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Daddy type roles?

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Posted (edited)

Without going into lots of detail I'm a daddy type. I say that because I'm single so I'm not actually a daddy. I hope that makes sense.

What kind of roles are there for daddy types who can't be actual daddies? The only one I can think of is an uncle role. That's what I call someone like me with daddy tendencies who sort of supports a little. (However, because of the nature of relationships it's not always ideal.)

Anyone else know of roles that a daddy type could have?



  • big brother, older brother
  • uncle
  • teacher or guidance counselor
  • father's friend (daddy's friend)*
  • older neighbor*
  • pastor/youth church leader*
  • cousin
  • nurturer
  • protector
  • guardian
  • best friend
  • grandfather (not in age sense, but in wisdom)
  • onii-san (Japanese), oppa/hyeong(hyung) (Korean)**
  • babysitter

* As stated, could be kinky/naughty or borderline weird (not that it's a bad thing!)

** Usually, oppa is a term a female would use, and hyeong/hyung is from a male; however, I've heard oppa a lot more often

Edited by Frog

Yeah, I should have remembered that one. I've been called big/older brother many times. Don't know why I had forgotten that.


Cousin. Grandfather (in the sense the daddy is super wise, not in the sense of age) As stated, big brother. Ummmm. Best friend. Teacher, guardian.


I've run out of ideas.


I'm a little when it comes to the dynamic, but I tend to be the "mother" when I'm with my friends. Someone always needs to tell Joe that pyrotechnics should not be used next to flammable objects. Maybe that could help? Pretty much anyone in their teens/20s need to be protected (from themselves).

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Hey Froggy ! ^-^


I think this is an interesting question ! 


I think it depends on the relationship you have with the other person involved , like for example you could be sexual but not someones Daddy. And could also depend on what kind of dynamic you are looking for with the friend. Some things I can think of other than being someones Daddy are as follows :


-Older brother


-Teacher / Guidance counselor 

-Pastor / Youth church leader

-"Fathers" friend

-Older neighbor 


I realize writing the last three they might be seen as "kinky" or naughty .. borderline "weird".. but to each their own ^-^


I think you're great Froggy so I hope you get lots of helpful replies !

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Thanks, everyone, for the great replies. And thanks for the kind words, Monkey.  :D


This was more of an exploratory thread for future use. I don't have a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone at all. For friends, I've been the big brother a few times. The main reason I was asking is because I don't want anyone with a daddy think I'm trying to pry my way into a relationship and split them up. So instead of being a daddy, I was wondering what else I could be. I know that I've heard onii-san (Japanese) or oppa/hyeong (Korean). I should list them in the original post to help!

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