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first, handmade kitten collar !

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hello everyone,


the other week i finally went out a bought pretty ribbons for a collar i had been dying to make and i have finally finished !!! this is the first collar i have and it has made me feel very validated and pretty :) any feedback would be great x


- mommysbabykitten xo


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hello everyone,


the other week i finally went out a bought pretty ribbons for a collar i had been dying to make and i have finally finished !!! this is the first collar i have and it has made me feel very validated and pretty :) any feedback would be great x


- mommysbabykitten xo


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<3   attachicon.gifFile 24-1-17, 3 42 57 pm.jpeg

super cute and pretty I say it looks great!


I like it, though, would like to see it when it's not around your neck. Since its so bright it's hard to see the details, easier if it's put against a dark surface.
But by the little things I can see, it does look very cute :3 


super cute and pretty I say it looks great!


thank you thank you !!!


Beary cutes


youre too sweet xx


I like it, though, would like to see it when it's not around your neck. Since its so bright it's hard to see the details, easier if it's put against a dark surface.

But by the little things I can see, it does look very cute :3 


i can send you photos of the collar not on if you would like! its a  bit rough but its a start :)


Super cute


thank you sweets x


Its adorable <3


thank you so much !! 

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