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What are your rules?

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Guest thequeenslittle

So im ADHD so mommy has a lot of rules for me to remind me to do the things im supposed to also i tend to be kinda bratty, sassy or a troublemaker so we have alot of rules we are also master/slave so i have a lot of rules and they are pretty strict but i love it so. Here they are:

A.) Speech Restrictions
1.) No lying in any situation or for any reason.
2.) No playful lying after I have said to stop it or expressed this is a serious matter.

3.) No changing any part of the truth for any reason no matter how minor (embellishing stories).
4.) No using any words on the "No Words List".

5.) No excessive sass or sarcasm to anyone after I have said so or expressed this is a serious matter.


B.) Life Rules
1.) No temper tantrums. “Playful” temper tantrums must stop after I have said so or expressed that this is a serious matter.

2.) No whining after I have said so or expressed this is a serious matter.
3.) Any thing that occurs must be shared with me immediately (no hiding things).
4.) All medications must be approved by me before taking them, no exceptions.
5.) All friends you wish to have must be approved of by me.
6.) I will make all decisions for you that will affect your time, money, location, or attention.
7.) I will decide what you do and when and keep complete control of your schedule.
8.) I will control when, where, and for how long you sleep.
9.) You must exercise everyday and it must be approved by me.
10.) Drugs, drinking, and smoking will not be tolerated to any extent or by any means.

11.) You must always trust me completely with your entire mind, body, and soul.


C.) Clothing Rules:
1.) Pants must come down to your upper thigh (covers ass and front area).
2.) Shirts must completely cover your torso while still staying high enough as to cover your chest.

3.) During cold times, you must have appropriate attire to keep you warm.


D.) Locations Rules:
1.) You must tell me where you are going, for how long, and ask for permission to do said activities.
2.) You must ask for permission before leaving my sight or presence.


E.) Eating and Drinking Rules:
1.) You must have all food and drinks approved by me each day except for water.
2.) You must drink at least 180 oz of water a day.
3.) To earn 8oz of any soda or carbonated beverage, you must drink 30 oz of water.
4.) To have any other non carbonated specialty beverages, you must drink at least 20 oz of water.
5.) The first and last 30 oz of water a day do not count towards your other beverage counts.
6.) If you wish for sweets, you must be meeting all dietary expectations and any issues will result in the lose of this privilege.
7.) If the privilege is not lost, you must ask to have any and all sweets before having them.
8.) Something is a sweet if on the ingredients list there are any words you can not say and explain what the ingredient is.
9.) No coffee drinks will be tolerated.
10.) No alcohol drinks will be tolerated in any form.


F.) Technology Rules:
1.) Ask for permission to use any technology not required for school/work or to communicate with me.

2.) You must show me what you are doing at all times on any devices when requested by me.

3.) I am allowed to check through any devices whenever I want for any activities I do not allow or approve of.

4.) I am allowed to confiscate any technology at any point for any reason or no reason at all.


G.) Respect Rules:
1.) You must always obey any rules or commands I give to you.

2.) You must always show your love, care, need, and want for me in any and all ways you can think of.
3.) If I am not present or have commanded so, you must listen to any figures of authority present unless they command something against your rules.
4.) No disrespecting anyone or anything including yourself.
5.) No violence towards anyone or anything including yourself.
6.) No hateful speech towards anyone or anything including yourself.
7.) No throwing things at my face.
8.) You must alway leave the place cleaner than when you found it.
9.) You must respond to me immediately when I speak to you.

10.) You must always look me in the eye when I am speaking to you.

11.) No walking away or turning away from me when I am speaking to you.

12.) You must always respond to any messages from me immediately and never suddenly stop responding even if you are upset with me.

13.) No touching your prince parts without my explicit permission in each case.


H.) Hygiene Rules:
1.) You must brush your teeth twice a day, if not done you will lose sweets privileges.
2.) You must floss your teeth once a day.

3.) You must use mouthwash once a day.

4.) You must shower every day unless permission is given from me.

5.) If permission is given to not shower you must wash your hands, face, and ears before bed.
6.) You must wash your hands after using the restroom, cleaning, or performing any other unsanitary activities.
7.) While at home with me, you must ask permission to use the restroom at any time.


I have rules! Sir said it was okay to post them here.

  1. School is very important; you must go every day and tell Sir about homework and deadlines.
  2. Don't keep secrets from Sir; tell me your worries, I can't help if I don't know the problem.
  3. No swearing; Princesses have no need for vulgar words.
  4. Sir will choose your outfits, and you must ask when changing clothes; you can help with suggestions. You must send a description of what you are wearing in the morning.
  5. Bed time is when Sir says, and you must stay in bed if a time is given.
  6. Tell Sir when you're going to eat. Permission must be given for sweets and alcohol; fed and watered littles are happy littles.
  7. You must ask to go on tumblr, and ask to post things regarding Sir; I need to make sure you're safe everywhere, including online.
  8. NSFW: You must ask to touch your princess parts, and ask again to cum.
  9. You must ask to shower/have a bath. While there, you are only allowed to touch your princess parts for washing and shaving. Clean shaven princess parts are much preferred.

These are the rules I've been following for over a year now. Some of them only applied to certain days when we started our relationship, and the clothes rule still does.

Writing them all out has made me think we may need to refresh a few of these! I hope it was interesting for you x

I love your ruuuules!

Guest Bunny princess tiia

Awww<3<3 Your rules are so good!

I'm so looking forward to get rules from my Daddy:) He is very new to DDlg. So I wonder what  they will be.

  • 2 weeks later...

I not understand why so many not allowed to curse  :(


Is here someone who has specific rules as a little AND a sub AND a pet?


i've three sets of rules + generel rules to follow. i'll write them down later, because i can't translate them in the bus home.


Here are a few rules I would like from a loving Daddy:


1.  Babygirl will show all feelings to Daddy...laughing, crying, pouting, being petulant, being shy and so on...as these feelings arise...and let them pass through like the clouds.  If in public...Babygirl and Daddy may go to a private spot for her to express feelings, but Babygirl must not hold back her feelings at anytime.  All feelings are accepted by Daddy.


2. Babygirl shall get mad like a cute little girl...with stamping of foot, tossing  of hair, pouting and walking away with a glance back to see if Daddy notices.  Babygirl shall do this each and every time she is mad at Daddy, no matter how much she'd like to get mad like a Big Girl.  She will not do this just to get her way with Daddy all the time. 


3.  Babygirl will wear Babygirl clothes at home unless company is over...light pink, blue and pastel dresses/skirts/tops with ruffles, flowers, hearts or polka dots...loose, short dresses/skirts.  No sexy Big Girl clothes.   


4.  Babygirl will wear hair at home in pigtails, braids and ponytails with ribbons, flowers and colorful barrettes.


5.  Babygirl will hold Daddy's hand when out of the house together and ask permission to run off and see something on her own.


6.  Babygirl will sit and cuddle in Daddy's lap in the evening to talk and watch TV.


7.  Babygirl will go to bed no later than 11 PM...and will be tucked in by Daddy.


8.  Babygirl will let Daddy bathe her in the tub  1 or 2 times a week and will shower with him at other times, allowing him to wash her.  Daddy will dry her off and put her in her clean jammies and nighties afterwards.


9.  Daddy will always drive Babygirl when they go out together, and she will wait patiently while he opens the car door for her, helps her in and out, buckles and unbuckles her seat belt and gives her a kiss on her cheek afterwards.


10. Daddy will order for Babygirl in restaurants and help her with healthy meal selections.


11.  Babygirl shall tell Daddy her plans for the next day and allow him to provide guidance or approval to her.


12.  Babygirl shall play for at least 30 minutes every day...coloring, bubbles, clay, puzzles, stuffie cuddling, playing on swings.


13.  If Babygirl is dishonest or disrespectful to Daddy or to others, she will receive a hand spanking while sitting in Daddy's lap and may have privileges removed.


14.  Babygirl should freely tell Daddy what she's feeling, thinking and has done or wants to do.  Babygirl will accept his mature guidance and nurturance of her at all times and in all places.  





Posted (edited)

Daddy and I have been together for 10 months now, and are just starting to formalise our rules (Daddy says I'm an anarchist!)  I'm doing most of the writing, presenting them when I am ready for his approval.




Rules for Bunny

·        I use respectful body language, verbal language and tone.

·        I use good manners.

·        I give Daddy my full attention when he speaks with me.

·        I obey Daddy promptly, without kvetching. 

·        I cannot whine, complain, sulk or exhibit any form of negative behaviour if Daddy say's "no".

·        I get Daddy’s permission before leaving his side and I return promptly.

·        I keep Daddy informed of my location and companions.

·        I refer all “couple questions” to Daddy for an answer unless he indicates otherwise. 

·        I do not argue with, contradict or correct Daddy in front of others.  If it is urgent, I ask Daddy to come aside so that I may talk with him privately.  If it is not urgent, I wait for when we are alone.

·        I am not required to agree with Daddy on everything, but I am respectful in disagreeing.

·        ​I obtain permission to publicly post explicit photos.

·        I maintain the "couple bubble". 

·        I do not share information that may embarrass Daddy without his prior consent.

·        I do not discuss our private life without Daddy’s prior consent.

·        I share news, good or bad, with Daddy first.

·        I get Daddy’s permission before making any commitments.



·        All consequences are at Daddy’s discretion and are timely. 

·        The consequence fits the crime in intent, scope, duration and severity.

·        One warning, then consequences/punishment.


Obligations for Daddy

·        I treat Bunny like I want to be treated. 

·        I give Bunny my full attention when she speaks with me about anything affecting our relationship.

·        I will not obviously correct Bunny in front of “vanillas”.

·        I maintain the "couple bubble". 

·        I do not discuss private things without informing Bunny first.

·        I share news, good or bad, with Bunny first.

·        I consult Bunny, if possible, before making commitments on her behalf. 


That's all we have covered to date.

Edited by PrincessBunnyWigglebutt
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

So far I have three rules, since my Daddy and I have gotten back together. I'll update as I get more.


1. Speak when spoken to

2. Never tell Daddy to shut up or shush him

3. Swearing is only allowed 5 times a day, and never in front of Daddy



I've got like an official rule list now! Yay!



1. Daddy's in charge.

2. Be safe.

3. Have fun.



1. Will speak when spoken to

2. Will never say shut up to daddy or shush him

3. 5 swears a day, none in front of daddy

4. Will set an alarm every weekday for 6:00 am. Can sleep in on weekends.

5. MUST be in bed by 10:00 pm. No sugar after 9:00 pm. Teeth brushed and in jammies by 9:30 pm. May stay up until 12:00 am on friday and saturday nights.

7. Will remember to say please and thank you.

8. Will clean her room once every week. Day to be discusses with daddy.

9. Will finish all her homework on time, or else no sugar for a day. Next offence is for three days.

10. WIll be polite to people on the internet even if they are impolite to her. If she thinks that someone is being mean to her, she will tell daddy, and daddy will handle it.

11. Be honest with daddy. Daddy needs to know how you feel.

12. You may not play with yourself without daddy's permission. That means no touching, no grinding, no using anything unless daddy has said yes.

13. No cumming withouth daddy's expressed permision.

14. Must finish at least two 32 oz. bottles of water every day.

15. When going out, daddy must approve your outfit.

16. "No" means "no" and that goes for both of us.

17. I think you are fantastic, and I want you to take good care of your body. No self harm.

18. You do not have to do anything that you are not comfortable with.



1. Writing down what you did wrong/what you should do right. The amount of times they are written are up to Daddy.

2. Timeout, could be for as long as 30 minutes, could be less.

3. No sweets for a day.

4. No videogames or online friend time, only allowed to use phone to talk to daddy.

5. Must volunteer to do chores.

Edited by QuietFlower
Guest softheartbruisedknees

Daddy's Rules 


1. Bedtime is at 11pm unless I’m out with Daddy or he says otherwise. Daddy always tucks his little one in. 

2. Little one must read for at least 30 minutes before bed. 

3. Little one must have her first meal & take her vitamins by 10:30am.

4. Daddy can enforce nap time whenever he thinks little one needs it. 

5. Little one must drink at least 1 liter of water a day. 

6. Little one is not allowed to smoke cigarettes and must ask permission to smoke MJ. 

7. Little one must ask permission before drinking alcohol and Daddy can set a limit on the number of drinks she has. 

8. Little one must have her phone volume on when Daddy is away in case he calls or texts. 

9. Daddy will provide excellent aftercare. 

10. Little one must tell Daddy what’s wrong when he asks. 

11. Little one is owned by Daddy and must wear or do one thing each day that reminds her of this. 

12. Little one must complete the Three Good Things exercise at the end of each day. 

13. Little one must tell Daddy every time she leaves home and who she’s with. 

14. Little one must always let Daddy know when she wants special attention. 

15. When Daddy is away, little one is to take care of herself in a way that would make Daddy proud.

14.  Little one is to never intentionally harm herself or do anything knowing it may be harmful.

15. Little one is to never be ashamed of herself. 


This is my first set of rules from Daddy! We've decided we're going to review our rules every Sunday to make sure they're still working for us & to add anything if needed :)

  • Like 1
Guest softheartbruisedknees
Posted (edited)

whoops double post!

Edited by softheartbruisedknees
  • 2 weeks later...

I like how my Daddy is nurturing and wants me to have structure but treats me like a responsible teenager.


Only one rule:

-No sexual stuff with others without permission first



-always try to improve myself

-do well at work

-workout regularly

-eat healthy

-be open and honest

  • Like 1

My sorta daddy gave me some rules;

1) You are to eat a proper meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2) You are to send me pictures of two outfits you wish to wear that day each morning, and daddy will pick one for you to wear.
3) You are to ask Daddy's permission to masturbate, and orgasm
4) Before you play, if you're currently in any sort of education, you're to get all your work finished first.
5) You're to ask Daddy to use the bathroom.


I have rules, but only daddy has a copy. I only know a few of them, and the person who made them (we have a friend who made the rules for us) won't tell me the others.

The only rules I know are:

I am not allowed to threaten to kill daddy, as I will be spanked and shortly fucked.

If I get past 3 offences, I will receive the same punishment stated above. Offences include swearing, being mean to daddy and throwing tantrums.

Daddy is allowed to ground me.


I'm gonna see if I can get the person who made my rules to get me a copy.

  • 2 weeks later...

So daddy and I are both really new but these are my rules when I'm in little space :">

  1. No bad words. Little girls shouldn't cuss. (I have a dirty mouth when I'm not in little space)
  2. Drink at least 3 cups of water a day.
  3. Eat at least 1 serving of fruit or veggies.
  4. Always ask for permission to eat dairy. (I'm lactose intolerant so I get tummy aches when I have too much dairy)
  5. Always ask for permission to cum >"<
  6. Do what daddy ask during sexy time. (Saying "no" will result in spankings or not being allowed to cum T~T)
  7. When possible, call daddy before bed.
  8. Always reply with "yes, daddy" when asked to do something.
  9. Always call him "daddy" in little space. (Unless I get into little space in public..)
  10. When possible, call daddy on Facetime before getting in the shower and have him on the call as I shower.

If I don't follow these rules then I get one of the punishments T~T

  1. Being called bad girl.
  2. Being forced to do position holding. (I'm flexible so daddy sometimes make me hold my splits for 2-3 minutes)
  3. Sit on the COLD (I MEAN COLD COLD!) bathroom floor with my back against the COLD wall, naked. For 10 minutes.
  4. Spankings.
  5. Not being allowed to cum when touching myself in front of daddy.
  • Like 1
Guest Eeyore-Boy
Posted (edited)

don't have rules anymore

Edited by Eeyore-Boy
Posted (edited)

Go to bed by 11:30 wake up around eight hours later.

Daddy is my only daddy and I tell him everything.

Check my blood sugar at least two times other than before meals.

Eat at least two full meals a day.

Take all of my pills at 7:30.

Ask permission to stay up past bedtime.

Don't eat too much sugary snacks, and tell him everything I eat.

Keep your Daddy Stuffie with you at all times. (It's small so I can put it in my purse)

I have to see Daddy at least once a week so he can check up on me and talk to me in person.

Call Daddy anytime you need him, text if either of us are at work.

Always say good morning and goodnight.

If we start to fight state the problem and figure out a solution together.

Tell me every time you see something you want and send a picture.

He's very loving and he takes real good care of me.

Edited by princessaurus
  • Like 2

I absolutely love your rules.



Mine are: 


1. I am beautiful, and I will not say otherwise

2. Daddy Pete is Baby Girl's only Daddy

3. 10PM is bedtime, 11PM on weekends. Unless Daddy says otherwise.

4. Baby Girl is to respect her Daddy at all times

5. When colouring and doing art activities, she must  always ask Daddy to do her cutting, sharpen pencils etc ALWAYS

6. When Baby Girl wants to stop being "big" in the real world, she can ask her Daddy for "Little Time"

7. Baby Girl is free to speak her mind and offer suggestions to her Daddy any time without fear of punishments. BUT NO WHINING OR USING PESTER POWER WILL BE ALLOWED EVER.

8. Follow your daily guide every day

9. If you want something, ask politely. If Daddy says no, don't pout or contest it.

10. Baby Girl must always say good morning and goodnight to Daddy

11. Daddy will punish for any rule breaking

12. Daddy will reward Baby Girl for following her rules.

13. Treats are extra, do not assume

14. Give Daddy lots and lots of kisses, hugs and cuddles.

15. Always try to dress nice for Daddy

16. Always tell Daddy the truth


Some of my rules are:


● I can not wear short dresses outside.

● I must always call Daddy for Daddy, and not by his given name unless we are around other people.

● I must not selfharm. Daddy will get mad.

  • Like 1

Because Sir and I have a marriage and D/s relationship as well as our blossoming DD/lg relationship, our rules are a lot more involved.


"Porch time" is something we found in the book "Living M/s" by Master Dan and slave dawn. Basically, it allows for a halt in the D/s dynamic (if needed) in order to work out issues that cannot be done in the D/s style. For example, if I have a serious problem with the way I was treated or the way Sir handled a situation with the money or family, or a decision that we needed to be equal partners in (such as buying our first house, the animals' health, etc) - I could call porch time and we could hash it out like a equal couple, instead of Him having the final word and me not being allowed to veto. The right goes both ways. If Sir needed to talk about something or we needed to change the contract we have in some way, porch time is the way to do that, but still keep things straight, instead of wobbling back and forth. It is something that is done very rarely and only if truly needed. Honestly, 99% of all our issues can be taken care of in a D/s dynamic, but in a 24/7 TPE marriage things can be different every once in a while.


My Rules:

  • Text Sir immediately after waking up as proof that the sleep schedule is abided.
  • Wake up by 9:30am (My alarm goes off at 9am, and I get a couple of snoozes)
  • Bedtime (lights out) by midnight.
  • Scheduled chores will be completed by 3:30pm (We have a whiteboard in the kitchen for Sir to write a daily to-do list)
  • Shopping list will be texted to Sir by 2:00pm every weekday.
  • Dexter will be taken out for potty break at dusk every day. (The dog)
  • Meals and treats for Dexter and Finch will be given at correct times.
  • Litter box will be kept clean.
  • Food and all other household items will be kept stocked at all times.
  • Sir will have clean work clothes every day. (I suck at laundry.)
  • A clean bath towel for Sir will be put in the bathroom every Sunday and Thursday. (We re-use towels after showers)
  • The house will be straightened and tidy at all times, even on days in-between chores.
  • Journal entries will be completed twice a week.
  • Tumblr re/posts will be done daily.
  • Sexting responses will be timely.
  • Cell phone calls will be answered immediately and ringer will be on at all times.
  • No masturbation without permission.
  • No cumming without permission.
  • Medication will be taken at proper times every day and notify Sir immediately after medicine has been taken.
  • Fitness walks every day.
  • Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks at appropriate times every day.
  • Drink a minimum of 3 Bikefest cups of liquid every day. Do not pour out good ice. (Bikefest cups are HUGE and they are the only ones I use, because they come with lids and straws, so I don't knock them over onto artwork in my studio)
  • No dessert or sweets without Sir’s permission.
  • Follow diet guidelines.
  • Shower at a minimum of every other day.
  • Dress in work-appropriate clothing every day, unless it is a cleaning day. (I can't lounge around in pj's all day - I work from home, so...)
  • Brush hair daily and teeth twice daily. Makeup is optional unless requested by Sir.
  • Facial and body hair will be removed or groomed as directed by Sir. (I keep my princess parts trimmed, but not shaved.)
  • Hair and makeup will be done for every public outing.
  • Stormtrooper necklace, collar, and wedding rings will not be removed unless necessary (i.e. shower, hair coloring, cleaning) and will be put back on as soon as possible. (My stormtrooper necklace is my anniversary gift and has diamonds. I'm not allowed to take it off or forget about it, since it was so expensive)
  • Self-deprecating language is not allowed.
  • No back talking.
  • No sulking if Sir says no.
  • No begging for toys, treats, rule bending, etc.
  • Safewords will be used at all times. (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • Journal at least twice a week.
  • Online accounts for both parties shall be available to the other at all times. (To ensure trust and respect for both parties, we have no secrets between us.)
  • No adding friends online without Sir's approval.
  • Photographs and video will be for Sir's pleasure only.
  • Porch time is available at all times with no punishment given.



Sir's Rules (yes, he has things he has to do as well!)

  • Keep the dishwasher empty at all times. (If not, I'm not punished for dirty dishes.)
  • Take any trash that has been set out on the patio to the dumpster within 24 hrs.
  • Keep His desk and side table clean and tidy daily. (He has His things in a certain way.)
  • Take Dexter out every day after sundown and when the submissive is ill. (I have a serious fear of the dark and this is a hard limit for me.)
  • Clean the indoor and outdoor patio every weekend.
  • Put His dirty dishes in the sink/dishwasher and trash in the trashcan every night if the submissive has already gone to bed.
  • Use medication as prescribed.
  • Notify the submissive if no sex or instigation is allowed. (He is a carpenter and sometimes comes home exhausted. I'm very self-conscious and He lets me know if my advances aren't going to happen, so I won't feel like He's rejecting me.)
  • Clean the shower by spraying cleanser after every shower. 
  • No drinking in excess.
  • Bedtime at an appropriate time (not to be set by the submissive).
  • Show the submissive love and support at all times.
  • Aftercare will be provided after every scene, punishment, etc.
  • Porch time rules will be followed and no punishments given.
  • Sex and chores will be contingent on the submissive's health, but she must notify Sir if she is ill.
  • Punishments will always be given within 24 hrs. of infraction. The submissive will be told why she is being punished and given an opportunity to explain her actions. (Especially because of my health conditions)
  • Like 3

I don't have a current caregiver but I do themhave a list of rules for them.


1. You have to respect me in the bedroom. stop means stop.

2. Insulting my body or "suggesting" I change is completely unacceptable.

3. Always tell me when there are problems about anything. (eg. money, work, school, the relationship) Make sure I am not in little space though.

4. We will discuss punishments together. never use any without discussing it with me.

5. I need to spend time with you.

6. I might need to spend time away from you. (If I'm in a mood or something)

7. I need to be tucked in if I don't sleep with you.

8. You will let me help you in any way I can.


Those are my rules. Your safety and comfort always come first. And your Caregiver's is the same. Never take those for granted.

  • Like 1

My rules from daddy are:

1 Never put myself down

2 Check in with daddy daily

3 Never be afraid to share opinions and


4 Eat a full meal at least once a day

5 Get enough rest

6 Do not flirt with others to annoy


7 Do not pleasure myself without

daddy's permission

8 No more than 2 energy drinks a day

:3 :3 :3

My Daddy gives me rules, but they're too vague for me, but then again he doesn't really punish me. I feel like I need more structure.

I have two littles but I wanted to make sure the rules I have for them are the same in some ways to make sure they are healthy but unique because they are both different people. I also have rules as I am a little as well. MY littles and I are in a platonic CG/lb/lg relationship. we are not dating and it is to remain nonsexual. My dom and I are dating. My Princess calls me Onee-chan (I am not comfortable with being called mommy or mistress), My Prince calls me Mo, and I call my Dom Senpai.


Princess's Rules

1.  Little One will always be honest and tell Onee-chan when she has not followed the rules.

2.  All Negative thoughts and feelings should be directed to Onee-chan.

3.  Little one will eat at least 2 meals a day and will let Onee-chan know what meal is skipped.

4.  Bedtime is 11pm at the latest on weeknights and Sunday night. Weekend bedtime will vary.

5.  Remember your manners!

6.  Ask Onee-chan about candy/ anything that is considered a treat.

7.  No treats before 11am or after 9pm.

8.  You will never harm yourself in any way and will always tell Onee-chan if you have the urge to do so.

9.  Little one will keep her makeup classy and make sure It is removed ever night be for bed. (A fresh palette is a new artwork)

10. Keep smoking/vaping/dabbing to a moderation (make it a fair moderation please). Little One will tell Onee-chan when she is doing anything with MJ.


11. Little one will make sure homework is finished every day when she gets home. If no homework, she will tell Onee-chan and Onee-chan will give her a school related activity (study for 30 minutes, look over notes)



Rules for Prince

1.   Little One will always be honest and tell Mo when he has disobeyed any rules.

2.  Little one will eat at least 2 meals a day and let Mo know what meal was skipped.

3.  Negative thoughts and feelings should be directed to Mo.

4.  Bedtime is 11pm at the latest on weeknights and Sunday night. Weekend bedtime will vary depending on schedule (practice, school trips)

5.  Remember your manners!

6.  Ask Mo about candy/ anything that is considered a treat.

7.  No treats before 11am or after 9pm.

8.  No Coffee after 5pm.

9.  Check in with Mo daily. (Mo worries about Little One)

10. Share thoughts and feelings with Mo if something is bothering you. Mo is there to make sure you are happy and make sure you know Mo will always listen to you.

11. Little one will make sure homework is finished every day when he gets home. If no homework, he will tell Mo and Mo will give him a school related activity (study for 30 minutes, do a few extra math problems)

12.If little one doesn’t understand something at school and needs help, he will let Mo know and Mo will do her best to help with understanding.


13. Little One will make healthy choice at meal time and drink at least 3 bottles/large glasses of water a day. 


My Rules from Senpai

1. No energy drinks without permission.

2. Monitor drinking (1 drink..If aiming to be drunk, only do so around Senpai)

3. Negative self-thoughts and feelings WILL be directed to Senpai

4. Remember your manners! (verbal reminders only)

5. No solo playtime without Senpai’s permission

6. Exercise daily

7. Do not think badly of yourself, you are Senpai’s and you will treat yourself with respect

8. You will never harm yourself in any way and will always tell Senpai if you have the urge to do so.

9.  I will not lie to Senpai

10. I will tell Senpai if I have broken any rules so that punishment may be received.

11. Must wear panties in public (this is a rule because Senpai gets jealous and doesn't want other people staring at my butt if my leggings are see through because I chose to not to wear panties under my leggings)

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