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What's your favourite animal?

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Almost every animal! Puppies, bunnies, kitties,tigers!


How come no one else likes lions?

They're my favorite animal! My second favorite is dogs. But I love lions! They're so majestic and cuddly looking !


I used to say white tigers were great, but going to the zoo I definitely realized I like otters and frogs a lot.




Look at this frog. He is pondering the meaning of life.


But I think monkeys are definitely really high up there for me (2 of my stuffies are monkeys...)


my favorite animals are box jellyfish, hedgehogs, and mantis shrimp!



I like so many different animals! I like dogs (esp. breeds like Huskies and Samoyeds), cats (breeds like Persians and Ragdolls), snakes (I have four!!), lizards, and lil creatures like sugargliders, squirrels, and mice!


Most definately one of my current obsessions My main OC is based off one




Jonathans!!!  All theJonathans!


They are so so pretty and so sweet and their pretty eyes and long necks and  gahhhhhhhhhh. I loves them all!!!!

(FTR all giraffes are named 'Jonathan', I insist.)






My all time favorite animals are squid and cuttlefish. My number 1 is the dumpling squid. 


They just are so cute and tiny and kinda grumpy looking :D 


I also love Orcas and Peacocks a bunch! Not to mention sharks and dinosaurs <3 


Fishes and all kinds of monkeys calm me down. I could watch at them for hours and hours.. 


Pandas, red pandas, bats, hedgehogs, cats, and baby animals of all sorts!


Mine is a tie between Yorkies, black cats, and goats.

Guest LavanderRabbit

Ferrets, cats, octopus, squid, cuttle fish, mantis shrimp, starfish, jellyfish, sharks, whales, (almost all marine life really), bears, red pandas, bearded dragons, frogs, lizards, snakes, insects, Some arachnids, humming birds, peacocks, owls, kiwis, flamingos, penguins, dinosaurs, mythical creatures, cryptids, bunnies, goats, sheep, alpacas, llamas, dikdik, pigs, ducks, deer, wolves, coyotes, dogs, rats, guinea pigs, chinchillas, japanese racoon dogs, Bats, large cats. I think that's it. There is probably more I can't think of.

  • 2 months later...
Does anyone else love snakes? I've always had an affection for them since i was a little kid. Some of them have ravishing colors, and even the ones that dont have cute faces. I also love watching them maneuver themselves, stick out their tongues and scurry away. I've never had a pet snake or developed a serious interest but I have visited the Snake Temple in Malaysia where there's a sort of snake zoo (with none of the safety regulations we have in the US).
  • Like 1

I love animals in general (even snakes) but my favourite is definitely elephants! My first cuddle toy was an elephant and I just love them so much! :)




PS : Thank you for all your beautiful animal pictures! <3 *_*

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I unno what animal we're on right now but my favorite animals are,


wolves, cats, tigers, doggies, and bunnies! 


Also my favorite breed of cat might be this one:



Just look at it's cute smooshed in ffaaccee! It's so adorable! I just wanna huggle it to death!


And my favorite dog breed is the pug! The bug's are just adorable with their big anime eyes and stufff! French Bulldogs are cute too.


Pug - http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l253/Neami/Sad-pug_zps6fymggsg.jpg


French Bulldog - http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l253/Neami/French_Bulldog_5204893_zpslmqdr8kw.jpg


My favourite animals are bunnies!! They're so cute!! On my university campus there are loads of bunnies and they're pretty tame so if I walk real slow up to them then they let me get close enough to touch them!! :)


I have too many favourites to name! But if I had to name one it would have to be Lions~


I love that beautiful creature. TwT

Big dogs, bears, turtles, ducks and monkeys!
Guest LittleAva
This is my wolf hybrid. He has to be my favorite animal. I love him to pieces.post-2304-0-32096600-1434695100_thumb.jpg
Guest Rainbow


i had a client that bred the chartreux kitties. they are tiny! and the one she still had as a pet had curled ears, and he was so cuddly and cute!


well recently i've found that goats love me and to be honest i kinda love them too. daddy took me to this crazy awesome petting zoo and there were very affectionate donkeys and llamas and alpacas there too. i just love to give them cuddles. OH and there was a tiger there too and it was my first time seeing a tiger that close (about 6? feet away) and wow. the eyes were so majestic. literally AWEsome. *swoons*


all time favorites are octopus and owls. i collect them and have an octopus tattoo. but i also just really love all animals. especially weird ones like anteaters and aye-ayes and stuff.

Guest KadieAnn

Bunnies...and horses. There's nothing like a trail ride on a fall day! (((Sigh))))

Pink saddle? Pink tack? Yes, please!post-2528-0-71894600-1435331457_thumb.jpg

Guest Harienju

I'm really really obsessed by corgis !! They are so cute and look always so happy !! Having one is one of my biggest dream, haha. 








...aw dammit, how do I upload a pic?

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