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Story books

Guest LittleLexiKitty

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Guest LittleLexiKitty

Hello, my little girl likes hearing a bedtime story every night before bed.


Anyone know any good story book sites?

Posted (edited)

Me too! I love it when Daddy reads to me! Here are a few that I like. 

http://singingbonespodcast.com/fairytales-1/  these are both podcasts and under each one is also multiple versions of the fairytales. 



http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/grimm/index.htm  this is the Household Tales index... you just click the link and read. 

http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/index.htm this one has all the european tales... 

http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/index.htm all the classic works are here including Aesop's Fables 

feel free to noodle around on that site, they have tons of stuff. As many of their pages do't have art you can maybe encourage your little to draw her own pictures for them. 


http://www.hellokids.com/r_7/reading-learning/tales-for-children  this place has 85 bedtime stories for children. They are in larger font for easiness of reading. 


http://www.bedtime.com/fairy-tales/  This one is a christian site but it has stories, fable and prayers for bedtime. 


http://www.lovepanky.com/men/dating-women-tips-for-men/bedtime-stories-for-your-girlfriend  this is a good article... just saw it and thought you might like to see it. 


Past that we use Kindle. We download a book and I get a set amount of time each night. I can have more time most of the time if I ask nicely or if it was an extra reading as a reward. 


I hope some of that helps. 


Edited by ChiiDoll
  • 2 months later...
What I do, since we're long distance and the device I use won't allow me to video chat and do something else, is I kinda tell my own story. It doesn't make any sense since there's no real discernible plot line or anything and she always, without fail, asks for the characters to jump off a cliff. She almost always falls asleep too, unless something causes her to fall out of little mode and stops being tired

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