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No attention and feeling upset

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I'm new here so I hope that anyone on here could help me. So, I met a daddy dom a few months ago, we've been talking for a while now. He really seems like a great daddy and I really like him. In the beginning we've been talking super much, then there was a phase where we barely talked and now it became a lot again. He's also giving me a lot of compliments and being super kind to me and also being a bit dominant. I've been in little space everytime while talking to him and he thought it was cute and stuff. I really like him and I would love him to be my daddy. But the last two days he barely answered and when he did, he'd just write a few words. (He's from the US, I'm from Europe) I know that it sounds silly and I have no right to be like that because he's not my daddy or anything, but I've been feeling really upset about that. I don't know if I'm just overreacting or what I should do now. So I'm hoping that someone can maybe help me.


Thanks a lot,

Ari xx

Guest viatorsursum
Honey, I really understand that you feel uneasy with it and its nothing bad, you're not overreacting. Just please, try talk with him, daddies can have bad time as well. Just Ask him if something is going on, and try to have conversation about your fears!
  • Like 2
I will try to do that, thank you a lot for helping!
Guest viatorsursum
No need to thank me :D it will be all alright, Honey!
  • Like 1
Thanks, I really hope so too :3
Guest Daddy'sShyKitten

Bring it up with him and see if there's something wrong. Sometimes daddies can have bad days, and need a little bit of time to themselves, or he could just be a bit busier than usual.  this guy sounds like he's really great, so i hope things go well! :33

  • Like 1
I'll do that, thank you very much! I hope so too
I think the time difference may be a problem as well, it's hard to keep a relationship going when there's a time difference. But just try explaining to him what you're feeling, just cus I said time differences are hard doesn't mean they're impossible :)
  • Like 2
Thank you so so much!! ^^ I already told him, waiting for him to answer :3
  • Like 1

talk to him, but pay attention to his answers. if he apologizes and gives you specific reasons why he's been distant, then give him time and space if he needs it. if he turns it around on you or gets defensive? well..that tells you all you need to know.

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stress at work or in his life could play a big factor, keep a level head and communicate communicate communicate :) if you really like him don't let a little rough patch get you off track

  • Like 1
Thanks a lot to both of you, I really appreciate it :) I told him about the whole thing and now I'm hoping everything'll go well.

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