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So, whenever my little girl feels that she's disappointed me (and she almost never does) she seems to get extremely depressed and feel like her whole existence is a burden on me. Is there anything I can say to make her feel any better?

Try to remind her that she's only human and that disappointing you, on the rare occasions it does occur, doesn't mean you love her less, show her lots of affection and let her know she's loved just as much as always.  Discussing whatever it was that happened and how to correct it, can also be beneficial and show her that you're not just saying words to make her feel better but that you're working on a solution to help her.


Daddy is very good at this actually, we have a talk where he tells me how it's not the end of the world basically (I mean the conversation depends on what happened but that is the gist of it) and then he reminds me that while indeed is not the end of the world that we need to address that so it doesn't happen again or as often.


Then I get spanked, the number and intensity depends on how big of a deal it was. After that is over he holds me, whispers in my ear that he forgives me for being a bad girl and reminds me that he wouldn't do this if he didn't love me because he wants me to be the best I can for Him and myself :3


Some girls just need to be punished and forgiven to really get over it, some don't, I hope you find your balance with your little~

The thing is though, she most often feels as though she's disappointed me when she hasn't disappointed me at all, that's what I want to figure out
Guest ZuZu420
I feel like that a lot..I'm not sure what makes me feel like I've disappointed my Daddy bit sometimes I just feel like I'm not good enough ..sometimes my mind is really mean to me and all I can do is worry that I disappointed Daddy and he will go away cuz I disappointed him too much..and most of the time he tells me its ok..I didn't disappoint him ..but sometimes the bad feeling stays..its harder for me cuz its long distance so we can't do things like mentioned about the spanking and aftercare..some littles are just very aware of how they're feeling even if they dont understand it why they feel that way..its really scary and makes it really hard not to be so insecure...if your little ever wants to talk with someone who might understand what she's going through you can give her my name so we can talk..I know my stuff is different than hers but sometimes it helps just to talk to someone who knows the feeling even if its for different reasons
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ZuZu420, I talked to her about it, and she said that she'd be willing to talk, but she'd like it if you started the conversation. Can I add you so I can give you her username and tell you a little bit first?

i know ur little is probably talking to zuzu already but i do tend to be like that too


as far as im concerned

just encourage her to be honest and tell u wen shes upset about something like that

always tell her how much you love her and assure her of it over and over again

and be patient


hopefully over time it'll calm down on its own ^^

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Guest Princessaj

Hi and thanks for asking for our support.


Maybe take a minute to consider some of these things...


1) Do the disappointments tend to be about the same things over and over? Look for patterns and you might find that the disappointments are based on things that you can examine and be specific about. Perhaps she has certain areas that she needs to work on and by finding out the patterns, you can set on a plan to help her with them?


For Example: I tend to not give myself enough time to do my tasks and I get so sad, if I am late. In this case my Daddy could help me with my time management. Have me try to not commit to too many things or help me to give myself extra time to get them done.


2) When you know what specific things are causing the disappointment, turn the situation upside down. Make the weak spots a goal of correction with rewards. Take the negative into the positive. Use reward charts with stickers, have her make a reward list on www.amazon.com and you can go there and send her things that you know she wants...


3) Something you can do together is to have a motto or saying that she writes/prints out and places many places in her house, on her phone, in her wallet..say it together when you are tucking her in, leave a voice mail that she can save and listen to your voice saying it over and over... to be able to be reminded that she is loved for her imperfections. "You are the perfect little for me." something like that...



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