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Any Witches? (or Pagans in general?)

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Guest tarynsm

Hiya! That is so cool that you had a hand fasting. I hope one day to be lucky enough. Curious....whats your favorite crystal? I would love to be your fwwwiieeendd. 


Oooh now I do'nt really have a favourite crystal. I do really like Lapis Lazuli, Angel Aura Quartz and Peacock Ore but i think thats just because they are pwetty and shiny lol

Guest Akerbeltz

I don't have any religious practices, at least not ones that I think of in those terms. The whole term pagan seems odd to me. It's use is not used to denote any religion other then to say it's not one of the main monotheistic religions, or generally one of other main world religions.

I am really interested in all religions and mythology and the way that it interacts with the human mind. My Username Akerbeltz is from Basque mythology, he's the protector of animals both wild and domestic and a protector of balance in nature. He's the male component of the goddess Mari. Akerbeltz and his relationship as a protector of Mari's cult by the Spanish inquisition in its persecution of the Basque lead to the modern image of the devil as a black goat in popular culture.

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I'm interested in learning more about the different pagan beliefs and rituals. Been drawn to them for a while, in particular wicca, and the celtic and norse beliefs of my ancestors, but in a heavily religious family so haven't really gone in depth. Guess you could say I'm currently questioning/exploring a bit.

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I'm an eclectic solitary wiccan; nice to meet others that are similar :)

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I don't have any religious practices, at least not ones that I think of in those terms. The whole term pagan seems odd to me. It's use is not used to denote any religion other then to say it's not one of the main monotheistic religions, or generally one of other main world religions.

I am really interested in all religions and mythology and the way that it interacts with the human mind. My Username Akerbeltz is from Basque mythology, he's the protector of animals both wild and domestic and a protector of balance in nature. He's the male component of the goddess Mari. Akerbeltz and his relationship as a protector of Mari's cult by the Spanish inquisition in its persecution of the Basque lead to the modern image of the devil as a black goat in popular culture.


Actually, some people see Akerbeltz as the Horned God in the Traditional Wicca, which is understandable because the Horned God is also the protector of creatures in Wicca. 

As for the word Pagan, the Main World Religions, mainly Christianity, tried to see that the other religions of the world, especially if they weren't the main 5, to sound demonic and for "evil" when that's obviously not the case. Wicca doesn't have many hard rules that are universal other than the one which literally says "Do not cause harm to others." That isn't very "evil" now is it? People also bring up "well Satanism is also a Pagan religion!" No, actually it's not, it comes directly from Christianity, therefore it's just like any of the Christian branches of the religion, it's just the negative side of the religion. 

My issue is that I'll bring up Wicca to the rest of my family (other than my parents) and they think that it's a form of Satanism, which it clearly is not. I have to explain to them that Wicca is an earthbound religion that's based on a two god system: one male and one female. But the majority of them are very thick skulled and think that everything that they don't like is bad. They're as conservative as you can get. 

I've been debating on telling them about me being Wiccan but I'm pretty sure that I'll be disowned. Just wait until they find out that I'm Bisexual xD

Guest Akerbeltz

I can't say that really know any thing factually about Wicca other then things you learn from secondary sources. From what I've gathered it's a reconstructed version of the Goddess religion of pre-indo-European Old European culture, with some Celtic and Migration Era Germanic flavorings. Marija Gimbutas and her work on the culture and religion of Old Europe is usually cited as an inspiration and source of some beliefs.

As one of the last vestiges of pre-indo European cultural expansion into Europe, the Basque and their culture is a fascinating window into that world. The fact that they were also one of last people on the continent to resist Christianization makes them doubly so.

Yes Akerbeltz was the horned god, of the last bit of the religion that Wicca links back to most likely, or at least one representation of him. He was not only protected animals and nature, but the followers of the mother goddess Mari. One thing that made the basque pantheon different from most other gods and goddesses was they were dual natured. They had male and female expressions, Akerbeltz, was in essence one expression of Mari. he was not her husband or consort, but a part of her that had its own expression in the world.

It's so odd looking at it in that way that people classify one religion as pagan and another as not. Much less view the one that they happened to be born into as the 'right' one. That same person born in a different time and place would of no doubt believed just as strongly in Thor, or Baal, or Khrishna. Hopefully you can get your family looking at it from that vantage and seeing that all beliefs and moral systems taken from a religion are arbitrary and based on what worked socially for the time and place that that religion grew from. Things like sexuality and gender are constructs of that and they should be viewed through that lens in the modern world.

Guest Akerbeltz
oops forgot to mention Margaret Murray and her book The Witch Cult of Western Europe, While its arguments about pre-Christian Europe were not all valid, it did lead to a lot of questions to the conventional historical view and doubtless influenced not only wicca, but other 'neo-pagan' reconstructed belief systems.
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Yes it is a reconstruction of it, but it's also been around forever but it's just out to the public more now cause of the internet. 


also yes all that you pointed out is true, and I do believe that the horned god is sort of like a child to the great mother just as you said about Akerbeltz.


I don't know how accepting they'll be about everything, they're very religious (Christianity-wise). One of our relatives had an abusive husband and got out of that relationship but she then started dating a woman who she loved very much and my grandparents said that they'd rather she be with the abusive husband. Like seriously? So rude! 

Guest Akerbeltz
I don't mean to disparage your relatives in any way. It does make one wonder what their priorities are if they would prefer some one be abused instead of being loved. I just can't think that a religion that espouses love and acceptance and charity to others and forgiveness is the same one they practice.

It's the interpretation of the religion. That's why there are so many different parts of Christianity because they all have different interpretations of it 

Guest Akerbeltz
yes I know what you mean. I just find it funny people go out of their way to interpret things into the opposite of what they actually say.
I know, So stupid! Like "can you try to be at least a bit open minded?"
I totally agree with you on Lucifer being the most misunderstood person. He wanted to feel human and wanted to understand what the emotions and such were like. The Christian God was against it so much and hated that he did those things because I feel that Lucifer had a connection with Humans more than God ever did and God was jealous about that, so he punished Lucifer for that.quote]


That is not why Lucifer fell.

Being the most powerful Arcangel wasn't enough. Lucifer wanted to have the power of God.

He sought the Light that only God has. When God denied Lucifer this power, he rebelled and encouraged many of the Angels to rebel with him. Michael, also an Arcangel, now became the Sword and Arm of the Lord. He defeated Lucifer and crushed him underfoot, sending him Down with the rebel angels.

Man and the Garden of Eden were not yet created.


However, in the Romantic school, Lucifer is a Hero for being the Rebel against a tyrant God. He is seen as the first Rebel against the universal order, which is THE very subjective heart of Romanticism.


Been eclectic Wiccan for a number of years; always great to meet others who are similar or even different; always good to learn and expand one's thinking :) 

Guest Kittehmuffin
I was pagan for many years and still include some aspects in my life. Particularly those that are excellent for supporting the psyche to get into a 'space' kindness of thing.
Guest Daddy's☆treasure

Eclectic pagan here mostly working with Brighid. Love my Surina wood wand and my copper healing wand! Great to see so many fellow pagans.


Blessed be!

  • 2 weeks later...

Slightly unrelated but I got into demonolgy about 2 years go, the results have been great.

Any othe dark-arts people here?

Pagan here. Happy Beltane to anyone who celebrates it! :)
I'm also a pantheist or panentheist eclectic pagan good to see you all here :)

im wiccan too!!!!


I'm an eclectic neo-pagan, I suppose. I practice various forms of magick and work with deities from several pantheons. Most of my work these days involve Pueblo medicine, voudon, and a sprinkling of European paganism. My brother and I have established a small men's only covenstead centered on celebrating the twin spirit duality and celestial gatekeeping. We do a lot of drumming, dancing, and working with the elements to bring balance to the earth.


There are actually quite a few pagans or magick users in this community. I would be curious if the same were true in the more mainstream BDSM community as well. If I ever join FetLife I guess I can ask around. :p


I've been a solitary Wiccan for four years.


It's pretty lonely sometimes, so I shrieked when I saw this post.


Me too!!!! I recently find my way in to wicca... but have been a pagan for some time!

My mother's family is from Cuba so I'm a half and have know a little bit of Santeria. So magic has being in my family for years.  On the other hand my father's family are hardcore catolics that don't like any non Catholic religion... They are not nice people but well eche their own. They always make fun of me because what i believe in...

But anyway! I love the duality of life and belive in the Goddess and the God. For the ones that celebrates it... Happy Beltane! and blessed be!


PD. Sorry if there are any mistakes I'm not a native speaker... :p

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imma Christian that practices secular witchcraft!!!

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