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Daddy AND Mommy?

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Guest Cloud9Dreamer

Daddy and I have talked about me liking girls more than boys, and he thinks it would be a good idea for me to have a Mommy, too. I love my Daddy very much, I love talking with him and playing with him and doing naughty things over Skype. I wouldn't mind having a Mommy, in fact it would be very nice to have someone else to care for me. But I don't know how to find a Mommy, and I don't know if she'd wanna do naughty things, too. I wanna still be with Daddy, too. What do I do?


Since you have both discussed your desire for a female caregiver and he is supportive of it you can look to start a poly relationship. There are polys in the cg/l dynamic. Maybe post on personals on this site since it is an online community filled with members into the lifestyle. my suggestion would be to post a personals with:

-all the details you did above (that you already have a daddy, he is aware of it, ex),

-what you are like, are you just a little? kitten? pet? 

-your preferences on what you want her to be like (level of attention she can give/ experience/ age, ex.)

-what kind of relationship (will just you and her have a connection or will your daddy be in a relationship with her as well?/ is this a long term relationship you are seeking?/ Are you open to her seeing other people?). 

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