anything 

4. Make time for Daddy even when I'm busy 

5. No doing things Daddy would not approve of, like getting drunk 

6. No hiding toys 

7. No playing or summing without Daddy's permission 

8. I must keep everything waxed at all times and be presentable and tidy for Daddy

9. Bedtime is 11pm unless I have asked and received permission to stay up 

10. No candy without Daddy's permission 

11. Must go to class every day and do all of my work and study

  • 2 weeks later...

My daddy hasn’t given me many rules but the ones he has given me are:

1. Make your bed when you wake up

2. Daddy knows best. Always respect and trust daddy.

3. Clean up after yourself (this includes picking up your toys)

4.Bedtime is 11 pm (unless daddy says otherwise.)

5. No bad words.

6.respect your body, no self harm and no negativity.

7. Always be honest about your feeling to daddy.

8. Daddy’s word is final

9. Always tell daddy If something is wrong.

Posted (edited)

Mine just gave me my rules tonight :) I call him Master instead of daddy, heads up ^^



Edited by Ginger

These are my rules daddy gave me, he said it was okay to tell you


1) Call daddy , daddy when alone outside call him babe or his name

2) Never say no to daddy

3) Eat all 3 meals a day

4) Don't disrespect daddy or yourself

5) Say please and thank you

6) Tell daddy if you aren't in little space

7) Say goodnight and good morning

8) Give daddy lots of kisses

9) if I break a rule punishments can happen

Posted (edited)

Mine as as follows:


Personal Care/Behavioral 

A. Personal Care/Behavioral

  1. Bed time on work nights is 10pm, asleep by 11pm.
  2. Brush your teeth twice a day.
  3. Eat something for breakfast everyday.
  4. No self harm, including emotional, psychological, and verbal.
  5. Always tell Daddy when something is wrong and what it is.
  6. Always tell Daddy if he does something you don’t like.
  7. No sugar or junk food without asking Daddy first.
  8. No lying to Daddy.
  9. Always say “Please” and “Thank You”.
  10. When going out with Daddy, Daddy has to approve your outfit.
  11. When going out with Daddy, you will be on your best behavior and not use curse words.
  12. Wait for Daddy to open doors for you.
  13. Always hold Daddy’s hand/stay close to him.



B. Sexual

  1. No orgasm without permission.
  2. No masterbating without permission.
  3. Clean and put away your toys after play time.



C. Punishments

  1. Spankings
  2. No kisses.
  3. Time Out
  4. Wash mouth out with soap (for heavy cursing when out with Daddy)
  5. Tie Up Time
  6. No pleasure time.



D. Rewards

  1. Colors/coloring book.
  2. Stuffies
  3. Undivided cuddle time with Daddy
  4. Comics
  5. Steam games
  6. Oral sex performed on.
  7. Get to ride Daddy during play time.

Edited by LittleGrumblepot
Guest DaddysCubbie
Posted (edited)


These are the rules agreed upon by Daddy and I, (a few of them are NSFW):


1. Send “Good Morning” texts upon waking and prior to hopping out of bed. 

2. Send “Good Night” texts, the last thing you do before sleeping. 

3. Send arrival texts as Babygirl travels. (Ex. Getting home, arriving at my parents house etc.) 

4. Must be specific and explicit in her speech, especially about emotions. 

5. Will always be in kneeling position, unless on the furniture or standing. 

6. Babygirl is never allowed to enter bed without asking for permission. 

7. Babygirl is never allowed on the furniture without asking for permission. 

8. Babygirl is never allowed to rise from kneeling position without asking for permission. 

9. Babygirl will review her weekly schedule as an overview so that Daddy is aware of what is going on. 

10. Daddy will be the only one to undress Babygirl.  

11. Babygirl will send Daddy three choices of outfits to wear for the day, everyday, including under garments. Babygirl will only dress in those items chosen by Daddy. 

12. Babygirl will be inspected upon arrival to Daddy’s home, or as Daddy requires. 

13. Babygirl will present the collar after being inspected, and will wear it until Daddy deems it’s time to remove it. 

14. Public Display of Affection is prohibited unless told otherwise, with the knowledge that Daddy is not a fan of PDA. 

15. No seafood is to be eaten starting two nights before meeting, during our time together and only ends when Daddy and Babygirl have gone to their respective home. (Daddy is allergic to Seafood)

16. Babygirl will address her owner as “Daddy/Sir” when alone together. 

17. Babygirl will bow her head, when in public, when asking a question to Daddy. 

18. Babygirl will remind Daddy when she feels ignored. However, she cannot be bratty about it. 

19. Babygirl is free to speak her mind and offer suggestion to her Daddy anytime without fear of punishments. However, NO WHINING, NO PESTER POWER will be allowed ever.  

20. Babygirl must clean up her hair in the bathroom and on the bed sheets. 

21. Babygirl is allowed to ask for cuddles at any time, Except in public. 

22. Babygirl will download the “Locate Friends” App onto her phone. Daddy and Babygirl will share locations on an ongoing basis. 

23. Babygirl will ask permission to cum, every time by saying “Daddy, may I cum for you, please.” 

24. Babygirl is not permitted to play with herself when not with Daddy, unless otherwise permitted by Daddy. 

25. Babygirl will ask for permission to buy any non-essential items. Including but not limited to shoes, lingerie, collectable, toys (adult and non), and clothing.  

26. Babygirl will relinquish control of her cell phone and Fetlife account. 

27. Babygirl will ask permission to leave Daddy’s presence, including but not limited to going to the bathroom, going for a smoke, leaving the room for any reason. 

28. Babygirl will ask permission to eat snacks. When together Babygirl will give Daddy three options of food to pick. Babygirl will only be allowed to eat what has been chosen by Daddy


These rules are a part of our contract as well as punishments, rewards and short/long term goals. After a few months they will be reviewed and changed if necessary. Having rules, especially for me, keeps me grounded and inline or else I'm like a wild fire running around all over the place. 


Edited by sweethrtt
  • Like 1

Hey, so these are the rules me and my lil one made together.

I noticed that we have a lot of rules when i looked through other people's lists but thats just because my lil one needs it and its handy for us.

I hope this can help anyone!


1. always obey Daddy .
2. don't lie to Daddy, always say the truth.
3. have respect towards Daddy; raising your voice is not accepted.
4. no selfharm.
5. always keep Daddy updated on your health and medicine intake.
6. always ask permission to go out.
7. always ask for permission to touch your princess parts.
8. do not hurt Daddy; verbally or physically. 
9. always tell Daddy when you dont like or dont want something
     -green; i can take this.
     -yellow; im almost at my limit. slow down.
     -red; stop all activity.
10. use manners and be on your best behaviour; ''Yes sir.''   ''Yes Daddy''    ''Please?''    ''thank you!'' etc
11. always hold Daddy's hand and stay close to him, outside.
12. clean up after yourself.
13. don't cuss.
14. always stay loyal to Daddy.
15. finish your homework and other tasks in time.
16. try to wear your glasses as much as you can; especially in school.
17. your body belongs to Daddy; dont forget that.
18. dont smoke, drink alcohol or do drugs without permission.
19. eat at least 3 meals a day.
20. Daddy is your whole world, he is above everything and everyone.
21. drink a minimum of 6 glasses of water a day.
22. dont body shame yourself.
23. always talk with Daddy and tell him whats on your mind.
24, wear appropriate clothing and change them when Daddy disapproves. 
25. No means no.
26. wake Daddy up when you cant sleep or had a nightmare.
27. bedtime is 10.00 pm from monday until friday. 
      bedtime in the weekends or no plans; 11.00 pm
28. hygiene is very important; lack of will not be tolerated.
29. Daddy shouldnt have to remind you of the rules.
30. do not text and drive, or with anyone that is.
31. do not buy anything unnecessary; and only buy yourself something nice with Daddy's permission.
32. eating time, 
breakfast; until 11 am. 
lunch; in between 1 and 2 pm. 
dinner; in between 5 and 7
snacks; in between breakfast and lunch, and after dinner
33. chores;
make up bed in the morning.
brush teeth twice a day.
clean up your (toys) playroom after use.
do all homework for the day.
shower at least 4 times a week.
make table ready for dinner and breakfast.
vacuum your room every saturday.


Those were our rules! Hope you enjoyed reading, have a nice day!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hewwo everyone!

So Daddy and I have so many rules, he actually made up most of 'em! I just really need these. And also, we're (like someone else in this forum said) practically almost in total power exchange. I hope you can find a few good rules from our list and add 'em to your own! Thank you. 


Note; my Daddy also posted on this forum. Buuut I'm going to post the other rules as well. Aaaand make mine prettier with colors! yay! 

Note 2; there will be sexual ones in here.. soo.. yep.

Note 3; my Papa gives me homework sometimes, so that's what he means with "do your homework for the day."




      Little Girl's Rules:

Ø  Always obey Daddy.

Ø  Always be honest with Daddy.

Ø  Have respect towards Daddy; raising your voice is not accepted.

Ø  No self-harm.

Ø  Always keep Daddy updated on your health and medicine intake.

Ø  Always ask permission to go out.

Ø  Ask for permission to touch your princess parts.

Ø  Do not hurt Daddy; verbally or physically.

Ø  Use the code names correctly; Green; I can take this. Yellow; almost at my limit,

slow down. Red; stop all activity.

Ø  Use your manners and be on your best behavior.

Ø  Clean up after yourself.

Ø  No cussing.

Ø  Always stay loyal to Daddy.

Ø  Finish your homework and other tasks in time.

Ø  Try to wear your glasses as much as you can; especially in school.

Ø  Your body belongs to Daddy; don't forget that.

Ø  Do not smoke, drink alcohol or do any drugs without permission.

Ø  Eat at least 3 meals a day.

Ø  Daddy is your whole world, he is above everything and everyone.

Ø  Drink a minimum of 6 glasses a day.

Ø  Do not body shame yourself.

Ø  Always talk with Daddy and tell him what's on your mind.

Ø  Wear appropriate clothing and change them when Daddy disapproves.

Ø  No means no.

Ø  Wake Daddy up when you can't sleep/had a nightmare.

Ø  Bed time from Monday till Friday; 10 pm. Bed time in the weekends or no plans; 11 pm.

Ø  Hygiene is very important; lack of will not be tolerated.

Ø  Daddy shouldn't have to remind you of the rules.

Ø  Do not text and drive, or with anyone that is.

Ø  Do not buy anything unnecessary and only buy yourself something nice with Daddy's permission.


Rules online:

Ø  Always put on your profile you’re taken.

Ø  Mention Daddy whilst chatting.

Ø  Ask Daddy before accepting a friend request/replying to a new chat.

Ø  Let Daddy know who your friends are and who you’re talking to.


      Daily chores:

Ø  Make up your bed in the morning.

Ø  Brush your teeth twice a day.

Ø  Clean up your playroom (toys) after use.

Ø  Do all homework for the day.

Ø  Shower at least 4 times a week.

Ø  Make the table ready for dinner and breakfast.

Ø  Vacuum your room every Saturday; to prevent your room from getting dirty.

Ø  NOTE: Sunday are days off!; relax day, Daddy does everything.


Rules outside:

        When alone:

Ø  Watch out for traffic.

Ø  Watch out for (creepy) men; if you see men, ignore them and do not look. If men are coming up to you get help to the closest safe person and tell them what is going on.

Ø  Grab everything with both hands; so you won’t drop anything.

Ø  Listen to older people.


        When with Daddy:

Ø  Always stay close to Daddy.

Ø  Never go off alone.

Ø  Always hold Daddy’s hand.

Ø  Get behind Daddy’s back when something goes wrong.

Ø  Never ignore Daddy’s order.

Ø  Do everything he says right away.



Ø  Breakfast; till 11 am.

Ø  Lunch; 1 pm – 2 pm.

Ø  Dinner; 5 pm – 7 pm.

Ø  Snacks; between breakfast and lunch & after dinner. 

Edited by lil.rosa
  • Like 2
Guest LittleGhosty

1- No throwing tantrums and screaming at the top of my lungs

2- Take my medications every day

3-Tell him when something is wrong

4- No spending all my money on makeup, stuffies, candy, etc

5- No hurting myself

6- Text him when I wake up, and when I arrive home after I leave his apartment

  • 2 weeks later...

I am in a switch relationship so these rules are for both of us. =)


1. eat three meals a day.


2.  tell him where I am so he knows that I am save.


3. I am not allowed to hurt myself, or be selfdestructive ( I struggled with selfharm )..


4.  The evening is reserved for little time. Where we play and do stuff together, If I have other plans he must agree to that. 


5. Don't swear or be mean to him.


9. no cheating.


10. Inform him of purchases I make.


11. Always hold his hand in public.


  • Like 1
Guest aphroditelaughs

We only have a few, but it works for us.


1. Let Daddy know if you're going somewhere and when you get there.


2. Do not play with Daddy's nipples (lol)


3. Listen the first time you are told.


4. Always respond with either Yes sir/Yes daddy or the opposite.

  • Like 1

* No lying

* ask before eating sweets

* don't put myself down

* ask before playing with myself *blush*

* go to bed when daddy says


There's other rules but they're kind of unspoken. These rules are ones I need to work on lol

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...



1. Dont forget to ask daddy when you can cum


2. Dont touch princess parts without daddy's permission


3. Dont lie to daddy


4. Dont cheat on daddy


5. Always follow daddy's rules


6. Listen to daddy


7. Finish homework everyday


8. No showing anyone else my body or daddy's body


9. Always tell daddy how I feel even when I'm upset or mad


10. Block anyone who flirts with me and let daddy know


11. No drugs


12. No ex's


13. I must behave even when daddy's not around


14. I must satisfy any of daddy's sexual needs


15. If daddy's tells me to do something no matter what it is I need to do it


If I dont follow these rules I'll lose a sticker and receive a punishment

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