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Guest Kittehmuffin
The only advice I can give you is to look at what you want. Get clear in this and in your boundaries. Are your needs met in this relationship? If not it may time to look at how your needs can be met and that may be elsewhere. I hope it works out for you though.
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You've just gotta find whatcha want in a relationship, and make sure your needs are met, like Kitteh said.

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Sorry to be blunt, but it sounds like someone wants their cake, and to eat it, too.  It seems like you are putting someone else's happiness above your own.  Let's be honest, we all have feelings of jealousy, regardless of whether said relationship was sexual or not.  Emotions are powerful things, and it truly does not seem fair for her to ask you to suffer watching her with another male, while still being her daddy.  Maybe as a friend, or a confidante, but as soon as another guy enters the picture, it is time to step away.

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Guest Plebian

I have to agree with Towelie here.


To me, a DDLG relationship comes after an actual relationship (though I can imagine it's not the same for everyone). Yet life doesn't pan out as we plan it most of the time, so I can understand your situation.


Remember that you'll always be left with the short end of the stick if you don't make sure you say (and sometimes take) what you want as well. It's not a crime to respect your own needs and emotions. So if this whole thing conflicts with your feelings for her, make sure she knows this in some way or another. It's not unreasonable to put your own needs first!

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Thank you guys for the great advice, and it is very true. I do put everyone's happiness above my own cause of how much I do care. But I do think stepping away is the best answer... thanks again! 


Thank you guys for the great advice, and it is very true. I do put everyone's happiness above my own cause of how much I do care. But I do think stepping away is the best answer... thanks again!

Being a CG isn't about sacrificing your own happiness constantly. If you don't respect yourself... how can you expect anyone else to? I think it's time you walk away for awhile and show yourself some respect and do some self care before walking into another relationship, especially a DDlg one. Figure out what you want from this, what you're willing to compromise on and what you aren't.

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*Update* I did what you guys said to do... i had to walk away, it feels wrong but i know its for the best specially when you love your little so much.
Guest Kittehmuffin
I'm sorry to hear that. Walking away is never easy. I'm walking away myself right now. Not fun!
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In a way, it is a show of strength.  You will be stronger, and more respected for it, in the end.

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Guest Plebian

All of the above ^^^


Yeah, getting over someone is never fun. I always try to see it as a worthwile experience for later, so it won't feel like a complete waste of time :)

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Thank you everyone for the great advice, it`s always good to hear the thoughts of others

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*Update* I did what you guys said to do... i had to walk away, it feels wrong but i know its for the best specially when you love your little so much.

I came late to this topic but I did want to bring something up. A bdsm or kink relationship is not always necessarily categorized as bf and gf as someone may have an agreement with their partner to have another vanilla partner. This is commonplace, especially among people who are very into kink and don't necessarily want to combine their kinky life with a more free romantic life. This is acceptable as long as both people are in agreement over the arrangement. It seems clear, however, that this is not what you wanted in that relationship, and so you probably made the best choice.

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