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What are your rules?

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I'm getting my rules written down! Daddy is coming up with them... Rules and chores!!


Daddy has some good ones.When I get the whole revised list of both I will post here!


It's kind of exciting... is that weird?????

  • Like 2

1. Be assertive but don't demand.

2. Don't argue with Daddy.

3. Listen to Daddy and follow his instructions.

4. Always ask Daddy if you can touch yourself and always ask for permission to cum.

5. Always try to make Daddy and yourself happy.

6. Always have something on your body that makes you feel little.

7. Don't lie and always be honest.

8. Nap or sleep when Daddy tells you.

9. Remember to say please and thank you.

10. Always tell Daddy how you are feeling.

11. Only say nice things about yourself.

12. Don't harm your beautiful body, if you feel the need tell Daddy when and why.

13. Accept the punishments you are given.

14. Always tell Daddy if someone or something is bothering you.

15. Don’t let anyone touch you unless Daddy says it's ok.

16. Tell Daddy when you feel uncomfortable or you don't want to do something.

17. Give Daddy free time when he asks for it (unless you absolutely need him).

18. Always ask Daddy before having candy or other sugary snacks.

19. Have at least two meals a day and send pictures of it to Daddy.

20. Always let Daddy know where you are and when you'll be back.

21. Don’t ever make yourself sick or throw up your food.

22. Every Sunday give yourself a compliment and be ready to discuss it on Monday morning.  The compliment should be written with erasable marker on your mirror or on a piece of paper taped to your mirror.  You will focus on this compliment through the week.

23. At the end of each day, think through your day and list three good things that happened.

24. Bedtime is no later than 10 p.m.

25. Always remember to think before saying no to Daddy.

26. When you feel the need to tell Daddy no, explain why and use nicer phrases.

27. If Daddy ever hurts you in any way you must tell him or someone else.

28. Never text and drive and always drive safe.

29. Write in your journal at least 3 times per week.  When Daddy asks to read it, allow him to and be open to talking about it.

30. Send Daddy a picture each day

  • Like 3
Guest NeedToServe

To be honest my only rule is to do everything he tells me to do unless I really am unable to. Nothing specific as such.

He may one day come up with a "list" but that pretty much covers it all right now.

He is my master first as well as my daddy.

Guest babyemmy

I don't have many rules but here are ones I do have !




2. drink at least 2 full cups of water a day 

( i have a water drinking issue oops)


3. Candy only on weekends -_- 



4. 50 squats every weekday


5. Take my meds !!! 


6. no saying bad stuff about myself 


I am so glad to share my rules here!


Basic rules:


1. Don't react in a passive-aggressive way against Daddy.

2. Tell Daddy when you go somewhere, where you are going and with who you are going.

3. When someone flirts with you, tell that person you are in a relationship. When this person doesn't stop block or ignore him.

4. Tell Daddy when you will be on your period.

5. Nobody can touch you in a sexual way and you can't touch anyone in a sexual way either. Don't kiss and/or flirt with anyone accept for daddy. Don't show private bodyparts to anyone accept for daddy.

6. Don't make a mess at/from daddy's place or stuff he owns (if not accidental).

7. Don't be rude/angry/mean to Daddy.

8. Don't get upset from a little bad grade.

10. Don't bite Daddy.

11. Don't ignore Daddy.

12. Let Daddy sleep when he has a free day whithout any appointments.

13. Don't swear, also don't call Daddy out.

14. ALWAYS wear underwear and bra to party's or othe social occasions.

15. Don't randomly spend money on unnecessarily things without permission.

16. Don't lie to daddy and don't keep secrets. Also never use pretext.


Health care rules:


1. Go upstairs to prepair for bed between 21:00 and 22:00.

2. Be in bed at 22:00 and go to sleep before 23:00.

3. Brush your hair reguraly.

4. Brush your teeth 2 times a day, floss 1 time a day.

5. Don't hurt or harm yourself in any way.

6. Remove your make-up every evening.

7. On holidays or special days go to bed around 00:00 or earlier. Never later than 01:00.


(Sorry if there is little faults in it, my English is not that perfect!)

  • Like 1
Me and my daddy are currently coming up with some rules and this has been really helpful! Thanks everyone! I'll be posting my rules when they are official x

Okay so our rules are:



Cubby must take all get medication every day


Cubby must always get her blood tests done when required


Cubby must hold daddy's hand when crossing the road


Cubby must not self harm


Cubby must wear her collar every day without fail


Cubby must drink at least 1 litre of water per day


Cubby must make the bed every day


Cubby must read at least once chapter per day


Cubby must stop drinking alcohol when daddy says so


Bedtime is when daddy says


Thursday is story time with daddy for at least one hour


Cubby must cook dinner when daddy works late


Cubby must eat lunch every day



We may add more rules as time goes on but this where we're starting. It feels so good to have structure <3

  • 2 weeks later...
  1. Bedtime: 12:00am or earlier (school weekdays)

   3:00am or earlier (weekends)

 1:00am or earlier (summer weekdays)

  1. No Going Out After 9:00pm

  2. No Boys

  3. My Body Is Only For Daddy

  4. No More Than 6 Cigarettes Daily

  5. Call Daddy Before Bedtime

  6. Daddy Says I’m Beautiful

  7. Always Take My Medicine

  8. If I’m Ever Feeling Lonely, Daddy Is Always Here

  9. Always Listen To Daddy

  10. Always Ask Daddy’s Permission

  11. No Stealing

  12. No Sassing Daddy

  13. No Bad Behaviours



1. Bed time is 11:30, unless having special permission from Daddy. When working or during school year, 10. Punishment depends on how long i stayed up.


2. No swearing. 


3. If i want something, ask Daddy. Ask permission to eat sweets, or buy anything over 5 dollars.


4. Daddy is to be referred to with capitals, and i with lowercase.


5. No touching myself or cumming without permission.

Guest annemarie
  1. brush teeth or use mouthwash every night
  2. when smoking, only use the onie; the bowl hurts my lungs
  3. no self-harming; it makes oniichan sad
  4. try to write/do art when oniichan is away (and mental health permits it) to avoid being sad

that's pretty much it because my oniichan is still getting into this lifestyle and i guess really doesn't have any other rules for me yet.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Daddy's☆treasure

Hi guys! Here's my rules and rewards. :)




- kitten is to be respectful and polite at all times. she will not argue with, talk back to, ignore or dismiss Daddy in any way.


- If given a task or request, kitten is to do so obediently and respond with “Yes Daddy.” If the task/request can not be undertaken or completed she is to notify Daddy with acceptable reasons why.


- kitten is not allowed the use of swear words though she may be excused during play scenes.


- kitten must always be honest and upfront with Daddy and never to hide anything. she must always tell the truth.

In public kitten must be on her best behavior. she is to remember that her behavior is a reflection on Daddy and therefore, must always exercise her obedience and her commitment to the rules above.


Physical Health/Diet:


- kitten is to make sure she eats three meals daily. These are to include healthy components such as foods high in vitamins and vegetables. Protein to be included when and where necessary.


**Fruit is to be eaten every day if not, as often as possible. Preferably sweeter flavored fruits.


- Permission is needed if kitten wishes to eat anything sweet. Treats may be given in certain circumstances by Daddy.


- kitten is to ensure she takes care of herself in all ways. Any ill feelings or medical issues should be reported to Daddy.


- kitten is to do daily exercise and complete the routine set out by Daddy. These currently include:







Emotional/ Mental Health:


- Any worries or negative feelings should be discussed with Daddy so they may be handled with care.


- Questions for Daddy are always welcome and any concerns must be brought to Daddy’s attention to be discussed.


- Daddy’s door is always open. kitten must never be afraid to talk to Daddy openly about anything that’s on her mind.


- kitten is to try for a minimum of 10 minutes meditation a day.




- All daily tasks should be completed and reported back to Daddy for review.


- Any tasks not completed, Daddy must be informed and given an explanation as to why.


- Tasks must be undertaken in a positive manner and with enthusiasm.


- No pouting over given tasks.


Play Scenes:


- When the play collar is on, kitten must act accordingly and must obey Daddy’s requests during a play scene provided that they are within the limits set and are safe and consensual. she is to respond to any order or request with “yes Daddy and/or yes Sir”.


- kitten must not disrespect Daddy or deliberately defy during a scene.


- kitten must always ask permission to cum. Punishment will be given for cumming without permission.


- kitten must inform Daddy immediately of any issues, concerns or emergencies using the traffic light safe word system.


Yellow light = slow down/pause play.

Red light = All play stops immediately.

Green light = Continue/resume play.


**In future, if kitten is unable to be verbal during play, she is to use the body language replacement that will be given to her for use prior to the scene.


- If kitten requires anything specific or different to that of the usual aftercare, she is to let Daddy know exactly what she needs.




- If approached by the opposite sex whether in public or online in a manner that crosses the line of polite acquaintance, she is to declare that she is owned by Daddy. kitten must let them know that they are required to have Daddy's permission to speak with her or to continue to be in her presence.


- kitten is NOT to touch her body in a way that will result in cumming or other sexual pleasures without Daddy’s expressed permission. Should kitten need to touch, she must ask Daddy first and if she touches without permission, will be punished.


- kitten must remember that her body belongs to Daddy.


- kitten must inform Daddy of her whereabouts and give prior notice of outings planned.




- Punishments will be given for rules broken. Daddy will choose a punishment that fits and will administer it in his way of choosing.


- Punishments may be in physical form or in written form. The choice of which will depend upon the situation at hand and will be decided solely by Daddy. kitten does not get to choose which type of punishment Daddy gives out to her.


- If given a punishment, kitten must not pout or try anything to avoid the discipline. kitten must remember that there are consequences for her actions and when so, lessons to be learned.


Daily Tasks:


**All daily tasks are to be completed and reported back to Daddy every evening in this manner:


- What i ate today: *This must include three separate and adequate meals and include liquids. Fruit should be included in this list as often as possible.


- What i did today: *this must include the completion of exercise routine, specific training (other) and meditation.

Note: Any daily tasks abused or not completed may result in a punishment and no points will be given.



Reward System:


**Points will be awarded for each daily task completed.


Exercise routine = 2 points

Meditation = 1 point

Healthy eating = 1 point

Training (other) = 1 point


Once reached 10 points kitten is eligible for a reward.


Fun Rewards:


1. Movie night - may watch a movie of kittens choosing with Daddy.

2. Game night - may play a game of kittens choosing with Daddy.

3. New stickers - one sheet per reward.

4. One dessert or four pieces of candy.

5. Colouring time - one hour.

6. Hot Chocolate time with Daddy.

7. Watch/listen/share music and or music videos together with Daddy.

8. Massage - 10 minutes.

9. Cocktail hour - kitten is allowed two late night alcoholic drinks of her choice.

10. Bedtime story of kittens choosing read by Daddy.

11. IMVU time together - one hour.

12. Spiritual/Magic Practice with Daddy - one hour.


Sexual Rewards: (omitted as they are private)


Hope you enjoyed reading these!

  • Like 1

My rules!!! (the most updated version)



  1. Kneel and ask permission to sleep in the bed - nightly.
  2. Kneel and say thank you every morning after sleeping in bed.
  3. Shave all areas daily.
  4. Respect Daddy.
  5. Do NOT question Daddy’s decisions - His choices are made with your best interest in mind.
  6. Bedtime is 11 p.m. on week nights and 12:30 a.m. on weekends (Fri. and Sat.)
  7. Do as told when told.
  8. No objecting punishment under ANY circumstance.

I hate seeing all the rules about keeping "princess parts" shaved. It actually causes infecetions and leads to your vagina not being able to clean itself. Also, don't wash your vagina with soap...that's not good for it...just saying

Exactly. I'm not allowed to shave there because I have a skin condition and shaving irritates it. I used to, but as soon as Daddy found out it was hurting me he made me stop.

Wow my daddy hasn't made my rules yet but I think he is talking with other daddy's right now about what to make them... I'm excited and nervous I'm a very stubborn little.

Daddy Hasnt really laid any rules on thick yet, but these are the basics


1) If you dont want to (sex) then you don't have to

2) Respect is key

3) If you leave your Little Space let Daddy know 

4) Use your words

5) Punishment is for naughy girls

6) Listen to Daddy


well we don't have actual rules...mmmh let me try..


1- finish all the stuff I got in my dish

2-don't buy too many stuffies

3-study for exames

4-always hold his hand when in crowd

5- catch his pokemons when he's driving

6-must stay fit

7- don't buy too many magazines

8-I'm only his princess

9-take space for ourselves

  • 2 weeks later...

I have lots and lots of rules, I can't remember all of them but some of them are:


1: always hold daddy's hand when crossing the street


2: don't leave daddy's side without telling him where I'm going


3: don't bite my nails!


4: always eat all my food


5: I must always look cute and act adorable no exceptions




There's five of my rules and I have lots more, it's not a rule of mine but I tend to ask daddy before I do anything (like posting my rules!) or going to a friend house ^.^ it makes me feel safer knowing he approves


I have like a million...or maybe it just feels like it lol


1. Never harm daddy's property (me)

2. Take meds

3. Eat healthy

4. Never go outside without permission

5. Be respectful

6. Say yes sir

7. Daddy's name isn't dude! :D

8. No cussing unless I'm calling the doggie a bitch cause it's true

9. Take her out every morning when I wake up

10. No snoring lol

11. No sleep walking

12. Get permission to get out of bed

13. Ask permission for anything with sugar

14. Ask permission for soda

15. Ask permission to buy stuff

16. Be seen and not heard when daddy is focused on something else

17. Work hard

18. Be happy, upbeat and sweet

19. Always take what daddy gives me

20. No running

21. No back talk

22. Adjust to changes

23. Play quietly

24. Be a princess


I know there's more >.>


1) please and thank you's!
2) give daddy his daily cuddles.
3) don't get angry, let him help me with my struggles. 
4) don't snatch.
5) i can have anything if i ask nicely.
6) don't ignore daddy.
7) wear paci to bed.
8) say sorry if i'm in the wrong.
9) take make up off before going to sleep.

10) remember daddy loves you.



1. Always call me daddy

2. If you can't talk you need to tell me ahead of time.

3. All pics need to be lives

4. Playtime is mandatory

5. Respect daddy

6. Listen and don't talk back

7. I reserve the right to add to this as needed


1. Bedtime is when daddy says so

2. No if's and's or but's

3. Always show daddy what you color

4. You must never be insecure about your body, daddy thinks you're beautiful

5. Always say please and thank you

6. Come to daddy if you're ever sad or have a problem

7. Tell daddy the truth

8. Do not back talk

9. Must eat AT LEAST 3 times a day

10. Do not intentionally hurt yourself

11. Always text daddy when you wake up

12. Ask daddy for permission to touch yourself

13. Tell daddy when you have eaten a full meal

14. Always tell daddy goodnight

15. Send one selfie per day


Daddy gave me my a new set of rules the other day (we go over them every month)


1. Cub must never lie to Daddy, no matter what.

2. [Tw, self harm] Cub must never self harm

3. Cub should follow all her orders her Daddy tells her.

4. No matter what time or reason, if Cub needs Daddy text him. If it's urgent ring.

5. Cub should be in bed at 21.30 and asleep at 22.30 (Sunday-Thursday)

6. Keep a little space diary

7. No swearing in little space

8. Don't do drugs or smoke. Don't get drunk on purpose and ask Daddy before drinking

9. Always say good night and good morning

10. Always try it once

11. Cub can ask Daddy anything

12. When in little space and Cub is drawing, show Daddy



13. No masterbating without permission

14. No cumming without permission


Then we have another set of rules for punishments as well but they're quite a few because I tend to get cheeky...


My Daddy doesn't have many rules more than he does expectations. But concrete rules are as follows:


Don't talk bad about yourself and try to see how you are in a positive light. (I have a very poor self image)

Don't talk back.

Don't hit at Daddy.

Don't get an attitude. 

Don't let anyone else touch you unless they are a friend. 

Try your best to be a good girl.

Don't take Daddy's stuff, even when playing hide and seek. 

Give Daddy lots of cuddles and kisses. 

Bedtime is when Daddy says it is, so don't fight it. 

Make sure you eat.

Don't do anything dangerous.

Remember that Daddy loves you, even when you think you can't be loved.

Don't run away from punishments.

Be a big girl in public.

  • 2 weeks later...
  1. No Kind of self harm (cutting, negative talk about self, talking about hurting yourself in any way)

  2. Always call Daddy by Daddy, sir or Master.

  3. Bedtimes: School nights is at 10pm, weekends is at 11pm

  4. Must eat 2 to 3 meal a day (must take picture to prove it to Daddy)

  5. Do good in big girl school - Daddy is checking

  6. ALWAYS Listen to daddy, Daddy knows right from Wrong also DADDY WORD IS FINAL!

  7. Princess must ask if she can touch her princess parts

  8. No Sas giving, no back talking, no Passive aggressive responses, swearing and no saying no (in less uncomfortable with something daddy is doing),  gets saliva/spit/boogers or any other substances onto daddy at any time

  9. Must tell Daddy the truth, must follow the rules and know them.

  10. Must say good morning and Goodnight to daddy.

  11. Daddy loves princess no matter what also Daddy is trying his best to do everything he can.

  12. Keep Toys clean for Daddy to play with princess, Keep room clean when Daddy is over.

  13. Play time is never over until Daddy says so.

  14. Tell Daddy how you feel, he's not a mind reader.


If Princess is angry, use anger journal. She also will have a daily task journal for her daily routines

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