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As a tall, big, biracial girl who has a wonderful Daddy. They are out there. Don't give up. There is someone out there for everyone and the right person won't care how tall you are or what tone your skin is. Anyone that does care, isn't worth your time anyway.
  • Like 2
Guest Daddy'sShyKitten

im tall-ish (5'6"), curvy & thick, and Latina. It doesnt matter what you look like, you will find a daddy who will love you for who you are! :3


Not to sound mean, but you are over-thinking it, but for a good reason. :) Any relationship has risks and worries attached, so don't stress over thinking too much. 


There are people in the world that prefer anything: I had a white male friend who only liked black girls. I had a black male friend who liked all except black girls. I have a great female friend who only likes big girls. I have a male friend who only likes hefty girls. Attraction is one thing. But if you were to meet someone online and click with a daddy, and then when you two share pics & he calls things off, then you're better off without him. 


You said you've probably been a middle anyway. Don't let the skinny white girls deter you or think you're any less of a middle. You're a tall curvy black girl but still a middle. Middle is in your head, not in your hips. You can find a daddy. 

  • Like 6

Dont think too hard about appearances. obviously, everyone is attracted to different things. and there's nothing wrong with that. i often think i should keep my little side to myself because i'm 31, which seems to be much older than most other littles. 

  • Like 1
Guest Candy Minx ♡
Posted (edited)

just wanna chime in! as a little who is 5'5, thicc n cute as all fuckin' hell, biracial -

black and white i just want to ask you something, would you still be as insecure 

if you were in a normal vanilla relationship? if the answer is no then you shouldn't

be worried about being in a cg/l relationship because at the end of the day it all

boils down to preference. 


you're not NOT a little/middle/dom/sub/etc just because of your physical appearance.

if someone is overweight, it doesn't make them not a >insert title here<, if someone

can only see the color red it doesn't make them not a >insert title here<, i mean you 

get my point. being all of those things is a MINDSET and yeah, maybe dressing up

in whatever you want might help you get into your mindset -- at the end of the day

you're still you. you aren't defined by your looks. 


i've seen a lot of littles/middles/daddies around here who ask if they are still them

and compare themselves to something they've seen.. don't be so easily influenced,

instead, be more educated about it and look beyond the physical appearance of 

things. and i'm not trying to sound rude or offend but if you don't know that you can

still be a middle despite your physical appearance because of the media influences

you have considering the idea of a middle/little/w.e, you might wanna take some time

to get to know yourself and understand the ways of the dynamic you want to enter

before diving into getting a caregiver. knowing almost fully what you're getting into

before you get into it can save you a lot. it can save you from doms/cgs that are

screaming red flags. this site is full of good information to get you started with safe

information and get advice. 


a friendly reminder that you can be a middle without a daddy, and you should know

how to be one without one! it's healthy to be able to do you without a cg/dd and not 

be reliant on having one. i only say this because i see a lot of people newer to the

whole ddlg thing who think they need a daddy asap and are so in love with the idea

of having one that they take on lots of little relationships and usually aren't healthy,

not saying you're one of them but i think sometimes everyone needs a reminder. 

Edited by ☄ Cosmic Pengu ☆
  • Like 2
Guest Princessa_Rosa

I want to clarify, because I think I may have misrepresented myself. I am a middle in mindset, my "body issue" is more with the idea that, one type of little is all that is desired for.  I guess I'm more just cautious because I am worried I might fail victim to some unfavorable DD/CG. I feel like I have always been a middle in mindset, the way I dress, the way I act, I just try in keep it more reserved, but its always been there. I just didn't have a name for it.  I'm slowly bringing it out and I understand the need to be patient, figure out what I like and dislike and so forth...


My issue is more with, when I am ready, finding someone, should I prepare to harden myself for a lot of rejection?

Guest Candy Minx ♡
Posted (edited)

I want to clarify, because I think I may have misrepresented myself. I am a middle in mindset, my "body issue" is more with the idea that, one type of little is all that is desired for.  I guess I'm more just cautious because I am worried I might fail victim to some unfavorable DD/CG. I feel like I have always been a middle in mindset, the way I dress, the way I act, I just try in keep it more reserved, but its always been there. I just didn't have a name for it.  I'm slowly bringing it out and I understand the need to be patient, figure out what I like and dislike and so forth...


My issue is more with, when I am ready, finding someone, should I prepare to harden myself for a lot of rejection?


i want to say that i personally don't think so? but that's just with /my/ personal exp.

i see an awful lot of people on here claim that since they have types of body issues

they've dealt with a lot of rejection and people playing with their feelings. i've only 

ever had one Daddy, really, so the issue of rejection was never really a.. issue for me.

( i introduced him to all this! )


i think if you're slow, steady, and take your time that it's in most ways like any other

ship? getting to know someone beforehand and wutnot, i can PROMISE you that

there are so many people out there who will love you to pieces despite the fact you

don't see yourself as what is polished as the perfect, desirable middle. part of me

suggests always being prepared for rejection, to be able to take it in a healthy manner

and not fall into some deep depression where you dislike yourself or something along

those lines. but the other part doesn't wanna say to dwell on the fact that you might 

be rejected? idk, i'm trying to be helpful! i suppose since rejection is a part of life

that it's never too awful to be prepared for it?

Edited by ☄ Cosmic Pengu ☆

I agree with everything Cosmic Pengu has said and I was insecure myself.

I, myself haven't seen a lot of other POC littles and that made me even more nervous about me belonging.

But do you! There is not physical appearance "rule" that you have to abide by. Everyone comes in all shapes and sizes. 

Someone will come along that loves you for you. Don't rush it! 

Guest Newtothis84
I didn't read any other comments but you are BEAUTIFUL honey!!! You will find a daddy *hugs*
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest DaddyNCharge
Why would you be rejected? Only reason I would feel someone is rejected is because they are not into the same things or compatiable. I have gotten nothing but love from this site personally. Most people state what they want and are looking for. Only thing that I hate is someone gets Miss treated and it ruines it for the rest of us daddies. I am a Daddy Dom personally and would love to get to know you more add me shoot me a message
  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
As a Daddy who has a beautiful chocolate babygirl I'm telling you there are daddies out there that are looking for a babygirl just like you.

I wish there were more diverse examples of littles out there because a lot of girls and guys feel like they don't fit in or won't be desirable but it's not true. There are lots of different types of daddies with all sorts of interests and personalities. I think the bigger hurdle is finding someone who's interests match up with yours but I don't think looks should be a problem. :)

  • 9 months later...

I guarantee there's a guy who wants a black curvy girl.

Not me, but there are definitely guys who would want a girl like that.


Aw you're definitely thinking too much about it. 

There are plenty PoC Littles and CG/DD. ^^ Honestly I see more PoC than little white girls haha. 

I myself am I 5'8-5'9  mixed girl ^^ 

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