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Scared in public


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I've never been the little to be afraid to go to Walmart in little clothing and run around the store calling for my daddy when I see a stuffie I want. In fact, I've hardly ever been afraid to be little in public, at least around adults. For some reason I don't care if a middle aged woman sees me sucking on a paci when I'm riding in the car, and I don't care if an older couple does a double take when I call my bf daddy. But for some reason I can't be little around kids. 


It all started when daddy wanted to take me to jumpstreet (one of those trampoline places) and I was over the moon excited because I am a very energetic little. We parked the car and as I was telling my daddy a story I see little kids in the window and I automatically want to leave. But I try to ignore it and continue with the story until a worker- probably younger than us, walks outside to his car and gives me a really dirty look. I instantly start crying saying I don't want to go inside and that I want to go home. 


In fact I start to realize that this isn't the only time I've felt like this. I only want to go to parks after the kids leave and will never go into a kids isle if there are children around it. I feel like around kids I should set a good adult example for them, or that the kids will be confused on why a big kid is looking at coloring books. I suddenly feel like I can't be little when there are actual little kids around. I'm afraid I'll make them feel uncomfortable. A few days ago daddy took me to a park during the day time to try to conquer my fear and it went better than expected. We only stayed for twenty minutes and I didn't really go into little space but I feel like that was a good first step to take. Even though the moms looked at me and my daddy like we were going to kidnap their kids, I felt a little better about swinging with children around me.


I was just wondering if any other littles felt this way, any advice would be appreciated, I really want to go to the trampoline place but I don't know how I'll feel when I'm jumping alongside 7 year olds. I hope this all made sense :heart:


It totally makes sense. I wouldn't want to feel as if kids are staring at me. Especially in little-space.


Some people just don't understand the kink or cg/l in general. When going to places where you're bound to slip into little space (like the trampoline place), you should just have fun!

That's what it was established for, children, adults, teenagers should all be able to go places like that without being judged. For the coloring books, sometimes I wait to even grab one when kids are around. I just feel like their silently forming a negative opinion about me. That i'm weird. But at the end of the day, that person doesn't know you, and you don't know them!


As long as you're happy in the long run with your lifestyle then everything should be alright.

Posted (edited)

This is a very complicated issue. I've been receiving some side eye lately for saying that DDlg is inherently sexual and a part of BDSM but...it is. DDlg is ultimately a fetish, even though it may not always feel like it to us, especially if it is heavily incorporated into our lives, relationships, and personalities, or if our own participation in it isn't entirely sexual. While I don't believe that we should feel ashamed at all for being involved in this lifestyle, I also don't think we should be exposing it to people without their consent. I would personally love to go shopping with my Daddy while wearing pigtails and a paci but I know that I shouldn't because it would be highly inappropriate. Even if there wasn't a large element of DDlg that is taboo, I think it's best to keep private things private.


What I'm trying to say here is that in my opinion you shouldn't engage in little activities (going into little space, calling your bf Daddy) around children. My Daddy and I had a long talk about this exact topic. It may or may not make them uncomfortable but it will confuse them. Not that children aren't already going to be confused about things and ask their parents awkward questions but we shouldn't be contributing to it.


I think it's a good thing that you're taking this into consideration, but it is not a good thing for you to be scared. I don't want you to be scared, or cry, or feel like you can't be yourself. None of us should feel that way in public, or in private for that matter. There has to be a balance between the two. You should have your little side under enough control that you can let it out in public without being blatant. You should behave yourself without being terrified of corrupting the children around you. When I say you here, I mean all littles, not just you specifically. We should all be able to buy coloring books without fear of judgement but we should also probably wait to go on playgrounds when they're aren't any actual kids around.


I'm sorry if this isn't helpful at all. I think you're right to be cautious about going to this trampoline place while children are present and abundant but it's sad that the caution is so strong that it's creating anxiety. Are there certain days of the week/month/year where they have adults only events? Do they have a private room/space that can be rented out for birthday parties? I'm trying to think of a work around solution. 

Edited by LittleKittenLo
  • Like 4

In this world we live in... I feel DDlg is the least likely thing I will have to explain to my children. Why? Because until children reach a certain point in development, age is nothing more than a number. My husband is 28. Our son is 7. Most days he firmly believes my husband to be about 55-60, and my actual mother (who is in her 50's) to be about 30.


Kids don't understand age yet, and frankly, I don't feel like the world should stop to cater to them. I would rather my children ask me a question while they're 7,8,9 or so on than wait until they're 16 and do some "research" to discover false information about a particular topic.


Most children are not inherently born judgemental, it's taught. And frankly, until someone tells them that our "kink" is abnormal, they know no better. I am in no way telling you to perform sexual acts in front of children, that's highly inappropriate, however jumping on some trampolines? The adults may judge you, but you said you have no fear of that. If you want to jump, I say jump.


Our kink, while I agree has a certain degree of sexuality to it, does not have to be contained behind closed doors. Has anyone ever thought that we may be contributing to the taboo beliefs by never showing anyone how normal our relationships are?


I've been vanilla, sub/Dom, and since discovering DDlg found this works best for my Daddy and I. I've hidden it most of my life and relationship, and frankly, we function better just being ourselves.

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The only places that I don't openly refer to Daddy as Daddy is in work and at home (my mum found out but doesn't understand and won't let me e plain. Oh well).


Last time Daddy came over we went to a theme park and I called him Daddy all day, and we went on allthe little kids rides as well as the roller coasters. We got dirty looks from adults, particularly old ladies all day. I thought it was amusing.


However when it comes to children Daddys_Babygirl is right. Children don't understand age and by keeping ourselves hidden we are indeed added to the taboo that we're 'wrong'.

The sexual side of our lives should be kept as private as anyones should be!



However, to answer ops question I think you're doing the right thing, slowly trying to conquer your dear. Also remember the children probably aren't judging you, kids often look up to adults and if they like the same toys of colouring book that you're looking at then it makes them feel validated, because an adult likes it too.

And even if they are jugding you a) What can they do about it? And b ) are you ever gonna see that kid again?


I agree with babygirl. Kids don't really comprehend age. My Daddy's offspring (my stepkiddos) see me as a playmate. They drag me around like they do each other and we play monster trucks amd watch Princess Sophia together. They do understand though that I am able to do things they can't, like cooking, but that has to do with my being taller than them (though not by much I have to say).

That being said- I do get havig to act like a responsible adult around them. I think its because if something were to happen, I am legally an adult so if something were to go wrong, I would be responsible for the consequences.

Adults can be extremely judgemental about anything and everything, but if they dont bother you, then that is awesome. Im pretty jealous of that mindset.

Getting over feeling uncomfortable around kids will probably take you a while. Baby steps are the key to desensitizing you to that so keep going to smaller, less pressured activities (like a public park). Another idea would be taking a friends kids or nieces/nephews to do something. That way you would be more comfortable with doing fun/little things around those kids because you know them.

Guest Angel163
I was at a trampoline place and it was only little kids, plus my friends they went with me but barely bounced cuz they know how I am and wanted to get together. I always slip into little space with kids because they start to like u when u play with them. I just don't care because all my life people have thought I'm weird, which makes me not care anymore. I understand what your saying, the only time I worry is when I see a potential danger for them then I snap out of little space. Don't worry about not being able to be in little space around kids it's understandable.

Sorry you're having this anxiety. :(


I can relate. It may be understandable, because of people's stupid judgments, and it's all well and good to say "oh don't listen to them"... but we do. We can't help it. We're sensitive and want to please, and it hurts when we don't.


I wish I could give you something better... But you can at least message me if you want to talk/complain about it lol. Sometimes just having someone 100% get it can help a lot! My anxiety gets the best of me when I start to believe I'm the only misfit misunderstood person on the planet lol. Just remember we are here for you!

  • 2 weeks later...
I agree very much with Daddy's Babygirl. And dumbledorks princess regarding keeping the sexual side in private.

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