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What are your rules?

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These are my Rules 

  1. Do not defy Daddy

  2. No cursing at Daddy

  3. Never allowed to say GD

  4. No talking back to Daddy

  5. Do my chores 

  6. If Daddy says no then don’t keep asking 

  7. Not allowed to eat a lot of junk food 

  8. Don’t bother Daddy when he is in a match (on the Xbox One ) unless it’s an emergency because that is his downtime 

  9. Advertise my company, at least once a day

  10. Remember to eat breakfast and lunch every day 

  11. Work out at least 30 minutes every day

  12. Crank all my commercial vehicles every other day

  13. Brush my teeth every morning and night

  14. Take a bath every night or every other night   

  15. Go to bed when Daddy says

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I dont have a daddy but i have a set of rules i try to follow to keep myself somewhat functioning.

1. Must eat atleast twice a day (even if i feel icky, i still gotta try to eat cuz that probably y i feel icky).

2. Only 1 caffinated drink a day, and none after 7pm (and no redbull on my days off).

3. Bedtime is 2am on work nights (i struggle with this rule the most 😣).

4. Must brush my teeth twice a day.

5. Must wash/fold laundry, clean kitchen, clean bathroom, check houseplants once a week.

6. Must make bed every morning. 

7. Must pay ALL bills b4 spending money on other things. 



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/4/2023 at 6:03 PM, prince eefy said:

my rules that i can think of rn that will be implemented once me and my dada get our own place:

-a bed time (no later than 10!)

-clean up after playing with toys or eating snacks in playroom

-listen to what dada tells you within reason (i am allowed to ask questions abt them)

-tell dada if you have an accident or need to go to the potty

-be polite and respectful to people

that is all i can think of currently.

i have since thought of more, such as:

-make sure to eat all 3 meals, if you can (it's ok to ask for help)

-hold hands crossing the street to stay safe and in stores so don't get lost (i have a tendency to wander off and get distracted)

-turn off or have phone on charger before going to bed, and have limited screentime (will be set on my tablet)

-no swearing when small

-must pay all important things (like bills) before buying any personal or fun stuff

-tell dada when you're going out on a walk or out with friends (so he knows where i am in case anything were to happen)

i think that's it. there are some other smaller ones like dada can help me choose what to wear and watch when small but those are more just reminders to myself i think? but,, yeah.


Bedtime is 10 pm usually, 11 pm if I have class, and 12 am on the weekends

I have to eat at least twice day, or basically enough to keep my blood sugar stable.

Say goodnight and good morning

If I am having trouble with anything, then I need to tell daddy about it

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Daddy and me rules..

1 always tell everything  even when it hard or let your stuffies tell daddy if you cant

2 minimal of 500 cc water each day

3 No touching  or cumming allowed unless daddy say so

4 no bad behavior  swearing of talking bad about each other

5 always go to bed when daddy says i have to

6 we always say goodmorning and goodnight..


Our rules so far and  more to come

Edited by little disney geek
We edit our rules..
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  • 1 month later...

I have some rules for myself that I think keep me on track (for the most part lol) 

- I must spend the first 10 minutes of every morning without technology (I have that bad by checking my phone as soon as I wake up)

- I must engage in self-care after I wake up (brushing teeth, washing face, and some very light yoga)

- I must dedicate at least 3 constructive hours on my coursework everyday (where are the other college students at?! :D )

- I must do one activity that makes me smile everyday (cartoons, coloring, singing to music, etc)

- I must spend 5 minutes each day to process my day and how I felt about it (journaling is important to my everyday routine)

- and finally, I must give myself grace everyday (because some things just don’t go to plan)

  • 3 months later...

Basically, I guess, I don't really have any Rules. As a sub or a little. But ground "rules" were established waaaay in the beginning. And as time has went on, they've changed and evolved I guess you can say. I like rules, they help me stay focused. As a submissive, it was a natural thing for me, personality wise. 

Some of the things I know I'm to do or not are:

* I'm not allowed to be a brat. Although, i don't really like to be anyway. But there are times that undertaking gets pushed a bit. (Not a good thing)

* Self Care - Although it's up to me, to take care of myself generally speaking. Daddy does intervene and I'm taken care of when it's needed, during sickness, etc...

*Bedtimes are generally when I can sleep. It's never been a rule. 

* I eat when i want, usually what I want. I do get to choose my own foods, but i also follow a budget that Daddy implements. 

* I'm given an allowance every month. Spending it on whatever i choose. But, we've been together long enough, i know what's acceptable and what's not. If unsure, i ask. 

* I absolutely have to talk with him if I am upset, depressed, having self-esteem issues, insecurities, etc... To me, for me, this is the most important for our relationship. 

I started as a submissive, and that side of me, the sub side will always be me, but we've changed more to a Daddy/little dynamic now. 

  • 5 months later...

I don't have any rules, but I do have some household chores.

Easy stuff that I can do all by myself. LIke picking up after dolly dress up playtime or washing my own snippy cups out, for example.

As an unruly little, a lot of the rules I've seen, made me realize just how dominant I really am. No offense to anybody, but I've definitely caught myself eyerolling a few times while reading some of the lists in here.

I honestly can't imagine a life where I'm not free to do as I please. So rules just aren't interesting to me, other than reading curiously through posted lists.

But even with my dom tendencies, I don't have any rules for my Mommy. Though I do tease her by throwing playful temper tantrums, if I want something in particular. But only if we were already discussing the topic at hand and never in a truly demanding way.


  • 2 weeks later...

Reading some of these have really helped me understand what rules are like in a relationship maybe what should be included in mine my future ones


I always felt rules needed to personalized to whoever there for as we all our different in different ways . different strengths and weaknesses.so for me its important and to sit down and discuss them with whoever 

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  • 4 weeks later...

No lying, do as daddy tells your to, bedtime is 10:30 unless it’s a Saturday where it’s 11:30, must send outfit pictures for each outfit change, not allowed to talk down about self, not allowed to swear, have to tell him my honest emotions, I have to drink at least 1.5 litres of water and eat two meals every day, shower every day if not every other day, answer yes/no questions with yea daddy and no daddy. That’s all I think I’ve got so far haha!


The idea of rules to me were so great. But I'm not really capable of keeping track of rules, annunciating what my rules mean, and I am not good at following up on broken rules. We have "rules" but they have evolved gradually based on what my princess has learned that I like and dislike, and not a a list of agreed upon rules. She does what her Daddy likes and she gets positive feedback.

I thought I would enjoy the punishment aspect and brat taming and such but that's not how it actually played out. I have had partners in the past that expected a very strong do and do not list and strict routine but as someone with ADHD I could not provide that for them. Me and my little had a tiny bit friction with that in the past as well, mostly I've tried to develop rules a list of rules and tried to enforce them, but we have just found what naturally works with us.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Lostbrokengirl

I don’t have a daddy or rules for myself sadly but these are all great rules I have seen and if I ever have a daddy in my life maybe I can share some of these with him but again all amazing rules and hopefully I’ll have some of my own one day .

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