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What are your rules?

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Bedtime at 12:00 am

No bad words

Three meals a day

Juice water or milk only

No sweets late at night

No touching myself without permission

Never say no to daddy unless it’s unsafe

No self harm allowed at all

Shower once a day

Always call him Daddy


We are working on tv rules

Guest ♥️ Hayden Babygirl♥️

1. do chores daddy tells you in the morning (he always gives me chores to do 2. always wear your wedding ring and collar. 3. only shave every 2-3 weeks (my daddy prefers me natural but will let me groom up) 4. shower once a day

My Daddy doesn't make very many rules for me,so I try to notice what makes him happy and what makes him sad and I kinda figure out the rules myself. A few things that I know I must do,(cause Daddy says so), is: I always need to keep him informed about where I am. I also need to respond promptly to his calls and texts. Those two rules are super important. Also, he wants me to learn to be on time. There are others, but those are the main ones!
  • 1 month later...
Guest NonServiam

So my Little and I are new to the lifestyle, and we just made her rule list.  I wanted to see if anyone had any feedback, since a lot of the advice I've seen on this forum has been invaluable.  Any constructive criticism or ideas are more than welcome.



It's always hard to comment on rules since rules are always something indivdual to each dynamic (everyone has different needs, wants, ideas, expectations ect)

My only thought is on the G rated rule

At least here there are many animated movies that are pg (minions, incredibles, brave, frozen and so on) so perhaps you might want to raise it to PG or give an exception for animated movies

Guest QueenJellybean

administrator note:


i'm merging this with our pre-existing, pinned thread on rules. 


Guest Lavendar Bunni Wubbins

So my Little and I are new to the lifestyle, and we just made her rule list.  I wanted to see if anyone had any feedback, since a lot of the advice I've seen on this forum has been invaluable.  Any constructive criticism or ideas are more than welcome.


Curious about the no cell phone rule, but most seem alright otherwise.


1. my clothes must be modest, and i cant show too much skin. 


2. eat proper meals before i can even consider eating sweets or snacks


3. curfew is at 9:30 pm


4.  shower in the evening time. 


5. no secrets, always tell the truth and tell daddy how you feel.


6. i always say yes daddy or no daddy when im being spoken to. be polite and listen.


7.  do homework as soon as possible


8. keep my room clean and pick after myself


9. no swearing or  back talk


10. always ask before i make a large purchase 


11.  always let daddy know when your busy

  • Like 1

So I was in total denial, but I was in a Dd/lg relationship for a couple months, a couple months ago. It was absolutely beautiful, but neither of us are ready for a relationship, so we broke it off. Today I found this forum and this thread inspired me to finally write my own rules. I'm still learning how all of this works, but I think this is a good start.



:heart:  :heart:  :heart: 


"No Daddy? I’ll Just Daddy Myself.... Hmph!" -crosses arms and pouts but also grins, feeling optimistic about being a better person and finding her place in the world-

1. Baby Girl must be in bed by 12 am, but can stay on devices/color/read/etc. until 1 am.


2. Baby Girl must shower every other day, or every three at the worst.

3. Baby Girl must eat 3 meals. No skipping breakfast!

4. Baby Girl must drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Fruit infused or tea, lightly sweetened if needed, is ok.

5. Baby Girl must brush her teeth at least once a day. Twice gets a yummy treat after breakfast the next day!

6. Baby Girl must remember to take her vitamins every day.

7. Baby Girl will not hurt herself, mentally or physically. Spanks and sexy time is an exception!

8. Baby Girl will try to use better methods to self-soothe AND ask a trusted person/group for help when needed.

9. Baby Girl will not imbibe caffeine after 7 pm.

10. Baby Girl will set her outfit out for the next morning if she has an obligation so she won’t have to rush.

11. Baby Girl will pick at least one exercise to do 10 minutes every day.

12. Baby Girl will eat at least one fruit and one veggie every day.

13. Baby Girl will try to catch herself staring off into space and will seek something productive to do instead.

14. Baby Girl will treat others, as well as herself, with respect. Boundaries will be set and enforced for her mental health.


15. Baby Girl will try to do at least one thing on the Little Play List* every day, preferably for 30 minutes or more.


:heart:  :heart:  :heart: 



I'll add more and change them as needed, obviously. Though... I might not remember to do it here.

*The Little Play List is a list of activities that will encourage Little Space and/or help me feel better in other ways.

  • Like 3
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest NonServiam

Curious about the no cell phone rule, but most seem alright otherwise.

So I can see why someone might trip over this, because it sounds isolating and controlling in a potentially toxic way, but it was her idea.  She has a hard time not using it for things that would potentially damage her ability to stay in Little space, so she thought it would be good that she just couldn't use it, and remove the possible issue.

Guest lildinonugget
I have daddy but no rules. It isn't as much fun as it sounds :(
  • 1 month later...

1. I will tell daddy if theres ever a problem. 2 I will let daddy know what I'm eating everyday and eat everyday. 3.text daddy good morning and night everyday 4.a picture of my face everyday. 5.voice chat at least once a day if available.


Here’s my list of rules that stays on the fridge. One system of a few to keep me on the right track :)




  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Peachy Keen
Posted (edited)


Edited by Peachy Keen

Considering my daddy lives in Florida I don’t have very many rules at the moment and he comes up with new ones if I do something wrong that wasnt in my rules.


1. Send daddy Cuddle pics at least 3 times a day

2. No bad words without permission.

3. Take ur punishments without complaining.

4. Talk to daddy As much as possible

5. Let daddy approve of outfits before going out

6. If in little space while you are out with Maddie, Maddie is in charge (Maddie is my best friend and is the only one other than daddy that knows I’m a little)

  • 1 month later...
  • Always answer with either Daddy or Sir. Good manners.

  • Never question me when I ask you something or tell you to do something.

  • Always keep read receipts and location on.

  • Always ask before you go anywhere and say who you are going with.

  • Always ask to do anything when you are on the phone with me or we are together. 

  • Always be respectful 

  • Always say i love you back 

  • Do what you are told without argument.

  • Daddy knows best

  • You and every part of you belongs to me, never deny that. 

  • Always sleep with Giba. 

  • When we are on the phone always keep Giba right by your side. 

  • Do not smoke weed or drink 

  • You will give yourself and everything you are to me. 

  • You will be affectionate and show me how much you appreciate my love. 

  • You will learn to be a good girl and you’ll be eager to do it. 

  • You’ll pray with me once a day. 

  • You’ll tell me if something is wrong.

  • You will always be honest and loyal. 

  • No inappropriate clothing. Consult with me first.

  • Never keep any secrets from me.

  • You go to sleep when Daddy tells you to

  • Always stay by Daddy’s side in public

  • Don’t interrupt daddy

  • Always tell me when you have been bad

  • No eye rolling 

  • No hanging up

  • You will attend Mass

  • When I decide to punish you, you say “Yes Daddy”

  • No cussing

  • Look at me when I am talking to you

  • Never get rid of P.C

  • Never ignore me

  • Never turn down the phone on purpose 

  • Do not say “Whatever”, “Ok”, or “Ya”

  • Will be willing to learn German

  • Speak when spoken to

  • Eye contact

  • Follow the Daily Schedule. 

  • You will not switch attitudes on me

  • No “GTG”

  • If we are not joking around normally you will always respond submissively


These are my rules that me and Daddy came up with and agreed on! :)

The highlighted ones are the main ones we are working on right now that i have some problems with sometimes..

Hope these help you somehow! :)

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BrieNN

What are my rules? These would be the rules I would like to have in my relationship with me as the dominant. I'm still thinking my way through them, but I prefer to keep things simple and I'd have to see when in a relationship.


1. Do as you're told.

2. Always be honest even if that means saying "I don't know". Be honest with me and himself.

3. Always let me know when something I'm asking is uncomfortable to him, bothers him, makes him uneasy in some way.

4. No drugs or alcohol.

5. If he's unsure about what to do and I haven't made that clear, he should ask me.

  • 1 month later...

  1.  Babygirl must eat at least 2 meals a day; permission must be given to eat sweets, soda, & alcohol.

  2.  Princess is only allowed 2 cups of coffee a day; permission must be given to consume more.

 Honesty is everything, mommy is honest to babygirl so babygirl should be honest to mommy.

 Ask mommy before making impulsive spending decisions. If mommy says no, do not pout or whine.

 Make sure to take your medication.

 Bedtime is at 11 pm.

 Princess cannot touch herself without mommy’s permission. Princess must also ask permission to read or watch anything erotic.

 School is very important; you must attend all lessons & clinical sessions. You must also let mommy know about homework & deadlines.

 No swearing (except during special playtime).

You will respect and trust Mommy whole heartedly.

I am beautiful, & I will see myself the way Mommy sees me.

Babygirl will always thank Mommy after “special playtime”.

Babygirl must hold mommy’s hand when crossing the street.

Mommy will bathe princess, order princess’s food when out to eat, and will feed princess when at home.

Follow your bedtime routine: Make a sippie cup full of water, take off your makeup, brush your teeth & put in your retainer, clean your piercing, have 5 minutes of sucking time (either your thumb or your paci), & finally, have stuffie cuddle time.

  • Like 1
  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Daddy'sSweetGirl

Daddy just redid my rules. I have 21 now! 



  1. Bedtime is no later than 3 am when daddy has work the next day and must be up no later than 11am
  2. Eat one meal while daddy is at work
  3. No cussing little or big
  4. No self-harm ever
  5. Never lie to daddy
  6. No talking back or arguing with daddy
  7. Not allowed to touch without permission
  8. No hitting, poking, tickling allowed, if I laugh from you touching me, I consider it tickling
  9. Not allowed to say bad things about yourself
  10. You will listen to what daddy says
  11. You will take your vitamins everyday
  12. You must ask permission to eat sweets or drink soda
  13. You must complete at least 3 chores a week
  14. I must ask daddy before buying something on Facebook marketplace or anything like it.
  15. Baby girl will follow her daily schedule. She will write out her schedule every day before daddy goes to sleep and Daddy will approve it.
  16. You will always tell Daddy right away if you did not get to something on your schedule and why. Daddy will determine if it is a legitimate reason.
  17. When Daddy says no, he means no.
  18. Baby girl will workout at least 3 times a week for 30 min each time.
  19. When daddy punishes baby girl will take the punishment without arguing or talking back.
  20. No taking medicine unless given permission to do so
  21. Daddy has to know where baby girl is at all times.


Daddy is allowed to amend or add any rule or punishment that he sees fit to better take care of baby girl and have her respect daddy’s authority. You can always ask for rules if you feel you want a little more structure. Daddy is always willing to help.



  1. spanking
  2. No electronics for a certain amount of time
  3. Write lines and if daddy is at work you will send photo proof
  4. Corner time for however long daddy designates
  5. No books for a set time limit
  6. No snacks
  7.  write an apology letter or essay talking about why what I did was wrong  


I know that the medicine one might seem weird, it's because I suffer from depression and daddy wants to make sure I'm being safe since I've had issues before.

  • 4 weeks later...
Hi :) me and my daddy just started our relationship like 2ish months ago. Before we even met, Daddy had set rules and now I gotta follow them to the best of my ability. I have 70 rules which took 5 pages for me to copy and 2 or 3 hrs to do lol. I know it’s a lot, but he is pretty lenient and knows it can be hard to remember them all and knows that not all the rules work for our relationship. If you take out the ones we don’t use, there are still about 60 lol :) I would post picture of them but idk how to add a picture on mobile site
  • 3 months later...

Before this me and Daddy didnt have any rules written down but now we do!

  • Don't hide feelings or lie to Daddy
  • Let Daddy help you and provide for you
  • Afternoon naps are a requirement
  • If you whine for something, whine loudly so Daddy can hear and understand
  • Don't whine when Daddy is sour
  • No hurting self through any means
  • Eat when hungry, drink when thirsty. No exceptions.
  • Always tell Daddy when you leave and (optionally) where you're going
  • (unknown to Daddy, but it matters a lot) Two specific plushies of mine must always cuddle. It's cause they represent Daddy and me ;w;

It's sooo late so I'm going to bed now .w. Bedtime rules would be 10 on weekdays, 11 on weekends, but we stay up so late together talking that it's not really a rule. And sending the draft to Daddy for approval made them know about the plushie rule :( Oh well...

  • 2 weeks later...
Wow! This is a great topic. I don't have a daddy or any rules...but I agree with some other members. I might have to make some for myself.

I love seeing everyone’s rules!!!


Right now I really don’t have any - I haven’t for a few months - I’m reeeaaally hoping to get them back - my least favorite was no coffee after noon and only one cup - and, my favorite was to tell my daddy as soon as I got my period bc he would get me a box of chocolates every time - so, it was a nice surprise to see what kind I got that time - otherwise, we just had pretty normal rules, I guess

  • 4 weeks later...

My rules are:

Take medicine & vitamins

Keep my space tidy

Stay close when in public as I get distracted in stores.

Get enough sleep.

Eat healthy

When the final decision is no, then I am to not sulk about it.



  • 2 weeks later...

  • Eat breakfast every morning.

Meals should be "real" food, not just snacks (just chips, just juice, etc.)

Always ask Daddy if it's ok to send a NSFW photo before sending it.

Always wear makeup for Daddy. It's ok to not wear any, but I have to ask and he has to say it's ok.

Do not cut my hair without Daddy's permission.

Bring Daddy drinks when he wants them.

Always listen to Daddy. Daddy's word is final, no complaints.

No jokes about breaking up/leaving Daddy/etc.

a rule for Daddy: No saying you're mad or disappointed in babygirl unless you really are and for good reason. (So no joking about it).

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