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Littles and Mental Illness

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I believe there have been similar post about this but I decided to make another one because there can never be enough awareness or help for people with mental health issues especially people like us with such innocent and sensitive frames of mind. SO I'm going to share my story to get you guys comfortable...


My biological mother is a drug addict and alcoholic and my father is unknown...soooo I'm adopted by my aunt which I'm lucky for I'll admit it could be worse but it definitely isn't ideal, it's not reaaalllyy abusive (physically or sexually at least) but we've never gotten along, constant fighting, constant judging and name calling and threatening this or that...not healthy or loving to say the least. I've always been really in touch with my emotions almost to the point where it was over whelming...causing me to become hysterical or just plain numb....when i was younger my doctor called me her "super feeler" but over the years realized it was something more....long story short after a week of contemplating suicide I was admitted to a psychiatrist who then told me I have Borderline personality disorder as well as depression and anxiety. Soon enough I was sent off to a mental hospital for treatment and for my own safety...I was sent there twice almost 3 times.


I'm now on multiple medications and going to group therapy and have 2 separate counselors I see on a weekly basis...I'm getting better...I'm getting help...although lately I've been in the dumps I've learned that this whole happiness thing doesn't happen just like that.....and even with the meds and the therapy It always helps to have outside help from friends and family which not all of us have so if you're reading this and you're feeling alone please please add me and I'll be your friend <3 but remember the biggest change has to come from you...you have to make the effort which is hard i get it but i believe in you!




NOWWW anyways to the point...if any other littles or even daddys or mommys wanna share their story that'd be great! or just tell us what you're mental illness is, if youre too shy even just a friendly hello and inspirational quote will do <3

  • Like 6
We need more posts like this, there are plenty of people out there that will be your shoulder to cry on, or just a person you can talk to, myself included.
Posted (edited)

thank you Englishman thats why i made this post to give people the opportunity to open up and get support from our little family on ddlgforum.com <3

Edited by babybear4ever

You are not alone :) I too have BPD and you aren't alone in the daily and long term struggles. I have been placed in mental health units  once at 15 and another at 17 for suicide attempts. I struggle with relationships too. best wishes xx

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aaaaaawwwwee thank you...but dont you worry about me I dint post this to get pity I just wanted to share my story as a way of healing myself and a way of motivating others to get help and open up....keep your head held high darling and thanks for sharing <3

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Posted (edited)

Well, since you asked, I personally have quite a few screws loose in my head.



- Bipolar Disorder (happy or depressed, more so than anger)

- Anxiety Disorder (I can easily think myself to near death....)

- PTSD (in a few different ways)

- Trust Issues

- And good ol' Depression


Makes for quite a fun date. Truthfully though, most people can't really stand me as a result of the aforementioned conditions, and finding a partner who can look past those, and help me when I need it, has been an ongoing battle. Either I get told I'm using my illnesses as a way to act a certain way (which is a bunch of bologna), or they are used to attack me. So yeah, pretty fun.

Edited by Leo_Ascendent
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thank you sooo sooo much for sharing I can only imagine the struggles you go through on a daily basis but I hope this post and opening up about it helped you and for doing so you are soo so strong! <3 just keep pushing forward dont give up! and my daddy struggles greatly with many disorders but we push through, u just haven't found the right one so keep on looking! and dont u dare let anyone put u down or let your disorders define you...don't think of it as your a crazy person....think of it as your an eccentric piece of art...youre unique <3 

Guest Sinderella
I see a lot of littles with anxiety and or mental illness. I guess it's pretty common. I have severe anxiety/panic attacks. I take medicine that is supposed to help that but it really doesn't. My mind races when I try to sleep and I think about anything and everything. It causes severe insomnia for me. I definitely think being open about your struggles helps to soothe them some. I actually want to counsel children who have problems like these. I know how it feels and no one should feel helpless because of something that they can not control. Keep pushing forward love
  • Like 1
Thanks for this post, I honestly thought I was completely alone. I was diagnosed with OCD and PTSD last year, and, somehow, being a little is quite helpful especially after a breakdown.
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Thanks for the post. In 2015 I was diagnosed with manic bipolar panic disorder and generalized anxiety. I'm on a monthly shot and two different pills. My mom thinks I'm a little to escape reality and cope with stress. This is probably true I've been a little since I was 17 and that's right around the time my symptoms started. People might judge and say my reason for being little is wrong but I don't mind I think it is a great tool to cope with life's daily stresses. Just cuddle with your stuffies and watch lilo and stitch XD. Anyways don't ever feel like you're any less a person for having mental health issues. In fact I think it makes you a stronger little than most. Keep your head up babygirl!
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Hi I was diagnosed with PMDD back when I was 16. But I think it started before then. I am 31 now. I had a lot of childhood stress and sadness due to my parents' divorce and hypercritical grandparents who helped raise me. So I think I have "issues" on top of having a broken brain/ hormones.


DDlg definately helps! It's a safe space and let's me be vulnerable. My toughness sloughs off and I can be tender and happy!

I can say honestly that being a little came about in part from my past and that it is a coping mechanism. But that doesn't bother me. It brings out the best of my personality and makes me remember to have fun and feel happy. If it's a crutch, it's one I need.


The pmdd makes all aspects of life hard. It is really hard for my husband. He is my Daddy but we are also Master/slave. It helps us order our marriage like the Bible teaches. But i have panic attacks at the slightest correction or negative feedback from my Sir. That and my logic shuts off and I can't see where I made a mistake. I get stubborn. It makes it hard for Him to enforce any rules. He says it would only make me worse. So He guides me with love and jusr waits for me to "come around" on my own.


Meds made me a soulless zombie, so now I am careful with diet and trying to exercise. Basically I just ride out the waves of bad days and keep praying until they pass. Today was the first great day I have had in a while.


Thanks for this thread! It is so good to be honest with each other so we can lift each other up.

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Thank you. I am very very new to this. But I was also diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Very similar background with alcoholic mom, absent dad, turbulent childhood, trauma...

My Daddy is a psychologist, so he really understands me, accepts me and knows how to nurture me.

I'm just so new that it's scary-but so exhilarating to find a place that I fit in. We are still figuring out boundaries and limits. How did you figure it all out?

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Guest Just-littlebabygirl

Hi there! Just some solidarity over here.... Little w/ bipolar I, PTSD and panic attacks.


Finding stability is an ongoing, every day process and is not for the faint of heart! I've been on the right meds for almost 2 years, and any time we've tried to make changes I go into a manic episode too fast to blink.


My Daddy has been wonderfully supportive and has seen me through some bad times, and it gives me faith that there are other mommies and Daddies out there who are the same.


Hi friends!


I'm a little with Dissassociative Identity Disorder (in other words, a form of multiple personality disorder), social anxiety, and severe depression.


I am very lucky to have an extremely supportive daddy who also has some of his own mental problems (Asperger syndrome and DID).


Little space helps with my depression a lot. I also refuse to be put on medicine as it sort of scares me? 


Anyway, any other littles who have DID, depression, or anxiety, I am here! I totally understand you!

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I'm a little here who deals with severe anxiety and depression. Sometimes little space doesn't bring me out of it BUT does help me feel safer. I suffer from migraines and try my best not stay in medication.

I'm here :)


Hello, I also have borderline personality disorder, 


and still coming to terms with what all that entails. This diagnosis really affects me when it comes to possible romantic or sexual attachments as I am terrified of others becoming scared of me and the illness, or of taking advantage and being used because of it. 


I am also always here if anyone wants to talk, I understand how isolating having a mental illness can be and don't want anyone to ever feel like they have no one. 

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Posted (edited)
Hi! I love that this is a topic, it really makes me feel better about being a mentally ill little. I've been emotionally abused and have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and ADHD; though I'm worried that diagnosis may change due to new symptoms that have reared their ugly heads recently. I've been on and off meds a lot lately due to bad reactions and horrible insurance, but found CBD oil that is helping tremendously. I have several physical issues as well, and my doctor has suggested investing in a service dog, but unfortunately I just can't afford it right now. Unfortunately it seems that my mental illness makes it harder for me to enter little space, and I've been struggling with figuring it out since I descovered I was a little. Luckily my Sir is wonderful and patient and takes good care of me when I have issues. Anyway, if anyone ever needs to talk, pm me and I'll be more than willing to lend an ear or shoulder to cry on if needed! Edited by Sanuye
  • 4 weeks later...

hi there. I'm a little and I have Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. I was emotionally abused and bullied when I was younger. It makes me feel like no one is ever going to love me. 


I had meningitis when I was a baby and it caused brain damage.
It's not noticeable at first to anybody thankfully, but I have a lot of trouble remembering things, doing basic math, and I struggle using my hands for a lot of things. {The doctor was shocked that I can type so quickly because I apparently should not be able to!}  They used the term "executive dysfunction" to describe the symptoms.

It's caused some issues over the years in school and work, but I've grown accustomed to it and I'm comforted knowing there's a real reason why I struggle with what some people see as basic things. 


I also have anxiety and get overwhelmed easily because of it. It really sucks, but I do what I can to get by. My best friend is really supportive of me even when I have panic attacks, and I now use my experiences with them to educate folks on how to deal with them themselves. 


diagnosed anxiety, suspected bpd with depressive flareups but I try not to self-dx as I know that makes people angry. 

I'm a little, and I have autism/aspergers (not sure if same or if I technically have both, I need to call my psychologist and see when she'll have my report done), OCD, clinical depression which likes to spike at the least opportune of moments, both the distractibility and impulsivity sides of ADHD, and a very harsh and very strong recommendation to look into bipolar later in life when I'm not so young and unstable. It's becoming an alphabet soup I don't like to have in front of me...

I had a turbulent childhood. Like lots of other people.. No one gets out unscathed...


I have severe OCD - I have a phobia of illness/germs. I probably own stocks in purell by now... I write lists for everything, I am deathly picky with the preparation of my food and as a consequence can't eat out at many places, I have Insomnia that is normally Magnified by the OCD - I can't sleep unless my house is spotless. Its like I can hear the dishes in my sink. I have zero coping skills when it comes to Confrontation or stressful situations. I either freak out and fight with EVERYTHING or I throw up for days on end. In the wrong situations.. I am a prime example of why they name storms after people. 


As for meds... My doctors have tried a whole lot of stuff and none of it ever works. SSRIs, Wellbutrin, Seraquel, Zopiclone, Trazodone, etc... All of it either makes me sick to my stomach or makes my ladies bits numb with no benefit. These days I treat myself with nutrition, Vitamins and the occasional Ativan (for the really bad days). I work in Addictions and Mental Health... So I have some knowledge about how these drugs work.. which is maybe why they don't work. I am now a huge advocate for clean eating and vitamin therapy. Even if it's just in my head... I feel better. I feel more stable. 


This post is awesome :D Thank you for starting it 


I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (presents as manic depression though I do occasionally have manic rage) and general anxiety disorder when I was 15. I have been coping with this, untreated, for 14 years.


I am currently suffering from and being treated for Severe post partem depression and post partem anxiety (very VERY different than general anxiety. I never knew that until I had it)


Now that I am on a depression medication for my post partem issues I am very more aware of my mania and my doctor wants me to see a phsycologist and get treatment for my bipolar. So we will see how that goes.

I have bpd, anxiety and major depressive disorder:(, I think I'm still having assessment done to see if there is any other issues, I also had late post natel depression which turned into untreated postnatal depression :( I have my fair share of issues but being a little makes them disappear :) xxx
Guest Kali
Posted (edited)

I'm nearly 50 - have seen more mental health professionals than I care to remember - and refuse to lie down and die - which is exactly how I feel much of the time. Sometimes drugs just can't fix things - even with the help of therapists etc - sometimes it's about acceptance - and treating yourself like your own poorly sibling - be kind to yourself. Your past is your past - it changed you, but you can continue to change you in the present moment - with every breath. Always strive to think positively - as long as you do, you're climbing the mountain, and not falling off it - yes, it can seem trite - but you are where you are - all you can control is which direction you want to go in - up or down. It's not going to happen overnight - you don't think your way out of 30 years of negative thoughts overnight - it will take years - but take comfort in the knowledge you can transform things - slowly. Until then, all we can do is support each other. x

Edited by Kali

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