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Age difference between a daddy and little

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I am new on here also to ddlg, in fact have never had a relationship with little, after listening to Littles chatting I am wondering if maybe I am too old to be a daddy, some of the littles expressed extreme

Feelings against anyone over 30, is this just the opinion of a few or the majority, please help me out in this regard do not want to stress out any Littles with unwanted attention


Many littles don't enjoy large age gaps, many do and many just don't care. It's all about the individual and their preferences. Perhaps look for a little closer to your age group, there are many! I'm sure it'd be easier to form a connection with people that grew up (kind of) in the same time you did as well, many people my age have little respect for how it was for people in their 30s and 40s growing up and many of us don't have the same values, morals or goals as people in that age group. 

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I know a lot of little complain of daddies only wanting littles between the ages of 18- 25 and anyone older then that is not as sought after.


There are older littles and daddies (mommie / care givers) feeling left out but I think it's because a lot of the people here happen to be 18-30 (over all at least to me that seems to be the age range for a lot of the site ).


There is no cut off date for DD/lg , just like any other relationship, people have preferences (which is fine) some are fine with dating 10+ years older or younger some are not. This is not a DD/LG issue, it's just how it is when we all age.

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I think it's different for everyone, just like any other relationship.

I'm not looking as Daddy and I are very happy together, but he's 28 (almost 29) and no part of his age has ever bothered me.


If someone is complaining about someone being in a dynamic because they are OVER a certainage, they can quite frankly eat my shorts. DDlg is about the relationship you have with your Dom or sub and usually about regression - you can regress when you're 112 years old. In fact, you can regress much better at 112 than at 18 or 19 because, quite honestly, you probably aren't completely grown up at 18 or 19 *and that's ok, too*. Anyone saying you are TOO OLD for a dynamic has some serious issues - no one should be sexualizing or having sex with actual children. That is NOT a kink, that's a mental health problem.


DDLG has *nothing* to do with age, it's simply a particular BDSM dynamic. You can have an older Daddy *or a younger Daddy*. You can be a submissive little, *or a dominant little*.


All of that being said, there do tend to be more very young women who are "littles" the other sorts of subs because when you are inexperienced, this is a relatively gentle dynamic and many young girls (and guys) want a Dom who will show them the ropes (sometimes literally). These young women often outgrow their desire for DDLG and go on to explore other dynamics *and that's ok,* it's grand. But others are in it for the long haul because it's simply who and what we are.


That being said, if you are looking for a fully adult (don't you DARE call me older #EatMyShorts) or even an older little who just wants to be "trained", I'm sure you can find that as well.


1st step is to determine what it is you're looking for, exactly. That's the easy part. Actually finding what you're looking for can be a massive pain for anyone. Having a longer list of demands makes it that much harder, so give yourself time and you *will* eventually find someone compatible.

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Guest SoloFairy

I completely agree. There is no age restriction when it comes to DDlg as long as everyone is at least 18. I think it just comes down to preferences and generally speaking large age gaps arent that common in many countries.


My Daddy is 21 years older than me though and i LOVE it :)

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I think this is something that is more of a personal preference, not something that is set in stone among littles. My Daddy is a year younger than me, and my protector is a Daddy who is quite a bit older than me. I don't think there is such a thing as being too old to be yourself. Just need to meet someone who can look beyond the age gap or is into older men. Or maybe even consider an older little. 

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I want to thank one and all for the wonderful feedback on my feelings, any more comments are welcome.....and in case we don't speak before the 25th Merry Christmas
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dont worry about age. a lot of littles like older caregivers. many like younger or the same age. also,many of us littles are 30+ as well. not all littles are 19-20. don't give up if it's something you're really interested.

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Posted (edited)

Age-ism is a real "ism". Like sexism, racism, and the others, it centers on making unwarranted overgeneralizations about whole categories of humans based largely on unexamined cultural stereotypes. "Women are from Venus, men are from Mars, Millennials are from Entitledlandia." In reality women and men are all from Earth, and stereotypes serve only to prevent communication and drive individuals apart who might otherwise be able to be close.


When someone says, "Members of a certain generation are/have xyz attributes", the principled response IMO is #EatMyShorts per Daisies&Donuts above. This includes media figures and others habitually dissing so-called Millennials just as much as anyone of any age group dissing others of different age groups *purely on the basis of age*.


Emotional age is entirely individual and subjective. Granted I'm new to DDLG, that seems to me to be pretty much the crux of the lifestyle.


So yah, Itcanhappen2017: don't sweat the age thing.

(I hope it does happen for you in 2017! There's even still some 2016 left...)

Edited by sjtalldaddy
  • Like 4
Guest Princessaj

Hi from the next to the oldest "middle" on the forum....I would like to quote one of my favorite Daddies on the forum...ZenDD....He writes on a trend of some of the younger set of littles that are into DDlg as a "Style" statement...He is talking to a younger Daddy that is asking for advice on "How to be a good Daddy." This is the part of the post that will enlighten you to the younger group that you may have encountered that caused you to ask your question in your post....Hugs


"From my experience, I would venture to say that most of the little's here, the younger ones anyway, who are about your age or a little older and tend to be the most active and vocal here, are not typical DDlg littles. "Stylers", as I call them, are the typical little in this forum, but not of the DDlg community at large. Many littles here associate with little "style" (the typical fashion, toys, and activities that they associate with childhood) but don't associate their being little to the BDSM roots of DDlg, and therefore don't necessarily associate it with an adult psychology or as an element of their sexuality, or D/s sexual dynamics. This type of participant appears to be the largest growing membership of the DDlg world, and their numbers will soon overtake the numbers of the original BDSM DDlg adherents soon (if they haven't already) as the subculture makes its way out into the open more and more everyday, and more money is to be made utilizing the DDlg "label."


There is nothing inherently wrong with being a styler. Everyone deserves to interpret things in their own way, pick and choose what they like, and discard the rest. Sometimes that does leave the "purists" behind and forgotten, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles --- things change. It would be nice if "stylers" did understand that their take is different than how DDlg began, but they aren't obligated to do so. I won't lie, I often feel that the new evolution of DDlg is a watered-down version of what its true nature is, and half of Hot-Topic will be filled with items marketed as "DDlg" and/or "little" products to cater to the growing fad. But no one owns a subculture, even if we sometimes feel we do. History does own it, though, and I'll always remember to pass that history down. The truth is that subcultures become popular and then evolve into something entirely different as they become absorbed into general pop-culture. DDlg is no different.


Little-style is becoming something all its own, and the original focus of a D/s dynamic with a Daddy Dom is becoming a side note. DDlg is becoming just "lg": some littles might be interested in having a Daddy Dom, some might just want a Daddy, some aren't interested in having either, some are more interested in having "sissies", sister littles with whom to play with. If you are truly a purist, an original-concept DDlg adherent, you'll find an original-concept little eventually. They're out there, just like you are. It just might take a bit more time and effort. But things worth a bit more time and effort are usually worth it. Good luck!"

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Guest littlevulcangirl
I think what is said above about emotional age is really important.
Guest SifuTheWolf

I'm 53, my babygirl is 32. It's not like I set out to find someone that much younger it just happened, you're never too old!


I sooooo.... agree with your quote front ZenDD. Old school vs the new generation of littles. It seems many young littles just want someone to take care of them,, much like their parents did. That's not the true nature of the DD/lg or D/s dynamic. There is so much more to it and age is such a small part of it. There are a few of us older littles out there.

And Merry Christmas everyone.

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Hello there ! 


From my experience , (and I can't stress this enough in any post I make) every little is different and very individual. So , I don't think you should worry about your age. If you have an age preference that is the younger age group in the community then you might have a harder time finding someone who is okay with your age. I've personally always dated older men , but my Daddy I've been with for the last four years is the youngest guy I have dated. (in age gap comparison) So don't feel discouraged , there are younger Daddies out there who might be suffering from being "too young".  As well as littles who may be considered "too old" because a lot of new Daddies come into this expecting all baby faced 18 year old fresh out of school and not parents who are responsible and well established. 


Everyone has their preference but this should not deter you from reaching out to littles you may be interested in. The worst thing that can happen is they say no and you move on :) 


Hope this helps !

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I'm 32 and sometimes I worry that I might be too old to be a middle.


as for old school ddlg, I have never heard of this before. I would love to know more about this.


I know I sometimes get a little down because I'm not super young, or super tiny. Or onlly wear pastels.


And then theres sooo many people getting into ddlg and bdsm who are in middle-school. ughhhh.


so now I just feel ancient and too old.

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I'm 32 and sometimes I worry that I might be too old to be a middle.


as for old school ddlg, I have never heard of this before. I would love to know more about this.


I know I sometimes get a little down because I'm not super young, or super tiny. Or onlly wear pastels.


And then theres sooo many people getting into ddlg and bdsm who are in middle-school. ughhhh.


so now I just feel ancient and too old.

As what many would call a younger little (I'm 23), I firmly believe you can't be "getting into DDlg and BDSM" in middle school. These are adult acts practiced between two consenting adults. You can't be a little when you're still a child, you're just a child. You need adult experiences to "connect to your inner child", otherwise it's... just being a kid.

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As what many would call a younger little (I'm 23), I firmly believe you can't be "getting into DDlg and BDSM" in middle school. These are adult acts practiced between two consenting adults. You can't be a little when you're still a child, you're just a child. You need adult experiences to "connect to your inner child", otherwise it's... just being a kid.

thank you for this. this is something I'm seeing more and more and more and it just leave me feeling a bit disturbed. And since I'm in this alone, mostly by myself, i have no one to bounce ideas off of.

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Guest buddhagirl

Daddy (husband) is 38 and I am 48. He is very much a Daddy--wise, grounded, mature beyond his years. I am little. It is perfect. Everybody is different and there is somebody for everyone. I was looking for an older guy, but open to anyone with the qualities I knew I wanted and the divine sent me Him!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a 28 yr old little/middle and my Daddy is 41, and we are stupidly happy. Despite the age gap we had an almost weirdly similar upbringing, ie both moved around lots, so he really understands me and how I work. I've got far too much life experience and independence for me to be able to take most dominants seriously, let alone daddies, but he fits me just perfect.


There isn't a cookie-cutter mould that DDlg (or DDlb, MDlg, MDlb, etc) should fit, so much of the point is a rejection of typical relationship formats in order to enjoy and express yourself in the way that feels best for you. Older men should always be courteous when approaching younger women (and men), purely because there's a high percentage that the younger party has been the recipient of negative attention from similar parties in the past. But just be polite, respect boundaries, and be the responsible adult if there are misunderstandings or a difference in opinion. That's kind of the whole point of daddies anyway isn't it? :p


This daddy is 45, my little girl is 13 years younger. In the past, she had a DD 21 years older. It worked. It works. The actual calendar age is not the issue (over 18 requirement a must) the compatability is the whole deal. A) is it a sexual relationship? B) is it a live in situation? C) what other physical factors are there?

Before me, my little experimented with a non sexual older than her DD, a younger than her email DD, etc. Nothing worked for her until she won me keep trying until you find the right one, it will be great!


My parents had me when They were really young, my mom was only 18. I am 20 now. Over 30 would feel weird to me because I couldn't help thinking that "they are closer to my parents age than to me" or "they are old enough to be my actual parent" and that is unsettling.

Guest daddydomatc

I am new on here also to ddlg, in fact have never had a relationship with little, after listening to Littles chatting I am wondering if maybe I am too old to be a daddy, some of the littles expressed extreme

Feelings against anyone over 30, is this just the opinion of a few or the majority, please help me out in this regard do not want to stress out any Littles with unwanted attention


Really depends on the chemistry between the two.  I don't judge on anyone's preference. 

My daddy is 17 years older than me. I have always got along better with people older than me so it works for us. To be honest i really like it. He is just more experianced as a dom and is a great daddy.
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Most littles like older daddys mate. Some like younger but most like older from what i have seen.

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