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Oh No! This Little Bunny Is Getting The Sniffles!

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Calling all littles, I'm getting the sniffles and I don't care for myself well enough. It's so cold, any suggestions on how to keep the sniffles away?
My Daddy swears by vitamin C. So dose up on the oj
THANKIES! I do need some Orange juice and a daddy to cuddle.
Guest Isabelle


Hot liquids

Vitamin C (I recommend tablets not extra juice, as juice contains A LOT of sugar)

Extra rest/slow down

Don't exercise (walk is okay but no major workouts your body is working hard enough against germs)



Favorite activities like color books easily within reach

Take something like Tylenol or a pain killer if you have a headache in small doses as needed

Thermometer, if you have a temp take something or try cool washcloth on forehead

Some people have nasal sprays (like me) to help keep nose open and breathing (Some people like a saline flush, others like me who have allergies need a medicated spray from dr. as saline doesn't do anything for congestion for us)

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