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To cat, or not to cat??

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So this may seem silly to others, but I need a bit of advice. The last few weeks or so I've been trying to find a pet cat. I've been to a few different shelters and set up appointments, the whole thing and I think I may have finally settled on one, yay! There's only one large problem for me, which is the cost. There's a few different shelters out here, and they're all different price ranges of course. Not to mention for the Valentine thing a few are having sells for the animals, and at fairly decent prices in my opinion.


Now the cat I want is $115 solid (hopefully) but the shelter it's at doesn't have the best reviews. They're known to be the toughest shelter to get a pet from because they tend to turn most people down. The other shelter I initially planned to adopt from is $14 right now, but the cat would be sent home with a cat crate, a litter box + litter, cat food, and a bed. So I'd be getting an adorable little friend, and a few things to help me set up for the first few days but they're also the most popular shelter. So the cat's come and go quickly. The one's I liked were gone the next day.


I know so far it should be a no brainer, but my SO tends to be a big spender, and I'm not sure I have a selfish bone in my body that could possibly rival his. We're just now beginning to bring ourselves out of debt (A major stress factor for me), and I've always had to get on his case when he decides he just "has to have" a $100+ game that he plays for like a week. Because I always give in and let him have his way, I'm worried he's going to ask for a bunch of things after we just spent a bunch of money on this cat and it's honestly brought me to tears because I really want a pet. It doesn't have to be that cat I guess, but when I begin to sway, I just end up dropping it as a whole. I feel lonely almost all the time now, so just the thought of having a pet has brought me out of my little slump for a few days, but now I feel myself just falling again. 


If I'm selfish and try to get the $115 cat and then get turned down for whatever reason (this is my first pet ever, so I can't shake the feeling that it'll happen), I'll have wasted a chance to get a good cat at a nice price with all the nice fixings so that I can also spoil it with whatever extra's I so please. So should I bother anymore?


You shouldn't feel selfish. Having a pet is like an addition to the family and is a big deal. If the cat you like is the awesome cat you really want to have around then it is worth the money for her/him. I've had pets all my life and they are really good to have emotionally. It's constant companionship and on bad days coming home to my dog is a wonderful thing. When therels a storm she gets scared too so she'll cuddle with me and make me feel less scared. Pets are great! (I've also had cats and I love them too!)


The part that I wanted to address is your underlying frustration about his spending habits. I'm the same way. I want just about everything but it will all be cheap things I will enjoy a lot. I make budgets and goals and financials outlines all the time if I have down time in class or something. I worry about money. If he doesn't see eye to eye with you and won't compromise and going until you have to, "give in" then that might not be the most healthy thing. You're an equal in the relationship and that means financially. He should listen to you and take your opinion into consideration (if he doesn't already). I don't have all the facts so this is just the way I understood it. But I would have a legitimate conversation about that with him. How he should listen to you and not push spending a ton of money on games he, "has to have" especially if it makes you feel like you have to give up the cat you like (Which is a living creature you'll hopefully have for many years and gets tons of love and enjoyment from). You should have nice things too, you aren't asking for too much. If you want the cat, get the cat. 

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I understand the frustration when it comes to money and adopting pets, it really discourages a lot of people but the money pays for the animals you're not picking that day so it's okay to be selfish if you really want the more expensive cat because you're also helping to keep the shelter running. 

Also sometimes that money covers the medical care or the initial shots of the pet you are getting so even if they aren't offering you the fixings, like items and stuff, are they medically prepared to go home with you for the next year? Sometimes cheaper animal adoptions mean the animal hasn't had their shots yet so you'll have to chuck out a bit more to pay for medical things anyway. The first cat I ever got was $90 and she had all her shots but they didn't give us much else. As opposed to all three of my dogs which were rescues, we didn't pay much ($25 for one of them) but they didn't have any of their shots or a vet to look over them which put us back about $100 each dog- Good thing we didn't get them at the same time. So that might be something to consider.


But please don't be discouraged you are not selfish wanting to bring a new life into your arms :) People buy animals off friends all the time which is fine and all but these shelter cats and dogs are usually found on the streets or abandoned and could really use the love. Good luck!!


Cats are lovely animals with lots of mental and physical benefits for their owners (or rather subordinates), this picture sums it up quite well: 



A cat and a video game are two very different things and if your partner doesn't recognise that then that's somewhat upsetting. I, myself, am a cat owner as well as a gamer and to be frank I haven't bought a new game in perhaps a month now... I can live with that. What I can't live without is my cat. I could live without video games, I would however be far more stressed and upset than I usually am as gaming is a release for me and many other people who share that hobby (or any). So perhaps be slightly more understanding about that. Maybe video games are one of the only ways he has to de-stress or get rid of some anxiety and yes... Video games do tend to be on the expensive side but I wouldn't say it's a waste of money if they do help you get rid of some anxiety or stress. 


Also, cats do cost a lot more money than just the initial buying of the cat. There are things like vet bills you have to take into account, de-fleaing and shots and if they're not already neutered you'd need to get them neutered... The list goes on and on - they're not cheap! So in the long run it's going to cost quite a bit, I'm not saying that it's not worth it (it is!) but if you're still currently in debt and that's still a worry for you it might be best for you (and any future cat!) to make sure you're financially stable first - this also goes for your s/o buying video games too. 

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I have special powers allowing me to transform into a big cat at times. This is of course highly confidential,so you will understand that I can't say much,but it gives me some insight and I think everyone should consider that a cat is someone who quite naturally wants to go about his or her own business in a preferably stable environment.


I went thru something pretty similar. We really wanted a cat, me being me, I could do with any dang cat out there. We already had a cat who was getting very lonely as it was used to having a dog to play with while we were at work.

 My SO found this darling Maine Coon kitten, from a tough shelter, came with all the fixins, at around the same price. 

I was nervous and upset about the whole thing. I didn't want to get my heart set on a fur baby that we might not get. They required A LOT of paperwork, background checks, financial paper work, etc, etc. 

We ended up filling out the paperwork, did the interview (I was a wreck, let me tell you) To my surprise the woman running it was so kind and amazing and was impressed with us. A week later we took home the little bb Maine Coon and I have never been happier. 

A couple months later, I actually volunteer for them online and help them find fur babies a good home. 

At the time we got the cat, I had just put down a dog & we had just moved so our money was very, very tight. I do not regret a thing. I am glad to this day that he pushed me to not settle & we got the cat we (mostly he) really wanted. 

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