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Hopefully I'm not necroing this too much, but cool to actually find this topic!  

I've been Wiccan for about ten years now, but haven't really been able to practice too much due to living arrangements. I don't have a deity that I directly worship, it's more of an eclectic solitary form. I try to read whatever I can find, and find local people, however I'm in a very small, mostly Catholic dominated area so it's a little harder. D;  I try to celebrate the Sabbats but I'm by no means super religious, and my family is all Catholic.


Hey guys! I'm extremely interested in this stuff but also very new and ignorant. Is being a witch something you have to be born with or can anyone become a witch? Also how do you know which God or Goddess to worship? I am very drawn to both Aphrodite and Artemis. Do spells actually work?

Guest ittybittylove

@penny and cherry I was just going to ask about voodoo and stuff. I was rasied with Santeria so I know a bit about that even though I don't full on practice it.


I mostly work with fortune telling and a little bit of healing, cause that's what comes naturally to me. I would like to learn a bit more about both but I'm just not sure where to start.


I have also been feeling a pull to the triple goddess lately but I'm really not sure how to go about trying to communicate with any diety and it frightens me a bit to be honest.




You can learn about it. It is a spiritual path. The best way to get a general introduction is to do a search at a bookstore and read some introductory books. Yes, spells work...but they aren't what most people think. They work like extremely strong prayers. That's the best way I can explain it. You have to be sincere and realistic. I can't cast a spell and make Robin Thicke, Adam Levine, Robert Downey Jr, and Nev and Max from Catfish all fall in love with me. I can't cast a money spell and find $70K on the back porch in the morning.


Sometimes spells don't play out exactly as you thought they would. Suppose I did cast a spell to bring more money to me. Not only would I not find the precise amount I want in a sack on the porch tomorrow morning, it is very likely I would not just start finding money at all. I might wind up getting a new job, or find myself compelled to sit down and re-work my budget.


You can see the divine in any form you feel connected to.


Some Zinnia found its way into my home today due to an accident, and with a witch craft movie happening in the background coincidentally along with a dream telling me to trust my intuitions and others not being interested in it, I decided it was for me! I've been really deciding wether or not to go back to my little side lately, as I've had some hang ups about it, but hey- there's my sign!

Some Zinnia found its way into my home today due to an accident, and with a witch craft movie happening in the background coincidentally along with a dream telling me to trust my intuitions and others not being interested in it, I decided it was for me! I've been really deciding wether or not to go back to my little side lately, as I've had some hang ups about it, but hey- there's my sign!


 Anyone can be a practicing witch if they wish to put in the time and effort towards learning the craft. There are some obvious pitfalls to avoid, one of them being coffee table trash books. I recommend Scott Cunningham, Silver Ravenwolf, and DJ Conway (for her book on dragon magicks) as authors to start with. You can read Raymond Bucklands Complete Guide to Witchcraft if you like. There are some good bits of info in there, but keep in mind that the man was a follower of Gerald Gardener and as such, does not delve into specifics to the other types of neo paganism outside of Gardnarian Wicca. Also, if you're into faeries, check out Brian Froud's works. Almost all of his illustrations are based on actual fey folk he interacts with. Take everything you read with a pinch of salt as well. Once you've discovered your guardian and spirit guides, they will help nudge you in the direction best suited to your path.


 Since this thread has been resurrected, feel free to message me if any of you have questions. I'll do my best to answer them, and if I don't have an answer, I will consult my teacher about it. :)

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Those are good authors to read. Silver Ravenwolf was the first one I read....way back in college in the 1990's. I agree with A Cuddly Dom.  Read everything you can...but don't take everything to heart. Just because it says "witch" or "wicca" or "magick" somewhere on it does not mean it's good quality material...or an accurate picture of Wicca or witchcraft or any other path or practice.


Also, keep in mind there will be differences....just as there are differences among people who follow any other path. Some atheists think there's nothing beyond nature at all. Others think there is some other side and higher power or force, but don't think it's personal. Some Christians think it's good to pray to saints and angels. Some believe you only speak to God...etc. This does not necessarily mean somebody is "right" or "wrong" or "good" or "bad." Some Wiccans are absolutely against love spells. Others believe these are sometimes okay, as long as you are not trying to control the free will of another person. For example, a Wiccan might believe it is okay to cast to reconcile or heal an existing relationship, since the two people already have feelings for each other, but would never think it was okay to force someone to fall in love with you. Some believe banishment or binding spells are strictly wrong, as they make another person do or stop doing something. Others feel they are okay as long as you are simply sending the harmful person away from you, or stopping them from doing harm.


At the same time...there are a few signs that something is just not a part of any good and loving path. If you find a source full of writings and spells that are just plain mean; make your enemy's hair fall out....revenge spells....anything trying to make someone else get sick, get hurt, or die...that is not Wicca or any other form of spirituality that walks in light...no matter what the people call themselves.

  • 3 months later...

I used to identify as Wiccan, now I just go by goddess worshipper pagan. I've also been interested in scholarly works on African diasporic religions and magic systems such as hoodoo, voodoo, and Ifa because of my ethnic background. I don't have any altars yet as I have moved across the country and most of my stuff is in storage.


I would say for anyone willing to learn keep a few things in mind:

1)Read books. Don't shy away from academic and dense books because you're missing out.

2) Please stay from books that purport witchcraft as a uniquely European, pre-Christian fertility cult that passed down in hidden books by illerate peasants. Shun inaccurate writings. Which takes me to-

3) check out the author's sources. If they are just quoting themselves or other writers of dubious academic standing, drop that book.

4) Scholarly works do not invalidate your personal practice. It helps the mind grow to read on a subject from different perspectives.

5) Eclecticism is fine, but make sure you are not cobtributing to cultural violence by co-opting important spiritual material information and practices for monetary gain.

6) Also, don't take something out of context from another culture and use it out of context.

7)Wicca is not the be-all-end-all of religions.There are other religions under the pagan umbrella.

8) Witchcraft, and magical systems are not particular to one culture or religion. There are Catholic witches, Buddhist spellcasters, atheist witches, etc.

9) don't forget to join communities and forums about different religions and magic systems you are interested in.


I hope everyone's spiritual journey leads them to good place. <3

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