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My daddy is shy. Can you relate? (BDSM mention)

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It's new territory for him. I'm the first girl he's dated. Even when we first got together he was hesitant, afraid to hurt me or trigger me. But in my mind I was able to trust him and we were both working through it. He definitely likes some of the same stuff I do. But he got nervous when I mention ropes. But afterwards he seemed to like it. So I want to try new things and got a basic BDSM kit off Amazon. I'm nervous to show him what I got. But super excited. Anyway, is your daddy shy? If so how did you let him know it was okay to treat you a certain way. I want to make him feel like it's okay.
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I would just talk to him let him know how your feeling and that you think it's really sweet how caring he's being but that you are strong and that he won't brake you.


I'm not sure I'd really call him shy more anxious or just plan worried.


But mostly I'd just reassure him that you are okay and if something does happen you'll let him. As for the kit I would just make it a surprise thing if it's something you'll think he'll like if not just let him know you got it and would like to try new things.


I hope this helps at least some. ^.^

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My Daddy worries a lot that he is going to hurt me and I have to remind him that I like some pain and "ouch" doesn't mean stop.


The beat thing you can do is communicate thouroughly. Let him know what you like or want to try, and make sure he knows he can and should talk with you if he is uncomfortabke with anything.


Hope that helps..

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Communicate. Complete open and honest, about exactly what you want and how it makes you feel. MSM today trains men to be hesitant to anything that might offend leave alone hurt a woman. I don't think he's shy, more like scared something will go wrong and he'll end up in jail or crucified in the media.


Liking what we like can be hard enough as it is but modern Feminism is training most of us not to even be able to consider it. He might just need your reassurance that, yes this is OK to do with you.


Everyone has given you some great advice. I agree, communication is KEY. Talk to him and let him know that's it's ok for him to ask questions. I would also use a "safe" word, it might help him not be so nervous about hurting you. Also use positive reinforcement, when he does something you like, but he isn't sure, give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek and tell him thank you. That might help build his confidence. 


my daddy is not shy at all in most stuations, including when i talk to him about what i want him to do. but, when we get into the act ofdoing stuff, he is often scared to hurt or trigger me. like he will tie my hands together but it will be easy to get out of because he doesnt want them to be tight enough to leave rope burns

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