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Why is being a bigger little such a big issue to some people?

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On 6/16/2017 at 5:09 PM, Daddy_Shaw said:

From the point of view of a Daddy:


Honestly, I do like a slight build and shorter height. I find that cute. But that's personal preference, like being attracted to dark hair as opposed to blonde. Having said that, for myself, personally, I'm not put off by a bigger build. I don't know, I guess I'm attracted to the shyness; vulnerability. Maybe that makes me a bad guy, I don't know. It's not like I exploit someone who is weak or anything. I just feel empathy for someone who isn't confident; isn't comfortable with themselves. I'm compelled to show that person special attention just because my heart goes out to them. I guess that's why, in the past, my littles have been slightly larger. 


I can think of only one reason why I might even in the absolute slightest be put-off by a heaver girl... I like to hold my little's ankles up in the air to lift their tush up and slide a dip under them. It's tougher to do on a larger pair of legs. That's it. That's my only issue. 

What you like and dislike is one thing and that somethings should tell each other right off. But telling someone that because what they look like, no one will love them is mean and also bullying. 

You can pick a heavier girl up the same way as a smaller person. It just the angle you have to do it is different is all. 

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Guest DeadStarsStillBurn

Body types come into and go out of fashion over time. At the moment in Western societies, slender, ectomorph body plans are slowly phasing out and sporty, mesomorph builds are phasing in. It will come back around to endomorphs eventually. It's just the way things are.


Well looks may not matter to you, but to most people they do. That does not mean that your appearance is unwanted. Many people are into bigger women/men. The real issue is that even if they are into it, they will often not admit it to themself or a potential partner, because of fear what other people may think of them. It's just how most people are.


That being said, it's one thing if someone accepts you for you, and another thing if they fetishize your apperance and encourage obesity. Your partner should always want what's best for you, and if he supports your unhealthy habbits just because he/she is into bigger people, then that's certainly not the case.


Going forward I recommend you are upfront about your appearance and any other potential "deal breakers" (like mental health, clinginess, ...). If you are already emotionally invested in someone , and you haven't told him/her about these things, then you are just setting yourself up for heartache.  Tho the way that potential caregiver acted was horrible, and I can't see him being a good caregiver to anyone. 

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Just like a lot or the otters who have said similar, I am on the heavier side but I don’t begrudge people that are not attracted to my shape. I do however hate when people are rude about it. You can be truthful but kind. It does suck when someone that you like doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, but it seemed like they were an asshole anyway. You’re better off ❤️

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  • 1 month later...

i dont know if its important, but personally i think my size adds to my charm as a little. who doesnt like a chubby baby? im roughly 200 to 205 pounds and i realize that people are stuck on image, but as long as im active and eat healthy i dont give a ferk. i enjoy when my belly and hips are grabbed as it makes me feel desirable, rather then ashamed. i know that may not be the same for others, but hopefully it opens you to a different perspective? i think that if they didnt like my chub that they would automatically not be my type as perfection is an illusion anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/11/2017 at 5:50 PM, littlekittygoesmew97 said:

Hello everyone! So I've been wanting to post about this for a while now, but didn't know how to write it out.


What I wanted to talk about, is why curvier, or plus size littles, whether that be female or male, transgender or nonbinary etc, are not what a lot of people are looking for?


I understand that to a lot of people appearance and a persons attractiveness in their future partner is a big deal breaker, but why should it be? Every person whether you are bigger or not, should be given the same opportunity to have a chance with someone.


What I find too often is that people I've talked with have been so cold hearted to me because I am in fact a bigger person. I'm not gonna lie, I am over 260 something pounds at this current moment in time, but why should my weight have anything to do with me being an acceptable suitor for someone? The way people think is so backwards sometimes. 


I once had a guy who I met on here that I was talking to, that was a potential daddy for me. One day we finally decided to skype. This man had no knowledge of my weight at all. I rarely ever tell someone my weight, because it doesn't matter to me. I answered his skype call and we talked for a good five minutes or so, and he had asked me to stand up, so he could see all of me, so he could know what I looked like more.


I kid you not, this guy took one look at me, and literally said,"Wow I wasn't expecting you to be obese.." "I don't like fat people.." And after those words were exchanged to me, he told me he didn't want me, and that no mommy, caregiver, or daddy would ever want a obese little like me. 


It's truly disheartening when something like that happens, and it really has made me not want to look for someone anymore, but I try to keep trucking on, and not letting it bother me. I hate also that when I start to read a personal and get to see what kind of a person that specific person is, I end up reading the whole "I would prefer someone who is skinny.." or something along those lines, and it just automatically gets me upset. 


I'm sorry if this post is a little long, but I wanted to make it, because I've felt very uncomfortable with how I've been treated on here, by several daddys now, especially that one skype call incident. I wanted to voice something, that maybe a few others might not have the courage to do. 


I'd love to hear what others have to say about this or how they view this topic. 


Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this :)

It's so sad to read posts like this. Sure, we all have preferences, and ideas in our head about what we want etc, but to actually have somebody say that to your face and also follow it up with making you believe that nobody would want you, well, that's just disgusting on his part. That's nothing to do with you, that's all on him. He's the problem, not your size. You deserve better than that. Personally, I don't think the physical dimensions of a person in any way affects their capacity to be an adorable little. I've known lots of larger littles, and they've all been so lovable. We're all different sizes, and none of those sizes are the "right" size or better than any other.

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