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Idk how to actually delete this

Edited by Cute Little

Hello !

There is certainly nothing wrong with asking yourself questions ! You only recently started venturing into little space,you are discovering and it feels new and may indeed feel bizarre,perhaps because that's how some other legitimate part of you sees it,perhaps just because it's all unusual.

Try welcoming all this,see that you can swim in these waters,go back to the beach to reflect on it and swim again if desired. The beach and the sea are friends.


hi, I wish i knew more about the psycology of being "little" to address this question but I can say that I have heard a lot of people say similar things and I myself have struggled with accepting my little side as well.


I think that it's normal to feel a little strange for delving into things that are new and possibly emotional for you.

Some things in the DdLg realm are too emotionally charged for me and I can't do them. I cannot say I am a certain age, It would be too hard for me and It would get me thinking about any childhood trauma I would have dealt with around those ages.


Neither of my parents have really been available to me and I find it hard to digest that I might be seeking the nurturing I wish I would have gotten from them.


In DdLg and in Kink and in D/s, we learn so much about ourselves and some of it an be uncomfortable.

Be patient with yourself, be kind to yourself.

Guest Isabelle

I've only found out I was  a little about a two weeks ago. However, I've been 'secretly' living as a little all of my life. I felt 'guilty' or 'bad' because I loved princess movies, pooh bear, stuffies, coloring, etc. I tried to hide a great deal of it, and felt that someday I've had to get rid of all of it whenever I found a relationship. In the last two weeks I've realized that my little side is half of me. It's not regression or repression (I've been in therapy for 3 years), my little side is the side of me that wants the world to be tiny, just my room, just my current activity, it wants to be cared for and nurtured and not have to deal with the 'big bad scary world'. As my anxiety increased in my life and I didn't understand it, my little was there to soothe it, and by my best coping skill. Now I've found I might be able to have a dd/lg relationship where I don't have to give all of that up and a huge weight is off my shoulders. There is a vast, vast wide spectrum of what is 'normal', I majored in history in college and honestly there were a lot of backward weird ideas of 'normal' in many stages of history. A good deal of society sees that being a 'baby' or acting like a baby is childish, and 'grow up'. Likewise we see someone stressed and angry and tight and say 'loosen up', find your 'inner child'. I think a large bridge here is the teen years where teens dry desperately NOT to be considered a child, so adults struggle with the child/teen/adult dynamic with their children. Look at the huge influx of reborn babies, and people actually behaving as if they were real children. Some people think it's weird, some people love it. To each their own. But if you can act and understand the world in a mature adult fashion, and understand right/wrong (loosely speaking, like don't kill someone) then there is nothing to be ashamed of for liking to color and be 'little', it's like acting. We give actors millions for roles, children act all the time to try and be adults, why shouldn't some of us who want to act little do so?


There will ALWAYS be people who put down the lifestyle, you have to be careful who you let know you are a little with, but if you view it as part of who you are, not as something to 'hide', you might lose the feelings of guilt or shame like I have. <3

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I kinda know the feeling. It's weird.


So I'll be like, 'YAY COLOURING BOOKS, TEDDYS, DUMMYS, CARTOONS, GLIIIITTTERRR!!!'... Then like a minute later I'll be like... 'I better adult'... It's like a crushing pressure to be adult, so I think for a lot of us in this lifestyle you need to find a somewhat healthy balance, whereas others can just full on embrace it and be 24/7 littles, but for some of us it's just not do-able. 


I think what you're experiencing is big you vs little you and you're just going to have to try and find a balance that keeps you happy, you'll be able to find it when you accept yourself a bit more. :) 


Hello there !


I can't say what is healthy for another person or what is not healthy. I can only give you the comfort you ask for , my experience with this question and some advice perhaps.


I know there are some therapists that suggest regression of some sort to help with the anxieties carried with childhood. Some therapists do not. Does being in your little space make you really uncomfortable ? If not , then I would say maybe it is because you are still somewhat new to all this. People are constantly learning about the world and themselves , so you could just need some more time to find what works for you and what makes you most comfortable. 


I have never experienced it as something that made me wonder if it was  healthy , but I had a long time committed to denying I was little because of my resentment towards children. When I finally let go of my resentments and "put a name" so to speak , to what I was feeling deep inside.. I felt relieved. I felt as though I could live again in a way. I found a way to be happy again , like a child. To be carefree and let go of my childhood that was.. not so great lets say. It gave me a chance to have a safe space as the kid I never truly got to be. 


I hope you can find good balance in your life , and find your peace with this thing you are battling with. I think most people have questioned our lifestyle at some point or another. 

Don't be ashamed of who you are. Fighting yourself only leads to pain. We all have to be responsible, and do what we must to survive, but that doesn't mean you have to be grown up to do it. I take my stuffies to business meetings, I don't care anymore.accepting g yourself is more liberating than anything.

Hi I'm Brielle, I've somewhat recently gotten into DDlg and have loved it. I like the idea of being taken care of and loved. In my past "vanilla" relationships they wanted to use me for my body and I didn't like that. Here I am loved for who I am. My problem is I've really connected with my little side but feel like this isn't healthy. I feel like it's just repressed feelings of not really getting the emotional love as a child coming out now. I'm fighting in my head of oh I like this a lot and no this isn't healthy.


I just had to tell someone because I know people on here would understand and could help so I'd really appreciate it :) I know everyone on here may be biased just because we all do like being little or caring for a little, but any help, advice, or comfort would be appricated :)



I don't think that how you're thinking is unhealthy at all! Everyone has their personal reasons with why they love being in little space, and none of them are crimes to be had! I figured out that the other day I love being in little space because of all the things I've gone through I was forced to grow up quick and deal with my problems on my own. So whenever I'm in little space I get the support and nurturing that I really missed out on. It's nothing bad, nothing demented, its just a reason

Guest Plebian

I had been heavily ashamed for being little (and having silly kinks) for about a decade and a bit, so I understand where you're coming from.


I don't really need to add much though. What Isabelle wrote is spot on. It's a subject for a different topic I think, but our increasing need for society to grow up faster could probably be held accountable for lifestyles like these.


I guess many people forgot how amazing it is to be playful and the slightest bit of regression is somehow a bad thing in the eyes of the bigs. Well, not my cup of tea.


Once I started realizing being unique can be a good thing, I started loving more sides of myself :) Maybe that helps?

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