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BDSM test your daddy/little aspects and some others

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Guest thequeenslittle
== Results from bdsmtest.org == 

100% Degradee 

100% Submissive 

100% Rope bunny 

99% Pet 

98% Slave 

98% Primal (Prey) 

95% Girl/Boy 

94% Exhibitionist 

93% Experimentalist 

91% Brat 

77% Masochist 

61% Ageplayer 

52% Non-monogamist 

5% Voyeur 

2% Degrader 

2% Sadist 

1% Daddy/Mommy 

1% Owner 

1% Switch 

1% Primal (Hunter) 

0% Dominant 

0% Rigger 

0% Vanilla 

0% Master/Mistress 

0% Brat tamer 


== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

100% Girl/Boy

99% Submissive

97% Rope bunny

97% Pet

94% Slave

92% Ageplayer

83% Degradee

75% Brat

60% Masochist

58% Primal (Prey)

35% Experimentalist

34% Non-monogamist

21% Exhibitionist

21% Switch

19% Vanilla

3% Master/Mistress

2% Daddy/Mommy

2% Owner

1% Sadist

1% Degrader

1% Rigger

1% Dominant

0% Brat tamer

0% Voyeur

0% Primal (Hunter)


I think mine are pretty acurate...

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Little_Galaxy
Posted (edited)

I mostly agree with my results.


== Results from bdsmtest.org == 

95% Girl/Boy 
95% Submissive 
88% Ageplayer 
87% Rope bunny 
74% Masochist 
63% Degradee 
63% Primal (Prey) 
62% Brat 
47% Exhibitionist 
45% Pet 
41% Vanilla 
31% Experimentalist 
25% Slave 
24% Voyeur 
12% Switch 
9% Daddy/Mommy 
6% Non-monogamist 
3% Degrader 
3% Sadist 
2% Brat tamer 
2% Dominant 
2% Master/Mistress 
2% Primal (Hunter) 
2% Rigger 
1% Owner 
Edited by Little_Galaxy
didn't tell me anything i didn't already know lol
  • 97% Rigger 
    96% Owner 
    96% Master/Mistress 
    94% Daddy/Mommy 
    94% Dominant 
    93% Experimentalist 
    89% Brat tamer 
    89% Primal (Hunter) 
    84% Ageplayer 
    81% Degrader 
    81% Switch 
    69% Non-monogamist 
    68% Voyeur 
    67% Girl/Boy 
    62% Primal (Prey) 
    61% Slave 
    60% Pet 
    54% Submissive 
    53% Exhibitionist 
    53% Rope bunny 
    53% Sadist 
    49% Degradee 
    41% Vanilla 
    39% Brat 
    30% Masochist

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
97% Brat tamer
97% Dominant
97% Rigger
95% Daddy/Mommy
90% Primal (Hunter)
88% Master/Mistress
80% Owner
80% Experimentalist
71% Degrader
69% Sadist
62% Ageplayer
57% Switch
57% Voyeur
44% Exhibitionist
43% Vanilla
42% Rope bunny
33% Masochist
22% Submissive
21% Girl/Boy
12% Brat
12% Pet
12% Primal (Prey)
7% Slave
6% Degradee
6% Non-monogamist


== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
99% Girl/Boy
97% Ageplayer
97% Pet
97% Submissive
91% Masochist
88% Rope bunny
85% Brat
76% Degradee
68% Experimentalist
60% Non-monogamist
56% Slave
47% Switch
34% Exhibitionist
28% Primal (Prey)
27% Rigger
19% Sadist
16% Vanilla
11% Dominant
9% Daddy/Mommy
5% Master/Mistress
5% Voyeur
4% Brat tamer
4% Degrader
2% Owner
0% Primal (Hunter)




Guest RedDragon



== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

100% Brat tamer

100% Dominant

99% Rigger

97% Daddy/Mommy

94% Master/Mistress

94% Owner

92% Primal (Hunter)

88% Degrader

88% Sadist

68% Voyeur

47% Experimentalist

43% Ageplayer

13% Exhibitionist

10% Masochist

10% Vanilla

6% Non-monogamist

5% Rope bunny

3% Switch

2% Degradee

2% Pet

2% Submissive

1% Brat

1% Girl/Boy

1% Primal (Prey)

1% Slave


82% Ageplayer 

75% Experimentalist 

70% Switch 

68% Submissive 

67% Rigger 

64% Vanilla 

60% Rope bunny 

55% Dominant 

53% Brat tamer 

45% Exhibitionist 

42% Daddy/Mommy 

41% Primal (Hunter) 

40% Primal (Prey) 

37% Non-monogamist 

37% Masochist 

35% Girl/Boy 

33% Brat 

32% Degradee 

26% Slave 

23% Master/Mistress 

21% Degrader 

19% Sadist 

15% Owner 

15% Voyeur 

9% Pet 

97% Girl/Boy 

95% Submissive 

92% Rope bunny 

92% Brat 

90% Masochist 

88% Ageplayer 

78% Slave 

72% Degradee 

62% Primal (Prey) 

43% Experimentalist 

42% Non-monogamist 

36% Pet 

31% Exhibitionist 

29% Switch 

21% Sadist 

14% Owner 

14% Vanilla 

13% Dominant 

10% Voyeur 

9% Daddy/Mommy 

9% Master/Mistress 

8% Rigger 

8% Degrader 

8% Primal (Hunter) 

7% Brat tamer 


== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

99% Ageplayer

97% Girl/Boy

93% Submissive

74% Rope bunny

52% Experimentalist

43% Masochist

41% Brat

41% Slave

35% Degradee

33% Vanilla

29% Pet

28% Voyeur

17% Primal (Prey)

14% Exhibitionist

11% Daddy/Mommy

7% Switch

6% Sadist

5% Rigger

3% Non-monogamist

2% Dominant

1% Brat tamer

1% Degrader

1% Master/Mistress

1% Owner

1% Primal (Hunter)

== Results from bdsmtest.org == 

96% Girl/Boy 

95% Submissive 

88% Ageplayer 

87% Brat 

75% Masochist 

65% Voyeur 

62% Rope bunny 

59% Exhibitionist 

56% Primal (Prey) 

53% Degradee 

48% Experimentalist 

47% Vanilla 

45% Slave 

22% Switch 

21% Pet 

14% Non-monogamist 

12% Daddy/Mommy 

9% Sadist 

6% Rigger 

5% Dominant 

4% Master/Mistress 

4% Primal (Hunter) 

3% Degrader 

3% Brat tamer 

1% Owner 

  • 2 weeks later...

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

98% Submissive

93% Pet

90% Girl/Boy

84% Brat

84% Rope bunny

81% Degradee

81% Primal (Prey)

80% Slave

72% Masochist

67% Non-monogamist

59% Ageplayer

39% Experimentalist

35% Exhibitionist

16% Vanilla

4% Voyeur

2% Daddy/Mommy

2% Owner

2% Sadist

2% Brat tamer

2% Primal (Hunter)

1% Master/Mistress

1% Degrader

1% Rigger

0% Switch

0% Dominant


Wow. Those are very clear results. Now you. Just need to work out the next steps whether be to explore your submissive side or if you want to try and become more confident.


I've had experience in these areas and can talk things through if it would help


Here's mine ;)

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

100% Primal (Hunter)

100% Dominant

99% Rigger

98% Degrader

98% Sadist

98% Owner

97% Brat tamer

97% Daddy/Mommy

97% Master/Mistress

96% Voyeur

94% Experimentalist

90% Exhibitionist

66% Ageplayer

45% Masochist

44% Non-monogamist

31% Switch

13% Brat

9% Girl/Boy

9% Pet

5% Vanilla

4% Primal (Prey)

4% Rope bunny

4% Submissive

3% Degradee

1% Slave


I liked this test! It was really thorough! I think my babygirl might need to take this one tonight. Here's my results. Pretty straightforward to what I thought.

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
92% Daddy/Mommy
90% Dominant
80% Rigger
74% Master/Mistress
74% Vanilla
68% Switch
54% Brat tamer
47% Degrader
44% Owner
42% Submissive
36% Sadist
22% Rope bunny
13% Brat
12% Girl/Boy
10% Ageplayer
10% Experimentalist
9% Voyeur
8% Primal (Hunter)
7% Masochist
3% Degradee
2% Non-monogamist
2% Pet
2% Slave
1% Primal (Prey)
0% Exhibitionist


== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

97% Submissive

95% Rope bunny

90% Girl/Boy

80% Masochist

75% Brat

71% Ageplayer

66% Degradee

47% Slave

38% Primal (Prey)

29% Experimentalist

15% Pet

12% Vanilla

2% Daddy/Mommy

2% Switch

1% Brat tamer

1% Degrader

1% Dominant

1% Sadist

1% Exhibitionist

0% Master/Mistress

0% Non-monogamist

0% Owner

0% Primal (Hunter)

0% Rigger

0% Voyeur


I wasn't really too surprised by these results!


== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

91% Submissive

77% Girl/Boy

66% Primal (Prey)

65% Voyeur

62% Vanilla

62% Brat

58% Exhibitionist

56% Experimentalist

47% Masochist

41% Daddy/Mommy

40% Ageplayer

38% Slave

37% Switch

32% Rope bunny

21% Non-monogamist

19% Pet

15% Dominant

14% Degradee

13% Primal (Hunter)

8% Master/Mistress

7% Rigger

7% Brat tamer

5% Sadist

5% Owner

2% Degrader

Guest LittleLexiKitty

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
91% Girl/Boy
90% Ageplayer
87% Submissive
85% Brat
62% Rope bunny
61% Vanilla
59% Exhibitionist
58% Voyeur
57% Primal (Prey)
55% Switch
55% Masochist
54% Primal (Hunter)
53% Daddy/Mommy
42% Experimentalist
42% Master/Mistress
40% Pet
38% Slave
36% Dominant
26% Rigger
25% Brat tamer
25% Owner
20% Sadist
15% Degradee
7% Degrader
4% Non-monogamist

Posted (edited)

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
89% Daddy/Mommy
72% Rope bunny
69% Switch
65% Rigger
65% Submissive
61% Experimentalist
59% Vanilla
59% Voyeur
54% Dominant
48% Degradee
45% Brat tamer
39% Masochist
38% Master/Mistress
31% Degrader
29% Exhibitionist
28% Girl/Boy
25% Owner
24% Brat
23% Slave
20% Sadist
15% Ageplayer
9% Pet
8% Primal (Hunter)
7% Non-monogamist
7% Primal (Prey)


Maybe I answered some question wrong but I think its more less correct

Edited by Robshik

== Results from bdsmtest.org ==    <=== SUPER HELPFUL
97% Girl/Boy
94% Submissive
82% Pet
77% Ageplayer
69% Vanilla
68% Brat
63% Rope bunny
60% Masochist
44% Daddy/Mommy

22% Slave
18% Experimentalist
13% Primal (Prey)
12% Sadist
11% Switch
8% Rigger
6% Brat tamer
6% Degradee
4% Dominant

4% Owner
3% Master/Mistress
1% Non-monogamist
1% Primal (Hunter)
0% Degrader
0% Voyeur
0% Exhibitionist


Weird test


== Results from bdsmtest.org ==

96% Submissive

96% Pet

95% Girl/Boy

90% Slave

88% Rope bunny

88% Primal (Prey)

84% Experimentalist

84% Brat

83% Masochist

79% Degradee

78% Ageplayer

64% Daddy/Mommy

56% Master/Mistress

54% Switch

50% Vanilla

48% Owner

40% Brat tamer

40% Rigger

38% Dominant

34% Exhibitionist

25% Degrader

25% Primal (Hunter)

18% Sadist

15% Voyeur

5% Non-monogamist




I'm kinda impress about 90% brat but the rest is pretty accurate 


== Results from bdsmtest.org == 

99% Girl/Boy 
98% Pet 
98% Primal (Prey) 
98% Rope bunny 
98% Submissive 

92% Experimentalist 
90% Brat 
81% Ageplayer 
81% Slave 
80% Masochist 
68% Exhibitionist 

58% Vanilla 
56% Non-monogamist 
49% Degradee 
48% Voyeur 
47% Switch 
26% Daddy/Mommy 
24% Sadist 
17% Rigger 
15% Master/Mistress 
15% Owner 
10% Brat tamer 
10% Dominant 
8% Primal (Hunter) 
3% Degrader

== Results from bdsmtest.org == 

99% Submissive 

96% Rope bunny 

94% Pet 

92% Girl/Boy 

91% Masochist 

80% Degradee 

75% Ageplayer 

66% Slave 

66% Brat 

40% Experimentalist 

21% Primal (Prey) 

15% Vanilla 


All of the categories involving dominance were at 0%

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