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i wanna be perfect

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hi. i thought i was going to have actual content to put in this thread but now my mind is blank... all i know is that all thoughts in my brain right now revolve around becoming my idea of perfection and it's gonna make me cry and daddy is busy so im here.


Since perfection holds different meanings and standards to each person why not make a list of everything you feel would make you perfect then set a plan to achieve those goals?


There's no reason to cry. Bettering yourself is something we should all strive for. Never settle. Always push yourself. Whether its appearance, education, finance, performance, whatever... Hard work pays off.

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I'm striving for my idea of perfection in myself too. It's hard and stressful, but as the days go by I'm starting to see the changes. Whatever it is you are looking to perfect just know that no matter how impossible it may seem you can do it, it will just take time and encouragement. I believe in you that you will be as perfect as you desire to be. :)



I am glad to see you are setting goals and achieving them. But be careful trying to be perfect. Even if the perfection you are after is your own creation, you won't reach it 100% because people are not perfect. Only God is. That is why He sent Jesus to us.

I was thinking about this bible verse this morning:Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

God wants us to try to be the best us, but he doesn't want us to strive so hard and worry and be perfectionists. Mostly He doesn't want us trying to earn our way to heaven, but perfectionism can really wreck a person. I have seen it personally. My Daddy struggles with it.

So since I don't know the details maybe this doesn't apply, but I got worried when you said you are trying to be perfect. Love yourself as you are now and try to reach your goals but don't strive and obsess.

❤, Pet

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