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DD/lg Privacy

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Hey guys!

I know the the whole DD/lg relationship is such a personal experience (as every relationship should be!) but I was wondering, how you're dealing with this in your personal life?

Do you share moments from your DD/lg relationship with friends/family? How did you come out infront of them?



I have always been "off". I loved stuffed animals, I Squee and clap y hands at cute stuff.... long before I ever got into ddlg so seeing me post pics of stuffies and princess stuff is a typical day as far as my friends and family are concerned.


My mom is my best friend and knows everything about me. I grew up hearing my mom call my step dad "Daddy" and always thought it was for my siblings - turned out my mom is a Sub too. We spare each other the Gorey details but she understands my life. I am super lucky that way I guess. The rest of my family is strict Catholic and would probably shit a brick if they knew I was little lol

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I am just myself. I am childlike; silly and sweet if not a little bratty. In public, around friends/family I am my (little) self without the label. I don't advertise it but people can pick up on it. I don't really hide that I am a little. Overall I am very comfortable with myself so I dress like I want (lots of pink and bows), I interact with my boyfriend in public the same.  I certainly don't tell my parent (partly because I only have my dad and that's just awkward) but mostly because it can be misunderstood and I don't really think it's his business. I am in a dd/lg relationship that is a romantic relationship so my family has met my boyfriend. They know we are a healthy and happy couple so I don't disclose the dd/lg aspect.



It's personal preference really. I just advise that you don't tell every single person you meet, since not everyone will be understanding or respectful. But more importantly don't let your fear of public opinions control your happiness. live how you want to live. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Daddy wants me to express my Littleness when I feel Little. He tells me not to hide myself around his family because they won't judge and they don't whenever I let it out. I am just used to not allowing anyone else know I am wittle bitty.. its because of how people react and the awful things that those who don't understand or cannot wrap their minds around DDLG and the fact that it is two consenting adults.


I recently allowed my wittleness to come out in front of Daddy's friend, I have yet to ask Daddy if he thought that was okay. I didn't feel bad about it and he never mentioned it or gave me any "Not right now babygirl" looks, so I think he is fine with it and as I am naturally kinda playful anyway.. I don't think the friend noticed much. Daddy is slowly telling everyone that he's into DDLG though, he doesn't find it an issue and is proud of us. I want to eventually come out as Little, just as I came out as Pansexual. I feel like I need to be accepted for who I am fully so that I can live "normal" for me.. ya' know. 

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It's a bit weird to me. I am basically trying to live my life 24/7 as a little, but it's really hard since I live alone and I only have my caregiver over skype most of the time. But if I were to live it more often and more consistent Iäd probably want to tell my mom about it. All my friends (online and IRL) knows about it.


Well... I haven't sat down and had "the talk" lol I haven't tried to explain BDSM or anything to anyone in any kind of depth. However, I don't really hide anything. I've told people before things I'm into, like being hit or spankings. If people that care about me know that I like that, then they won't worry I'm in a bad relationship. I don't try to hide myself. I love coloring, I've always loved coloring, I've grown up loving coloring and everyone knows. My parents, friends, and people around me know and care easily see I haven't "grown out" of a lot of things. When people have asked me why I like weird things, I'm always I'm weird like that. I am who I am. I'll be who I am. I can be me, true to myself, not hide anything and not have to actually try to explain the world of CG/L. After all, at the end of the day, Little is just another term. People don't have to know all about the terms and phases. I like these things because I like these things. Would I be willing to talk to someone about CG/L and all that, well yes of course I would. But you don't have to explain CG/L to still be open and honest and true to yourself

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