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Punishment Ideas

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Guest Alainnb

I didn't, actually. I made it clear in the beginning that there are no information provided about your relationship, kinks, rules, her reaction or anything so I can only judge from my point of view due to the loss of information...if she was fine, it's alright ^-^


However...firstly, this was supposed to be about non-sexual punishments and not every little is like your one so a big part of it was an advice, not for you, but also for other daddies to be careful with it. I mean, after all, people read this thread and might take a few things from it to try them out, which is fine and good, but they should also be warned about it might mean to their little. Might, because it can but doesn't have to be... so I'm sorry if I offended you or your relationship in a way, I did not know what you just told me and just explained how one might feel in such a situation ^^

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